Page 29 of Derek

“My absolute favorite is Peach Tree Café—it’s a Kansas City institution. I’m not sure it’s a good area for you to be going into alone at night. Let me pick up the food and meet you.”

“No way, babygirl. I’ve been in every neighborhood in this city. I’ll be fine. Besides, it’s much closer to me than it is to you. Since when do babygirls need to protect their Daddies, anyway? What would you like?”

Sonja’s voice dropped a little. “I’m sorry, Daddy. I’d like their fried chicken dinner, with green beans, fried okra, mashed potatoes and gravy, and peach cobbler for dessert, please.”

“Sounds good to me. I’ll call it in and meet you at your place in about an hour?”

“That would be wonderful. It’ll give me a chance to get a shower.”


Sonja arrived home pondering how easily she’d called Derek ‘Daddy’. Maybe shewasa Little. Perhaps she was starting to trust him. Was it time to explain her history with her father to him?

Snuggles met her at the door, eager for cuddles and food. She was never sure which was the higher priority for him. She picked him up to carry him to the kitchen. “You’re still losing weight, baby. Your appetite was supposed to get better when we fixed your tooth.” Snuggles licked her hand as she put him down. “How about some stinky fish tonight? Would that stay down, do you think?” She opened the can, scooped half of it onto a plate, and put it on the floor. Snuggles approached it eagerly but ate only three bites before walking away. “Snuggles! What am I doing wrong? Well, maybe you’ll feel like more in a while.” He followed her into the bedroom and jumped up onto the bed to watch her as she took off her clothes and grabbed her robe. “I’m sorry, Snuggles. I need to get a shower before Derek gets here. We’ll cuddle more later.”

She came back into the bedroom fifteen minutes later to find Snuggles at the edge of the bed looking ready to jump, but he wasn’t moving. “What’s the matter, big boy? Do you needhelp getting down?” Snuggles looked at her and meowed. She grabbed a chair that usually had clothes on it and set it closer to the bed. Snuggles still didn’t move, so she picked him up and put him on the chair. “Can you get down now?” The cat meowed again, and she put him on the floor. He went straight to the kitchen, and Sonja followed. Snuggles ignored his food dish and went to the fountain that he drank from, as he preferred his water running. She was pleased to see he drank quite a bit, since she knew it helped his kidneys. She left him at the fountain and went to get dressed.

Twenty minutes later, she was ready for Derek. She had the coffee table set for dinner and sat down to wait. Snuggles had been in his bed on the end of the couch but got up and came to her as soon as she’d made a lap. “Oh, Snuggles, Derek is coming soon. The lap is going to be temporary, but you can stay until he’s here, I guess. It’s good I unlocked the door. That gives you a couple of extra minutes since I can reach the door buzzer from here.” Snuggles purred his agreement and they sat quietly for several more minutes before she heard the distinctive sound of the lobby bell. She reached over and held the buzzer control down for a count of twenty, which should be enough time for Derek to get through the locked entrance. When she heard the knock on her door three minutes later, she called out, “Come in. It’s open.” She turned her head as Derek entered. “Sorry I didn’t get up, but Snuggles decided to take over my lap and I’m trapped.” She pointed downward. “He doesn’t seem to be feeling well tonight.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, but how did the door come to be unlocked?” Derek’s expression was soft as he considered the cat, but his voice sounded unnecessarily stern to Sonja. “You had to open the door before you sat down.”

“What do you mean?” Sonja was puzzled. “If I’m expecting someone, I unlock the door. It’s no big deal.”

“What if I hadn’t been me, but someone who took advantage of the fact you were expecting someone?” Derek continued.

“That’s awfully far-fetched, isn’t it?”

“Maybe, but I would appreciate it if you would keep the door locked until you’ve looked through the peephole to know for sure who’s out there.”

“Yes, Daddy,” Sonja said, humoring him.

“Watch your tone, little girl.” Derek sat down next to her and opened the takeout containers to serve their dinner. “Can you eat with Snuggles in your lap?”

“Not very easily.” She looked down at the cat, who was getting interested in the food on the coffee table. “I’m sorry, baby boy, but you’re going to have to go back to your bed.” She followed her words with actions, and Snuggles quickly settled back in his spot.

Sonja filled Derek in on her doctor’s appointment as they ate.

“Have you read the information Erin gave you?”

Sonja nodded. “I did.”

“Is it okay for me to read it, too?”

“Yes, I’ll get it for you.” She half rose.

Derek smiled. “After dinner will be okay. If your insurance doesn’t cover the test, I can help you with the expense.”

Sonja shook her head. “Not necessary. It’s all covered but my deductible. I plan to do it soon.”

Her answer seemed to satisfy Derek, and as he rose to get dessert, Sonja fetched the papers on fibroid cysts. They settled over their cobbler.

Derek took one bite and let out a satisfied groan. “Damn, babygirl, this is incredible. Sweet, buttery, just the right amount of spice. I could eat this every day.” He scooped up another bite, shaking his head in appreciation. “You sure you didn’t sneak Suzie over here to make this?”

Sonja said, “This is good, but Suzie’s is the best I’ve ever had. She doesn’t make it very often, though, mostly in the summer when she can get really good fresh peaches.”

“That’s a shame. You’ve got a little around the corner of your mouth. Allow me.” He leaned over her and licked first at the smidge of cobbler and then turned it into a kiss that tasted like peaches and Derek, with a hint of fried chicken.

“I want to try something different tonight, to celebrate. How would you feel about learning how pleasure and pain can go together?” Derek asked.