Page 44 of Derek

Angie burst out crying and threw herself at him again.

“What’s going on, Derek?” Jackson asked behind him, seemingly alerted that something was amiss.

Derek was relieved he’d told Jackson about his former submissive before joining Club Indigo and said, “Thisis Angie.”

Jackson didn’t need any more explanation, and after a few words with his companions, he stepped around and pulled Angie from Derek. The strong detective held her upper arms in a firm grip, and she started screaming.

Derek had to resist the urge to cover his ears, but instead, he nodded to Jackson. “Thank you!”

Molly and Will had sidled up to him, and he felt their support even before Molly spoke. “Angie,” followed by a louder, “Angie!”

When the woman kept screaming and fighting against Jackson’s hold, Molly took a step forward and put her hands on either side of Angie’s face. After a moment, Angie stilled. Molly nodded. “Better. Now can you behave like a human being and not some crazy banshee?”

“I’m going to sue you all! Let me go so I can call the police. You assaulted me.”

Derek heard a chuckle beside him and turned to see Will. He’d almost forgotten about the other man.

“Good luck with that; let’s make this official,” Will said to Angie. “The guy holding you is Detective Jackson Cagney and I’m Detective Will Tolbert. Enough police for you?”

“Daddy, do something about these people!” Angie begged Derek.

“No, Angie. I’ve been very clear with you since we broke up. We’re done!”


“Let me escort this unwanted guest out,” Jackson said as he started to maneuver Angie to the exit. She began struggling again, and he growled in her ear, “Behave, or I’ll let Molly have another round with you.” Angie gave up her efforts, and Derek almost laughed at the glance she sent Molly’s way. The woman wasn’t tall but she was a Domme through and through.

Molly winked at Derek. “Let’s go enjoy the munch.”

Derek started when Will clapped him on the shoulder and rumbled, “Come on. It’s why we’re here, isn’t it?”

What?Derek had hoped for a bit more supportive behavior from his friends and the local police, but he hadn’t been expecting this!

Stunned by this turn of events, Derek let Molly and Will escort him to a booth where they would have privacy from the audience that had gathered at Angie’s disruption.

“So”—the way Molly stretched the word held a wealth of meaning—“who is Angie?”

Derek released a shuddering sigh and scrubbed a hand over his face.

Will chuckled. “Unlike Jackson, I have no clue who Angie is, but it’s obvious you weren’t happy to see her. By the way you’re looking right now, I think you need a drink.” The big man sauntered off to the bar without waiting for Derek’s reaction.

He wanted to get shit-faced, but that wouldn’t solve a thing. Besides, he didn’t want Sonja to see him wasted or have to deal with the aftermath. Wait a minute. Derek peered around. “Where’s Sonja?”

Molly shrugged. “I don’t know.” She scanned the room. “I don’t see her. Should she be here?”

“Yes, I was stuck at work, so she came on ahead.”

“You don’t think that she saw that stunt and ran off, do you?” Molly asked.

Derek closed his eyes in horror as he realized how it must have looked to a submissive in a new relationship, struggling with her Little identity and her own appeal.

Fuck!He wanted to roar and throw something. He wanted to go outside and?—

Will clamped a hand on his shoulder and pressed a tumbler into his hand. “Drink this. I recognize that murderous look. I’ve seen it multiple times when we had to let a criminal go because an asshole lawyer found some loophole. Calm the fuck down, before you do something stupid, and we have to book you. Now, tell me who Angie is.”

Molly slapped her hands on her knees and rose from her chair. “Excellent idea. I’ll find Sonja.”

Derek mouthed “Thank you,” to her and turned to look up at Will, whose grip was still firm. The guy packed serious muscle, and Derek couldn’t have moved if he wanted. “I’m cool.”