Page 70 of Derek

He moved around, trying to comfort and reassure people. Most were shaken, but no one else nearby was hurt. He made it to Sonja and Suzie as multiple approaching sirens became audible. He was pleased to see both women were wearing rubber gloves as they assisted the injured people, one, he recognized as a server and the other, an elderly woman. The young Black server seemed to have gotten the worst of it. She had apparently been hit in the shoulder and had fallen to the ground. The blood was coming from her arm, and he saw pieces of a coffee carafe around on the floor. He couldn’t see what was wrong with the other woman.

“This is Miss Clara,” Sonja said, introducing them. “She’s here every morning for breakfast. Krystal,” she indicated the server, “got hit and fell into Miss Clara, knocking them both to the ground.”

“Now, Sonja, just relax. I’m not hurt. Only a little surprised is all.” The white-haired lady patted Sonja’s arm. “I’ll be fine. All I need is for this strong young man to help me up.” She reached for Derek’s arm and gave a groan.

“Miss Clara,” Suzie said from her other side. “Why don’t you wait for the EMTs to get here and check you out? Just to be on the safe side.”

“If you insist. You girls worry too much.” Miss Clara leaned back against the table that was on its side on the floor and sighed.

The sirens stopped as the various emergency vehicles arrived, and two uniformed police officers were the first inside. They had their guns drawn. “We had a report of shots fired?” the first officer asked.

Derek stood up, holding his hands where they could be seen. “No shots, officer. Someone threw something through the window.”

“Who are you, and did you see it?” The officer seemed suspicious of him but lowered his weapon.

Derek identified himself and said, “No, but the gentleman by the window did. I also called Detective Cagney. He should be here shortly. I believe this is part of a stalking case that’s escalating.”

“Do you have whatever was thrown?”

“It’s over here on the floor. It looks like a rock with something taped to it,” Suzie said. “We haven’t touched it.”

“Good.” He turned to his partner. “Go get the EMTs and then have a look outside to see who’s around. See if you can get pictures of anyone who looks too curious.”

“Sure thing, Vince,” the second cop said, then headed outside.

Two paramedics, a man and a woman, came in. The man had the ex-military look with his short hair and the way he took inthe scene. They quickly assessed the situation. The cop named Vince was already with the man by the window and the male EMT joined them there. Derek waved the woman over to where he was.

She joined them and introduced herself as Lydia. “Who needs help here?”

Sonja indicated the injured women. “I think you should start with Miss Clara.”

Miss Clara said, “Do Krystal first. She’s the one who was hit.”

“Sorry, ma’am, but our rule is ‘age before beauty’. Can you tell me where it hurts?” Lydia asked as she began her examination.

Activity at the door had Derek look up to see Jackson arrive with none other than Paula Stone. As always, Paula looked professional in a gray pantsuit with a fuchsia blouse and matching scarf adding a touch of color and femininity. Officer Vince broke away from the man he was questioning when he spotted the detectives enter, and the three of them spoke together for a few moments before the detectives came over to Derek, Sonja, and Suzie.

“This does not look good,” Paula said without preamble.

“No, it doesn’t,” Derek replied. “We have to stop this.”

“Yes, we do. So, who was out here when it happened?” Paula asked.

“I was,” Sonja said. “I was over at the hostess stand. Suzie was in the kitchen, and Derek was in the office. I was chatting with customers waiting for a table when I heard a noise, the glass broke, and all hell broke loose. Somebody yelled, ‘Get down; someone’s shooting,’ and you can see the results. I think I must have seen Krystal fall first, but I’m not really sure. I just knew I had to get over here.”

Paula turned to Krystal. “What do you remember?”

“I finished pouring Miss Clara a fresh cup of coffee, and it was the last in my carafe or I’d be burned instead of just cut from the glass. I heard a noise, and I think I saw the glass breaking as I felt something hit me hard in the shoulder. I fell on Miss Clara and we both went down,” Krystal said. “Someone pulled the table down to protect us, but I didn’t see who.”

“Miss Clara, what do you remember?” Paula asked.

The older woman was nodding. “It was just like Krystal said. She poured my coffee, and there was the sound of breaking glass. Krystal fell against me, and we both went down. I think that rock over there is the cause.” She pointed at the offending object.

“Has anyone touched it?” Jackson asked.

“Not since I came over,” Sonja said. “It looks like it’s covered in paper. Will that have fingerprints?”

“We hope so.” The detective pulled a pair of rubber gloves from his jacket pocket and crouched to have a look. He took several photos with his phone before he reached over and touched it carefully. “This paper is taped on pretty thoroughly. I think we take it straight to the lab and not try to do anything with it here,” he said to Paula. He pulled out an evidence bag and gently worked it over the rock.