The idea of losing his precious, his babygirl, felt like an abscessed tooth—painful as hell! The idea of Sonja gettinginjured or hurt even more by Angie was unbearable. The worst thing about this was that he not only would loseherbut, also, wouldn’t be able to visit his friends at Club Indigo. Being there without Sonja or—god forbid—bumping into her on a Friday or Saturday night was unimaginable.
Derek resumed pacing. Their breakup had to be public, and they had to put on a good show, otherwise Angie would see right through it. After all, she was a cunning bitch.
“You can’t be serious.” Sonja scowled at Derek from behind her desk. “You’re breaking up with me? Now?”
“Babygirl.” Derek’s low voice held an edge she’d never heard before. He stroked his beard and sighed. “Listen, by revealing your existence, I basically painted a bull’s-eye on your back. I need to take her attention off you.” He sighed again and looked at her wearily. “I could never live with myself if something happened to you because of me.”
Of course, he was leaving. Everybody left her eventually. Her father, her mother, her grandmother, Colton. Even Carol had left her. Her eyes burned, but she wouldn’t give in. She wouldn’t cry. Not here, not now!
“Fuck her, fuck this, fuck you!” Sonja threw her hands in the air.
And the man had the audacity to scowl at her. “Language, babygirl.”
Sonja rose from her chair and placed her fists on her hips. “Oh no, you do not ‘babygirl’ me.” She cursed again and ignored his disapproving glare. “First, you pull me into this ageplay thing, make me fall in love, and then, when shit hits the fan, you dump me.”
“Babygi—” He flinched as he noticed her dead stare and held up his hands in surrender. “Sonja, listen.” Derek sighed and rubbed his hand over his face. “It’s not forever. Just until Angie can be arrested and out of our lives.”
She took a good look at him, and her anger and grief dissipated. It was her own insecurity that was making her mad. Derek had helped her grow in ways she hadn’t realized. She could trust him. This was temporary. She wouldn’t doubt their relationship. He didn’t want to do this. This was a stupid male thing, some Domly attempt to keep her safe. Sonja drew a big gulp of air and settled back into her chair. She wanted to comfort him and draw comfort from him, but they had to talk first.
“What do you suggest?” she asked.
He looked up in surprise, and she raised an eyebrow. Had he expected a tantrum from her?
“We have a public breakup. Either Angie is somewhere lurking and watching or, what’s more likely, she has her spies set up to watch us.”
The idea that Angie had spies in the places they felt the safest, or were supposed to, anyway, sent a shiver down Sonja’s spine, strengthening her resolve that what Derek was asking her to do was the right thing.
“I quit Club Indigo for now, and I avoid the café for a while.”
“Won’t she come after you even harder if she thinks you’re available?”
Derek shrugged. “Maybe.”
“It’s a big maybe, Derek. Angie isn’t rational, is she?”
Derek sighed and hung his head. “I don’t know, precious. I need to get you out of the war zone. All the damage she’s already done to the café, your reputation, and now your car is bad enough. I’m scared she’ll come afteryounext.”
“How is it possible she’s running around freely? I don’t get it. It’s not like the police don’t have any evidence against her.” Sonja shook her head.
“They can’t arrest her if they can’t find her, babygirl.”
“How is someone who is so obviously unbalanced also so smart?” Sonja asked.
“The two characteristics aren’t mutually exclusive.”
“Okay, I don’t like it, but I agree. Let’s get this breakup over with. How about I throw you out of the café?” Sonja stood up and tried to smile, but she knew it didn’t reach her eyes.
Suzie entered the The Sweet and Savory Table office short of breath. “Sorry to be late, but it’s just me today. Abby and Tim got into a big dustup this morning, and settling it took a while. Connor took Tim off for a hike, and I dropped Abby off at her grandparents’. We’re hoping a day apart will help. They seem like oil and water together lately.”
“That’s okay. We only have one item on the agenda for today,” Sonja said as Suzie got settled. Yvonne was joining them because of all her help recently. Although she wasn’t on staff full time, she was sharp and continued to prove her worth. Since she’d helped with the online defamation campaign, the three women had grown closer. Their bond was only getting tighter, as they all attended Club Indigo. Sonja marveled at the way their lives intertwined. She hadn’t counted on that when she’d joined the private BDSM club, but she welcomed the great group of friends in her life.
She forced her attention back to the matter at hand. “That business with the false online reviews showed us we’re vulnerable. I’d like to do something special to find more customers as well as keep our regulars happy. I know ourproducts are selling well again, but we need to keep innovating to attract new people,” Sonja said.
Suzie nodded and smiled. “I agree, but somehow, I haven’t had much inspiration lately. All I seem to do is keep the peace between Abby and Tim.” She sighed. “Teenagers!”
Sonja had no idea how it was to raise children, but judging by Suzie’s evident exhaustion and Connor’s strained expression the previous night, she gathered the Carmichael household wasn’t running smoothly these days.