Page 14 of Derek

At the turn of the key in the lock, Snuggles appeared in the hallway, only to go into a tactical retreat when he realized Sonja wasn’t alone.

“Um.” She looked up at him, unsure what to do next. A moment passed before her instinct for taking care of people took over. “Why don’t you sit down, and I’ll get us something to drink?”

He smiled at her. “Of course.”

“I don’t have any hard liquor or beer in the house, but I have wine, water, and juice.”

“A glass of wine would be nice if you’re having one yourself. Otherwise, I’d prefer the water.”

Sonja showed him the couch in the living room. “Please excuse me for a moment.” She went into her kitchen and fixed a quick platter of cheese and crackers. Picking the wine took even less time—she opened a bottle ofRamey Ritchie Vineyardchardonnay she’d bought at a charity auction and never seemed to have reason to drink.

On her return, she had to smile. Derek was sitting on his haunches with Snuggles cautiously approaching him.

“I bet he’ll be on your lap in no time,” she said.

Derek gracefully rose to his feet to assist her, but she shook her head. “Not needed, I’ve been waitressing for close to thirty years. Please sit.”

Derek did as she asked. “It looks lovely, babygirl.”

She handed him the wine then settled on the big chair beside the couch and pulled her legs up.

“Are you having second thoughts?” he asked.

“Um, no, I’m not, but I feel awkward bringing you home with me,” she answered with an honesty that surprised her.

He placed the wine glass on a coaster and ordered, “Come here, babygirl.”

She didn’t hesitate to follow his command as the relief of him taking charge washed over her.

She started to lower herself next to him, but in a smooth maneuver, he tugged her onto his lap. “Come here, babygirl, give me those lips.”

She leaned in willingly for a kiss that ended way too soon for her taste. She loved the intimacy of kissing, and Derek possessed a sensual mouth he knew how to use.

“Have you ever brought someone home with you from the club?” he asked.

“Um, no, I keep my play at the club usually,” she answered.

“Ever had a one-night stand?”

She shook her head.

“When was the last time you made love, baby?” His gentle tone brought tears to her eyes.

“When I lost my virginity,” she whispered.

He couldn’t have looked more stunned if she had hit him over the head.

“How old were you?” he asked.

She stared down at her lap. “Sixteen.”

At his silence, she looked up. His eyes seemed greener than brown from this angle, but she couldn’t see what he was thinking. Did she disgust him? She loathed herself for what she’d done back then.

“Who was he? Your boyfriend?”

Sonja couldn’t explain the circumstances without giving away her sordid background, so she mumbled, “I thought he was.” It was kind of the truth.

He narrowed his eyes but didn’t call her on it. “And you never met someone after?”