“Well,” Freya mused and crossed her arms. “I can’t assign your gender, but yes to the magic-wielding part. You must feel it, cowboy. That thrum in your veins? You know what it is.”
“H-how?” I could barely form the word.
“It was the only way to save you,” Cadence said. “You were dying, Walker.”
Iwasdead.I didn’t correct her. Her obvious anguish over my brush with death was tragic enough. When I’d been offered asecond life, I definitely hadn’t considered becoming a witch. I’d just barely gotten the hang of being a witch hunter.
Beggars can’t be choosers.
“Still not really sure how you did this,” I said, “but thanks.”
“There will be plenty of time for gratitude,” an older witch declared.Gloria?“Let’s get out of this goddessdamned place. It’s been a long day.”
“I would advise you to stay at the apartments tonight, Heir,” a long-haired witch adorned in velvet robes advised. She scrutinized me. “In case you need help leashing your pet.”
With that kind sentiment, the Elder muttered a spell under her breath and disappeared into a swirling, bright portal. Other members of Freya’s coven portaled away in pairs, until only Cadence, Freya, and I remained.
Unable to contain herself any longer, Cadence threw herself into my arms. Luckily, as I’d grown more comfortable being back in my body, my magic had calmed too. What was once a steady thrum of power now settled under my skin, like a muscle waiting to be used. The magic of the world itself didn’t overwhelm me, and I almost felt normal.
Feeling certain I wouldn’t hurt her, I hugged my sister back. My arms engulfed her. I couldn’t believe she was still so small and young. I wanted to take back my near-death from her memories, as well as the awful images from the battle, but I couldn’t. Well, maybe I could now that I was a witch, but I sure as hell didn’t know how. She wouldn’t want me to anyway. Cadence was tougher than I gave her credit for.
Over Cadence’s shoulder, I peeked at Freya. She drooped like a wilted flower. Lavender circles hung under her eyes, which fluttered closed then sprang open once more.
“C’mon, Cady-Cat,” I said. “Let’s get out of here.”
Hooves thundered past, and Freya jolted.
“Arion!” she called. “I really don’t have the energy to chase you, friend.”
I snorted at the thought ofanyonechasing Arion. Luckily, the familiar galloped at lightning speed to Freya’s side. His black coat glimmered, and his amber eyes shone. From one step into the next, he transformed into his calico cat form. His long, muscular limbs, shrank and contorted. It was always mystifying to see him shift but seeing his huge, lithe body shrinkwhilefeeling his magic ripple through the air was on another level.
Arion stretched and arched his fluffy, calico back then hopped into Freya’s lap and hissed at me.
Freya giggled. “He still doesn’t like you.”
“Yeah, yeah,” I muttered, but something about that comforted me. I couldn’t imagine a world in which the demon-cat and I actually got along.
Cadence and I stood. I was afraid I would be unbalanced, but my body moved the same. When Freya attempted to get to her feet, I reached to help her. She hesitated, and I flinched. With an eyeroll, she slapped her hand into mine.
“I’m not afraid of you,” she said. “I’m merely allergic to chivalry.”
I tried to act unbothered, but her words soothed my worries. I only hoped she was right to trust me. Memories of the battle grew clearer and clearer the longer I was awake. I recalled the dangers of turning someone Freya had recited to Josephine.
As I I still held Freya’s hand, I decided to save my concerns for later. Unable to stop myself, I squeezed it before letting it go.
“We’ll have to take your truck,” Freya said. “I don’t, um, I don’t think riding Arion is good idea. You were just resuscitated after all.”
I considered making her admitshewas clearly too tired to ride, but the girl had just brought me back from the dead. I’d lay off heckling her for a day or two.
As we walked, Freya stumbled. Freyaneverstumbled. Something tugged in my chest and before I registered what I was doing, I swept her into my arms. She gasped, and Cadence whistled.
“Damn, big brother,” Cady praised. “Becoming a he-witch has made you bold.”
Though I’d have to put a stop tohe-witchbefore it became a thing, I just laughed because Freya was laughing too. She was light in my arms—even lighter than I would’ve expected, despite her short stature.
“You used all your magic to save me,” I told her. “I feel great. Let me carry you before you fall and ruin your epic exit from the battlefield.”