Page 53 of Derek

“Swell. Thanks, Ann. Tell her I’ll be right with her.” Derek lingered over his desk for a few more minutes. He didn’t know why he wanted to see her in an interview room, but his instinct was strong.

Derek picked up his laptop for notetaking and headed through the rabbit warren of cubicles and offices to the interview rooms. When he arrived, he glanced through the window but could only see the back of the woman’s head. She had red hair and was wearing a hat. He opened the door and entered. “Good afternoon Ms. Mart—” He stopped short when the woman turned around and he recognized Angie in a wig and glasses.

“Daddy!” Angie stood up but didn’t come to him. “I had to talk to you again. You weren’t very nice to me at the munch.”

Her lower lip came out in what she likely assumed was an attractive pout. Derek had seen it too many times to be taken in by it again.

“I think everything has been said, Angie. We broke up over a year ago. If you insist on continuing this, I need to record the meeting.” He followed the statement by flipping a switch on the wall before moving to the other side of the table from her. “Why are you here?”

“I don’t care what you do as long as you listen to me, Daddy, uh, Derek. I know I came on too strong at the munch, and I’m sorry I fibbed to get this appointment, but there are things I need to tell you. Please, can we talk like rational adults?”

Angie sounded reasonable enough. Maybe he should hear her out. It might save trouble later.

“Sit down, Angie. I’ll listen to what you have to say.” He took the chair across from her.

“Okay. Thank you, Daddy. I mean, Derek.” Angie drew a deep breath and folded her hands together. “I did a lot of soul-searching when you left St. Louis. I know some of my behavior was inappropriate, and I started therapy. I’m learning a lot. When I heard that you were in Kansas City, I had to come and show you how much better I am. I’m afraid I scared you at the munch. I was just so excited to see you.”

“I’m happy to hear you’re getting help. Therapy can help you get a better perspective on your life.” Derek was cautious about how much he encouraged her. “What have you learned?”

“Um, well, I’ve learned that I have to pay more attention to what my partner wants and not to overwhelm him with my needs.”

“Anything else?” Derek was skeptical. Her insights sounded like someone who had been watchingDr. Phil, rather than seeing a competent therapist.

“Yeah, there’s other stuff, but that’s the most important part, I think.” She twisted her hands together repeatedly, telling Derek there was something wrong with her story.

“Thank you for telling me. I’m glad to know you’re getting the help you need.” He hoped he sounded positive about her getting help without being encouraging about their relationship.

“Great. So, we can get back together then? I can move down here really easily.”

The look on her face was so hopeful, he almost hated what he had to say next. “No, Angie, we’re not getting back together. I’ve told you multiple times, our relationship was over a long time ago. I’ve moved on, and so should you.”

“B-but, but, Daddy.”

The tears were welling in her eyes. They were genuine, but he suspected they came more from building hysteria than real sorrow.

“Daddy, I love you, and you love me.”

Time for the hard truth. “I don’t love you. I don’t know if I ever loved you, Angie. I loved the idea of us, but the reality was not what I had hoped. I said I’ve moved on. I mean it. I have a new woman in my life, and I love her.” He paused, and when she stayed silent, he continued. “Angie, I don’t believe you really love me or ever did love me. I think you wanted a father figure, and I was there, but that doesn’t make it love. You have problems. I suggest you go back to St. Louis and do more therapy. A lot more.”

“You’ve found someone else?” Tears streamed down Angie’s face now.

“Yes, I have.” Derek struggled to remain calm. He needed to stay rational, no matter what Angie did or said. Recording the meeting would be pointless otherwise.

“You’ve found someone else?” The room temperature seemed to drop twenty degrees. Derek nodded.

“Who is she?”

“I don’t think telling you would be a good idea, and it’s certainly none of your business.”

“Who is she?” Now, Angie went from cold to boiling, and she practically screamed the question.

“It’s not your concern. Calm down, Angie.”

“You can’t find someone else! You love me!” Angie jumped up and looked like she might climb over the table toward him.

Derek hit the panic button beneath the table edge then backed away. “You need to calm down, Angie. I’ve called for security to come.”

Angie didn’t seem to hear him but kept screaming and trying to get to him, but Derek managed to keep the table between them. They circled several times while Angie alternated between shouting obscenities at his new lover and swearing her love for Derek. It took almost five minutes before two security guards entered the room.