Page 5 of Derek

Sonja moaned and shuddered under his ministrations, and he forgot all about the vibrator. Holding on to her trembling thighs, he licked at her entrance and sucked on her little bud. The wetness that coated her pussy lips turned thicker and sweeter as he ramped up her arousal. He lubed his finger with her wetness and rimmed her entrance. She was impossibly snug around his finger. Sonja screamed her first release, and he vowed it wouldn’t be her last.

He withdrew his finger and softly suckled on her labia while swirling his tongue around her sensitive clit. As her breathing slowed, he lifted his head and reached for the cleaning wipes that were scattered in all the rooms, just as condoms were. Now was not the time to have sex with her, not even as his rock-hard cock wept drops of precum for her. Tonight, was about Sonja, not him. His dick would have to wait. There was no way he was going to fuck Sonja in this vulnerable state or without proper negotiation. He was, however, going to drive her to another fierce orgasm before he untied her and gave in to his need to hold and cuddle her on his lap.


Groggily, Sonja pulled the soft comforter under her chin and burrowed deeper to stay asleep a little longer. A heavy weight lay over her middle and pressed on her bladder.Snuggles?She shifted, trying to dislodge him, but he didn’t budge. Instead, he curled around her—and pulled her against a long, warm body.

Sonja was wide awake in an instant.

“Stop wiggling that delectable ass against my cock, unless you want to fuck, babygirl,” someone with a sleep-roughened voice muttered in her ear.

Sonja froze and tried to remember the previous evening’s events. Derek, Club Indigo, the medical room, coming at least twice… She’d enjoyed herself, but she didn’t go home with strange men, even if they’d given her great orgasms at the club. “What the hell is going on here?” she asked as she pulled herself away from him and tried to take the sheet with her. Her need to stay covered won out over her wish to leave the bed she was still sharing with Derek. “Do you make a habit of bringing home women who are in no position to object? I thought the club had higher standards for its members.”

“Slow down, babygirl. Just what do you think happened last night?” Derek sounded puzzled at her response. He let her go, and they moved as far apart as the bed would allow.

“It’s obvious. We had a scene. The orgasms were great, by the way. Then I must have passed out or something, and you brought me here. I woke up naked in your bed. The conclusion I draw is you fucked me after you got me back here.”

“Check yourself, baby. You should have some idea if you had sex last night. You were very tempting, but I was raised to respect women, and I would never dream of taking advantage of a woman in subspace. When we finished our scene at the club, you were so far out of it, I knew you wouldn’t be able to get yourself home. You also were too far gone for me to take you to your house and leave you. Subdrop is a real risk when you fly that high.”

It sounded like a reasonable explanation. Sonja took stock of her body, and it didn’t feel like Derek had taken advantage of her. He was likely telling the truth. Her temper crashed as fast as it had risen.

“Okay, sorry about that. I shouldn’t have assumed the worst.” She hoped he heard the sincerity in her words. She turned her head to make eye contact with him. “Really, Derek. I’m sorry.”

“I forgive you, babygirl,” he said, propping himself up on one elbow.

“Why do you keep calling me that?”

“It’s an endearment; that’s all.”

Sonja turned to face him completely, using the sheet to ensure her breasts were still covered. “That’s not it; you’re a Daddy Dom, and you want to play with a Little one. I told you, I’m not into ageplay, Derek.”

“So, you said,” he agreed.

“You don’t believe me?” Her voice rose, and she could feel her temper rising again.

“Listen, Sonja, I’m not a morning person. If you insist on having this discussion now, let’s get up and have breakfast or at least a cup of coffee.”

She hadn’t expected him to accommodate her wishes so quickly and couldn’t manage anything more than “Okay” before Derek extricated himself from the sheets and got out of bed.

Sonja could only stare. Clad only in snugly tented navy-blue boxer-briefs, he offered a prime view. It wasn’t fair that he looked like this. The man must be close to fifty. Shouldn’t he at least have a protruding belly? Or thinning hair? His hair was full and still mostly dark, except for his temples and his beard, which were speckled with gray. Sonja would bet it was all natural; he didn’t seem the type to dye his hair. His build was lean and healthy without overly thick muscles. He didn’t look like James and Chris, who worked construction, or like Connor, who did heavy weightlifting, but damn, the man was a fine sight.

At her lack of response, he halted and regarded her, a knowing smirk forming on his face. “Ah, I can see the attraction is mutual.” He leaned in and placed a gentle finger under her chin, closing her gaping mouth.

Classy and sophisticated, Sonja!

He pressed a kiss to her lips and pulled back to whisper against her mouth, “Put something on before I fuck you so senseless you can’t form a coherent thought, let alone speak.”

Sonja accepted a fluffy, deep green robe from him and tied the sash around her waist to keep the lapels from falling open and revealing her breasts. Where were her clothes? If only she at least had her bra. Gravity was starting to take its toll on her breasts, and they needed the support. She blinked and wanted to call him on his arrogance, but he might be right. If the guy was as good with his dick as with his mouth, she’d pass out after sex with him, especially after her long dry spell.

“The bathroom is through there.” He indicated a door she had assumed must be a closet. “I’ll be in the kitchen. It’s down the hall.”

Sonja nodded, acutely aware of her physical needs.

“Towels are under the sink and so are spare toiletries. Feel free to use anything but join me in the kitchen in about ten minutes, please.”

“Yes, Sir.” Her response to a Dominant was automatic after years in BDSM, and she waited for his approving nod before entering the tiled room. The bathroom was big and luxurious, and she gazed longingly at the shower with multiple heads. There was no way she would be able to shower in less than ten minutes. She emptied her bladder and washed her hands. Was she ready to face Derek? Sonja ducked under the sink and was relieved to find a toothbrush, still in plastic. She took her time brushing her teeth. Once she finished, almost five minutes had passed, and she was collected enough to have coffee with a sexy, gorgeous, and overbearing Dom who thought she had Daddy issues.

Sonja entered the kitchen as Derek slid the last piece of bacon into the oven. He finished mixing the pancake batter and poured the first four on his hot griddle before turning to her. She looked lovely in his bathrobe with a makeup-free face. He liked the soft, after-sleep look on her and the sight of her in his kitchen, his bed—anywhere in his home. He dropped the spatula on the counter and went to her. When his lips touched hers, she stiffened for a second before giving in to the pressure of his mouth and the sweeping motion of his tongue. Her eyes fluttered closed at the same moment she parted her lips for him. He could tastethe mint from the toothpaste first, and then it was all Sonja. He explored her body with his hands, loosening the belt and cupping her magnificent breasts. Reluctantly, he pulled away from their kiss and studied her—relaxed posture, tits on display for his enjoyment, soft mouth, and shining eyes.