Oh, how I want a scene with him!
She missed what he said to Scott, but when he pressed a cold glass of orange juice in her hand, she realized he wouldn’t push her into ageplay—yet.
She guzzled down her drink without tasting it and belatedly scolded herself that it wasn’t exactly ladylike behavior.
“Do you want another one?” Derek asked.
“No, thank you, Sir. I—” Sonja didn’t know what to say.
“Is someone anxious to play?” His knowing smile made her happy that her dark skin made it harder to tell when she was blushing.
“How do you do that?” she wanted to know.
“You always seem to know what I think or want.”
“I pay attention to body language.” He placed his palm against her face and stroked her cheek with his thumb while he looked at her tenderly. “And you, babygirl, have the most expressive face I’ve ever seen. There isn’t much you can hide from me.”
Sonja scowled at the ground. “Sometimes, I wish I had a poker face, especially when I’m working.” She sighed. “But you’re right. I don’t hide my emotions very well.”
He exercised more pressure to tip her head back and made eye contact. “I agree that in business, it can be a disadvantage, but never hide your feelings from me, babygirl. I can’t take care of your needs if you do.”
She stared up at him wordlessly then jumped when Scott said, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen her speechless, Derek. That’s quite an accomplishment.”
Still silent, Sonja looked between Scott and Derek. Her gaze locked with Derek’s mesmerizing, intense stare.
Scott continued, “She’s gotten into a lot of trouble over the years with her sass. Most of the Doms here would love to see her like this.”
Derek didn’t look away from her as he answered Scott, “I happen to like her smart mouth as long as she isn’t disrespectful.” His answer could have been addressed to her as well.
Her heart did a happy dance.
He likes me and my smart mouth.
Derek finished his drink. He was delighted with Sonja. Dancing with her had been fun—she’d followed him easily, even after he’d advanced into more complicated steps. Her face showed eager anticipation for things to come. He wanted to push her further tonight.
“Sonja, it’s been almost a month since we met, and I’ve kept our play light. Do you trust me enough to push your boundaries a bit tonight?”
Big brown eyes blinked up at him in surprise. “Which boundaries, Sir?”
Her use of the honorific told him she hadn’t realized he’d started their negotiation on equal terms, and he gave her a soft smile. “Derek will be fine for now, Sonja. I want to discuss what I would like to do with you, and remember, your safeword always works, even if you’ve consented to the scene in advance.”
She bobbed her head slowly.
“How comfortable are you with having sex here at the club?”
Sonja chewed on her bottom lip. “I think I’m ready to have sex with you.”
He could drown in those eyes of hers.
“Not sure about it being at the club, though.” Another nibble on her lip and another ‘lost puppy’ look.
Fuck, she was cute.
“You want to come home with me again tonight?”
“Actually, I was thinking about inviting you over to my place.” She looked down at her clasped hands, and he fought the urge to tip up her face.