Although she must have been past forty, she looked so young and vulnerable with her big brown eyes staring up at him. If he hadn’t been studying her carefully, he might have missed her small nod.
“Good girl.” He breathed out and pressed a kiss to her forehead. Then he picked up the cup and handed it to her.
She looked at the silly cup he held and back to the man before her. He really wanted to play with her. Almost a month had passed since she had last done a scene with someone. She didn’t enjoy playing with sadists, and most of the other Dominants had partnered up. She occasionally scened with Scott, and they liked each other, but nothing beyond that. She longed for her own Dom, just like Laura, and now Suzie, had. She didn’t begrudge them their happiness, but it seemed unfair, since they’d joined the club after she had. She wanted a lifetime relationship, too.
Sonja tentatively took the cup from his hand and brought the straw to her mouth. As soon as the sweet, tangy liquid touched her tongue, she realized how thirsty she had been—for more than a drink.
Before Sonja knew it, she had finished her juice and earned another “good girl” from Derek. She studied him and raised an eyebrow. “What now, Sir?”
He narrowed his eyes at her, and after a slight pause, she amended, “What now, Daddy?” When would she get up the nerve to explain that it freaked her out to call him that? The last time she had seen her own father was when her mother had been diagnosed with cancer, and he’d never wanted Sonja anyway.
“Does the title bother you?” He seemed genuinely interested in Sonja’s answer.
How much do I want to tell him?“Look, Derek—Sir—Daddy, I don’t know you. I—” Sonja was not sure how to continue.
“Sonja?” The tender tone of his voice had her looking up into his expressive hazel eyes, and her breath caught. “Although it’s smart of you to be cautious with what you tell a stranger, I do think it’s imperative in BDSM to be open with each other. I expect you to answer truthfully or you can say ‘I’m not comfortable with answering that question, Daddy.’ You can call me Sir, for now, although Daddy is what I prefer.”
His straightforward reaction pleased her, so she answered, “I’ve never tried ageplay, so calling someone Daddy seems odd to me.”
He made a noncommittal sound as he studied her, and she had the disconcerting suspicion he knew what she wasn’t saying.
“Okay, let’s keep it Sir,” he conceded without waiting for her to elaborate further. At her sigh of relief, he arched an eyebrow and added in a foreboding tone, “For now.”
“Yes, Sir,” Sonja answered.
“How long have you been a member?” Derek asked.
“Five years now.” She was glad to keep the conversation casual. She wasn’t ready to get into anything personal yet. Time to turn the tables. “You’re new here, but you don’t seem new to the lifestyle. Where have you been playing before this?”
“I’ve been in the lifestyle for years. I was in a long-term relationship until about a year and a half ago, and I wasn’t ready to get back into the scene until just recently. The breakup hit me pretty hard. It’s part of the reason I moved to Kansas City.”
Sonja relaxed as they talked about the club and its need for volunteers, their likes and dislikes, and previous experiences.
Derek rose from his stool and held out a hand to Sonja. She was closed off about her private life, but her answers about the lifestyle and the things she did and didn’t enjoy were open and honest. The Daddy Dom in him wanted to pry her open and fix the hurt that had made her so guarded. The man in him wanted to remove her tight-fitting clothes and taste all her delectable curves. Tonight, he would try light play with one or two orgasms for her, and hopefully, the next time she would be more forthcoming.
His first impression of her was that of a strong, intelligent, and friendly woman, and he liked her for more than her looks. He appreciated her wariness when she took the drink from his hand, but he longed to build trust between them so she would take and give whatever he offered or demanded.
He closed his hand around hers and pulled her from the stool into his body. Derek dipped his head to claim another kiss from her. Their lips met for the second time that evening, and he savored the way she followed his lead. He liked that the woman was submissive, but she wasn’t a pushover. Those were the reasons Derek enjoyed ageplay. Only the strongest of submissives would allow their inner child the freedom to emerge. Of course, it also gave him the opportunity to care for his Little girl, discipline her when necessary, and spoil her rotten the rest of the time. He had a feeling Sonja hadn’t been spoiled often in her life.
With an effort, he pulled back from the kiss and looked down into her open face and swollen lips.
Fuck, she’s beautiful!
“Babygirl, tell me your safeword.”
“It’s red, Sir.”
“That’s right; don’t hesitate to use it if you need to, and you can use yellow if there’s a problem, and we’ll check in,” he said as he stroked up and down her bare arms while looking into her eyes.
“Yes, Sir.”
The automatic way she called him Sir pleased him, although it grated that she didn’t want to call him Daddy. He pushed the unwelcome thought to the back of his mind. From his job as a social worker, he knew trust didn’t come instantly, but with tender loving care, most Little ones blossomed eventually. His mentor had told him ‘grass won’t grow any faster by pulling on it’ and the words had proven themselves right. Last November, he’d turned fifty, and with age came the experience and patience that made him an effective case manager for the Children’s Division of Social Services.
Derek took her hand in his and started for the stairs to a medical room that was beckoning. As a new member of the club, he would be monitored closely, so he made eye contact with Kate, DM for the night, and received a chin lift in acknowledgment. His senses were heightened, and he was already entering Topspace. Sonja had said she didn’t like much pain or humiliation, but she liked restraints and dominance. She was intelligent, with a bratty mouth, so he needed something to keep her on her toes without pushing her into using her safewords. She would be an interesting challenge.
When they entered the room, she eyed the enema stand and gyno chair warily. He turned away from her under the excuse of taking the white lab coat from the peg but also to get his smirk under control. His back to her, he said in a clear voice, “Hello, Sonja. It’s time for your annual checkup. Please take off your clothes and sit on the chair.”