“I’ll try, but I can’t promise.” Sonja pressed her lips together as they wobbled. Her eyes burned. “Thanks for calling yourself.”
She clenched her free hand into a fist, her nails biting into her palm. She wasn’t going to fall apart. Not now. Not yet.
But the weight of it pressed in. The past. The present. The uncertainty stretching in front of her like an open wound.
She didn’t want to do this again.
Get a spine, girl!
As soon as Sonja disconnected the call from Dr. Davidson, she looked up the number for the women’s health center and dialed. Amazingly, she was only on hold for about ten seconds. She had a 4:15 pm appointment for the biopsy in less than three minutes. Sonja released a relieved breath and started gathering her things.
She was on her way out the door when her phone rang again. What now? Hadn’t her afternoon been disturbed enough already? Her phone showed Derek’s number. She couldn’tignore him. “Hello, Derek,” she said. “To what do I owe the pleasure of my afternoon call?”
“Hi, baby, nothing good.” Derek sounded frustrated. “I have to cancel dinner. I’ve got a royal mess here that I have to straighten out today. Can I have a rain check?”
“Of course you can, Sir. Any chance you can make it to the club after you get your mess straightened out?”
“I hope so. Meet you there between eight and nine? If I’m not there by nine, head home. I have to go now.”
“Sure. I’ll see you at the club, then. Bye.” As she disconnected the call, Sonja realized Derek would want to hear about her past few days. They hadn’t spoken since Wednesday, and she hadn’t thought of telling him about her tests. What should she say to him about the upcoming biopsy?
I think it’s best if I keep that to myself until I have the results. It’s probably nothing anyway.
With that settled, she headed out to run a few errands and get a quick bite before she left for the club.
Promptly at 8:00 PM, Sonja entered Club Indigo. Suzie and Kate were minding the door tonight, which probably meant Connor was DM for the early shift.
“How’s married life treating you?” Sonja asked, making conversation as she signed in.
“Pretty well,” Suzie answered. “We’re still working out the kinks of how much control Connor wants and how much I’m willing to give, and the children are still adjusting, but life’s wonderful.”
“You’re very lucky.”
“Don’t I know it. Have a good evening.” She handed Sonja back her driver’s license and club membership card.
In the dressing room, Sonja changed into an outfit she’d put together from thrift store purchases. She hoped Derek would enjoy it. She believed he would.
Molly Evans, the nurse from the hospital, was sitting alone at one end of the bar when Sonja arrived, but there was no sign of Derek. She hadn’t expected him to be there at eight but hadn’t wanted to take a chance he might be able to get there before she did. His ‘messes’ usually took longer to clear up than he anticipated. Still, he would expect her to be waiting, or so she liked to think.
She went to join Molly. After chatting with her on Thursday, she wanted to get to know her better. She’d barely said hello when Scott came over for her drink order. “The usual orange juice, please, but put it in a glass, would you?”
Scott chuckled at that. “Sure. Be right back with it.”
“Nice outfit,” Molly said. “Where did you find a plaid skirt these days?”
“Goodwill. They have great stuff if you dig a little,” Sonja answered. “You look good, too. I like being able to see your whole tat.”
Molly wore a gorgeous leather bustier without an overshirt that evening, showcasing the phoenix tattoo she had where her left breast had once been.
“Thanks. I always show it in all its glory after a clean mammogram. How about you? Did you get a good report?”
Scott returned with Sonja’s orange juice and left them alone again. He was remarkably good at knowing when to be invisible.
“Sonja? Did something happen?” Molly looked concerned.
“I have to have a biopsy on Monday.” Sonja’s voice got low. “It’s only three millimeters, but the doctors want to know what it is, given my family history.”
“That’s a sound way to go. What does Derek say? For that matter, where is he?” Molly asked.