“Intellectually, I know that, but as a Dom, it feels like something I should be able to control,” Derek said. “I’ll call Jackson Cagney when it gets to be a reasonable hour. In the meantime, I believe we have subs to punish, wouldn’t you say so, Captain?”
“Indeed, I would.” In one big stride, he was in Suzie’s face and had her by the neck. Over his shoulder, he addressed Derek. “I’ll take care of this one in the office. Feel free to join us if you like.”
Suzie spluttered and protested, but Derek ignored the couple and turned his attention to his babygirl. She was going to feel his hand on her bottom very soon.
Sonja gulped and took a tentative step backward.
“Damn it! It’s not your problem, Derek.” Sonja jumped when the sound of a harsh belt landing on bare flesh, followed by a shriek, reached them from the office. Connor took his punishment seriously, and so would Derek.
“You’re only adding to your punishment, babygirl.” Derek pushed his right sleeve up and took a step in her direction.
“You wouldn’t punish me when you’re angry, would you, Daddy?”
Oh, the brat!
“You know me well. I won’t lay a hand on you in anger, but I am going to punish you.” He grabbed her by the upper arm and guided Sonja to the office. Connor hadn’t closed the door, so Derek marched Sonja right in. “Look at your partner getting her ass reddened. This is what happens to naughty submissives who keep important information from their Doms.”
Suzie’s ass cheeks were bright red, and the belt had left stripes on her upper legs as well. Since the petite woman was a real masochist, Derek suspected she was turned on, too, but Sonja would be horrified by the pain Connor was inflicting. He grabbed her chin and forced her to face the other couple. “Look. At. Her.”
Connor finished and put his belt through the loops of his jeans again. When Suzie reached behind her to pull up her panties, Connor warned, his slight Scottish accent now more pronounced, “None of that. Ye’re going to finish yer pastries with yer bottom bared for my pleasure. Hand me the panties.”
“But, Sir,” Suzie whined, only to give in after one look at his expression. She handed him the panties with a face as red as her abused bottom.
Connor squeezed the marred flesh and grinned at her wince as he leaned down to stage whisper to her, “And I’m going to enjoy watching ye.” With that, he steered her from the office, with a wink in Derek’s direction.
Derek had enjoyed the interchange between the experienced couple but now turned his attention to Sonja. “Strip.”
“You heard me.”
She pouted. “I thought you wouldn’t punish me when you’re angry.”
Derek grinned in his best Jack Nicholson fashion. “I promised not to lay a hand on you when I was mad. There are other ways to discipline you, though.” He aimed for a touch of nonchalance as he added, “If you don’t want to be naked when your staff arrives, you should hurry.”
Sonja gulped, but she stripped off her dress obediently. She shot him an uncertain look, and he gestured for her to continue. She took off her panties and bra, and after a moment’s hesitation, she placed the garments in his hand. He draped the bra over the chair and stuffed the panties in his pocket.
“Lean over the desk.”
She eyed the desk and looked at him dubiously, clearly thinking about Suzie’s punishment.
Good, let her worry for a bit!
Luckily, he had something in his car that was perfect for this kind of situation. Hmm, did he have any lube?
“Don’t move!” he ordered and headed for the back. Suzie was rolling and folding dough for puff pastry with her bright ass on display, while Connor was leaning against the opposite wall with his arms crossed in front of his chest and a prominent bulge in his pants.
“Lovely view,” Derek commented as he headed to the back door, causing Suzie to jump.
“Continue,” Connor growled, “or I’ll spank ye some more!”
Derek went to his car and found the package in his trunk he’d forgotten to take up to Sonja’s apartment. He came back in to look for lube.
“Do you have some olive or coconut oil in here?” Derek asked Suzie.
She nodded with a bright-red face. How the woman could still be embarrassed was a wonder to Derek, but he had to admit her obvious discomfort was amusing.
“It’s in the third cupboard from the left.”