“That’s wonderful. We can get things kitten-proofed easily enough.” The most adventurous of the kittens had stopped sniffing her hand and was starting to see if it could climb her arm.
“Oh, baby,” she said to the kitten. “Are you ready to come out and see your new home?” She reached in with her other hand to pull it out. “Aren’t you the curious little thing?”
The kitten was not completely white but had a ring of orange near the tip of its tail. She’d never seen anything like it. The other kitten, lonely for its sibling, started looking for a way out, too. Sonja plopped the first one in Derek’s lap and reached infor the other. “You’re adorable, too. Now let’s see. Are you a boy or a girl?” She lifted its tail. “A little girl. And you’re completely white. How lovely. What about the first one, Daddy?”
Derek didn’t have to check. “They’re both eight-week-old females, just-weaned litter mates. I’ve got a bag of kitten food and instructions for them in the car.”
“They’re wonderful, Daddy. And two will be better than one. Snuggles got into all sorts of trouble when he was a kitten, and I wasn’t home to play with him. These darlings will entertain each other. They’re so brave.”
The kittens were sniffing all around Sonja’s and Derek’s laps and finding each other again. They seemed completely fearless. The next thing Sonja knew, the kitten in her lap was on the floor checking out their feet and the floor around and under the couch. The one with the orange tip on her tail joined her sister and the exploration continued.
Sonja was completely smitten as she settled on the ground to watch them.
Derek patted her head. “I’ll be right back, babygirl. I’m going to get their stuff from the car.”
Sonja nodded, but her attention was riveted on the kittens. The completely white one walked around on stiff paws. Her sibling followed in a near crouch. After their second round, exploring all the shiny new things around them, the more timid cat surprised Sonja by making a short sprint that ended in a silly jump right before her. The pure white one flopped on her butt and almost seemed to be thinking, ‘what are you doing?’ Her sibling rushed back to her, and they tumbled to the floor in a whirl of cat limbs.
“What are you going to call them?” Derek asked, startling Sonja. She hadn’t even noticed his return.
“I don’t know, Daddy. Do you have any ideas?”
Derek studied the cats, who now had fallen asleep on top of each other. “Hmm. How about calling the all-white one Luna, after the moon, and the one with the orange tip on her tail, Aurora, for the dawn? The orange tip is just the beginning of the sun coming up.”
“Those are perfect names, Daddy. Luna and Aurora. I like that. They’ve brought light back into the apartment, and you brought them. I love you so much, Derek.”
The next afternoon, Derek walked into their bedroom to find her face down in bed. She was under the covers, but she had her legs spread wide, her right hand tucked under her and her left was clutching the side of the pillow.
That brat!
“What are you doing?”
She startled, let out a small shriek, and replied breathlessly, “N-nothing.”
Derek crossed the room in a couple of firm strides and sat down on the bed beside her. He placed a hand at the other side of her body, effectively trapping her in the confines of her comforter.
“Nothing, huh?” She shook her head against the pillow. “Good girls don’t lie to their Daddies. How about an honest answer?”
She displayed a cute little pout, and he fought the urge to kiss her. A Dom worth his salt wouldn’t surrender to an impulse and reward what was essentially topping from the bottom.
His silence worked, and she answered, “Touching myself, Daddy.”
She squirmed, but he didn’t give her room to wiggle. “On my special place, Daddy.”
“Say it, baby.”
“The one between my legs.”
“Not good enough, precious.”
She groaned, “My clitoris.”
“Now, was that so hard?”
He pulled off the covers, revealing her naked body. She smelled of a citrusy beauty product, and he wanted to bite her juicy ass.