Page 41 of James

Laura closed the door behind them and stuffed her key in a small pocket with a zipper at the back of her running pants. She started off, but James called her back at once with a drawling, “Stretches!”

After a few exercises to loosen up their joints, Laura again set out, and again, James called her name. When she looked back, he was just walking along. Briskly, but walking.

“This is supposed to be a run,” she reminded him, letting him catch up before she grudgingly fell into pace at his side.

“So, tell me how did it feel when you ran the last time?”

“I told you last week. It felt horrible!” she snapped.

“Tone,” he admonished her.

“Sorry, Sir.” Good Lord, she couldn’t even do this right. Her shoulder muscles tensed.

“Apology accepted. I won’t be so lenient with you all the time, though.”

Laura nodded and James continued. “Now, I want you to start nice and easy. The maximum effort you’re allowed to give is a five. We start at a slow pace.” James let Laura set the pace and followed with easy strides.

Within a few blocks, Laura was sweating and panting.

“If you’re not feeling great right now, you have to back off the pace,” James warned.

Laura obeyed and slowed her pace.

“That’s better. But I still see a lot of tension in your posture. Try to relax your hands, don’t make fists. You’re not going into battle.”

Laura had to laugh.

“That’s right.” James’s smile was evident in his voice. “Relax. Enjoy. Go slowly.”

During the run, James kept giving small tips, keeping her from breathing too fast and helping her to stay relaxed as she ran. Laura really started to enjoy herself and was surprised and a little bit disappointed when James told her they were done. As they walked back to her home she asked, “Would you like to come in, or do you need to head home?”

“If you let me shower, I’d like to come inside. Let me grab my bag from the car.”

James followed her inside and they removed their shoes at the front door. Laura took James straight to the kitchen and poured two tall glasses of water. James accepted the glass, stepping closer to her. He swept a lock of hair from her face and smiled down at her. “How do you feel?”

“I’m feeling great. Instead of exhausted, I’m invigorated. Like I could go for another run,” she answered truthfully.

“There you go. That’s how you run. Well done!”

His compliment warmed her from the inside out as the sweat on her back cooled her skin. “Well done to you, too. Without you, I couldn’t have done it.”

They stared at each other silently for a moment. “Where’s your bathroom, subbie? It’s time we get out of these clothes and into the shower.”

“This way, Sir.” Laura couldn’t wait to get the man naked.

Once in the bathroom, he ordered, “Take off my clothes and then strip.”

Laura was a bit surprised but delighted. She pulled off his shirt and kissed his pecs. He had a body many younger men would envy. All the physical work and healthy eating habits showed in his smooth skin and well-defined muscles. He wasn’t bodybuilder or model material, but in Laura’s opinion, he was perfect.

James chuckled. “Have I lulled you to sleep already?”

Laura startled and her face burned. Goodness gracious, this man kept her blushing like a schoolgirl. She pulled herself together and made fast work of shedding his running shorts, boxers, and socks. As she looked up at him, she was confronted with a healthy erection greeting her from his neatly trimmed loins. She licked her lips involuntarily.

“Well,” James drawled above her. “What shall we do now?”


James smiled down at his kneeling submissive and touched her cheek. “As much as I like you kneeling in front of me and would gladly take you up on the invitation in your eyes, you’re overdressed. Strip.” He reached into the shower and turned on the water, letting it heat up as Laura quickly stripped out of her sweaty clothes and threw them in the hamper.