Page 72 of Derek

“Now, that would be a bribe, but maybe a piece of pastry when we solve the case.” Paula winked, and everyone chuckled. “I’ll call you later. Let me know if anything more happens. Bye, everyone,” Paula called as they left.

“We need to get this mess cleaned up,” Sonja said to the room at large.

“Yes,” Suzie agreed. “Anyone still here in the kitchen?”

Several voices answered.

“Anyone who helps with cleanup gets double time for the day,” Sonja added.

In minutes, there were three servers, two busboys, and two dishwashers in the main room with cleaning supplies, trashbags, and trays for dishes that had survived the chaos. They got to work immediately.

Connor said softly, “You realize, ladies, we don’t have much of a margin to stay closed for the day, pay people extra, and waste food.”

“And Sonja promised all the customers free meals the next time they come in,” Suzie added.

“Sonja,” Connor said in his best Dom voice.

She took a step back from him but steeled herself to respond, “Take it out of my check this month. We owe it to the staff and the customers. The goodwill is worth the cost.”

“Aye, lass. You’re probably right.” Connor turned to Derek. “Shall we paint first, or put up the cameras?”

“I’m going to call a window repair company first and see if I can get a new window for you today. That’s on me, since my ex is the one responsible,” Derek answered. “I think the cameras first, though. We should wait on the painting until the day is as warm as it’s going to get. I think it’s supposed to be sunny.”

“You don’t have to do that, Derek,” Sonja objected. “I was going to call the landlord.”

“The landlord will take too long, and you don’t want a boarded-up window while you wait. You can pay me back from the insurance claim. Maybe.” Derek was determined to help. This was his mess.

“We can argue over payment later. I’m going to get a ladder and get started on the cameras. Join me as soon as you can, Kiriakis.” Connor headed toward the furnace room.

“Call James first, Derek,” Suzie said. “He’s a contractor, so he’s bound to know someone who can help. He might be able to do it himself.”

Derek went to the office to call Suzie’s brother-in-law. Five minutes later, he emerged. “James is sending a truck in an hour. He’s got people who can do it, and we can keep it inthe family. They’ll take measurements, and if they can’t replace it today, they come equipped with plywood. He recommended safety glass. I agreed on your behalf. If it breaks again, it won’t cut people.”

“Thank you, Derek,” Sonja said. “You don’t have to do this.”

“I know I don’t,” he replied, “but I’m doing it anyway. I’ll be outside if you need anything else.”

“Thanks, Derek,” Suzie called behind him.

He raised his hand in acknowledgement and went to join Connor.


Once the cameras were installed, the painting finished, and the new window in place, it was mid-afternoon and everyone was exhausted. Suzie had left earlier to meet her kids from school. Connor, Sonja, and Derek took a few moments to take stock.

Sonja said, “It looks like we’re set to open tomorrow morning. Thank you for all your work. I know you both had other plans for the day, and I appreciate your help.”

“There’s nothing to thank me for, lass. I have a stake in the success of this place, too, after all,” Connor replied.

“Yeah, but our deal does not include you painting and installing security cameras, and I heard you canceling client meetings.” Sonja wanted him to know how much she appreciated the stubborn Scotsman.

“Nothing urgent was involved. Everything is taken care of. Consider it part of the service. I’m going home to Suzie. You two have a good rest of your day.” Connor left with a wave of his hand and no chance for more talk.

“Don’t thank me, babygirl,” Derek said before she could start. “I consider myself responsible. I know you don’t, but that doesn’t change anything. And the city could do without me forone day. I need to see if I can get through to Jackson before it gets any later. Care to join me in the office?”

“Sure. I want to know what’s going on, too.”

They went into the office where Derek took the desk for the call, miraculously getting through to Jackson right away. “Let me put you on speaker, Jackson. Sonja’s here, and it will be easier if we don’t have to go through this more than once.”