Freya’s magic joined Cady’s, and while both were still apparent, they were muffled. Cady’s finger traced faster through the salt. Finally, she stopped and opened her eyes. I peered over her shoulder to study what she had drawn.

It was a mess of lines and circles and shapes.

Cady pointed to a small x. “This is where we are.” She pointed several horizontal lines up. “That’s where Elle is. I think.”

“That seems right,” Ryder agreed.

“Yes,” Freya said. “And the level below her, there’s the doorway to the ripple. I can sense its magic from here—it’ll be strong enough to carry us out of here.”

Cady frowned. “The only problem is Arion is way over there.”

Cadence pointed toward a level above Elle and far right of the portal.

“We’ll get to him,” I promised, but Freya shook her head.

“Not unless we split up,” she said. “I’ll go after him.”

“You can’t go alone,” I argued. My magic flared in protest.

“Neither can Ryder,” Freya said and laid her hand over mine. “He needs a witch to help him navigate this place, and I can’t ask you to separate from your sister.”

My stomach sank.

“I’ll go with Ryder,” Cady said. “I’ll go with him, and you go with Freya.”

"Your brother isn't leaving your side," Freya insisted.

I wanted to tell Freya she was wrong. Every instinct in my body screamed at me to follow the red-haired witch, but I had almost lost my sister to the High Witch and her Handmaidens once. I couldn’t leave her without my protection again.

Though leaving her to brave this alone killed me, I couldn’t allow my feelings for Freya to muddle my judgment again.

“Frey,” Ryder protested.

Freya shook her head. “Two of the Handmaidens are closing in on us now. Wemustmove.There’s no time to argue.”

Speechless, I stared at Freya. Despite knowing what I needed to do, I wasn’t sure how to let her go.

Freya cupped my face. “I will see you again, cowboy.”

I’ll find you. I always will.

As she moved to the door, every ounce of my spirit protested. My magic sizzled in my veins, as if punishing me for letting her slip away.

“Cady,” Freya said. “They’re closing in from the direction we came in hopes of blocking us off at the end of this hall.”

Though tears pooled in Cady’s eyes, she nodded.

“They’re counting on blocking us in at this dead end. Use your earth magic and tear down the wall. You know what it leads to on the other side.”

Freya’s gaze flicked to mine and quickly moved away.

No,I wanted to say.Don’t go. Don’t go. Don’t leave…

“I’ll buy you some time,” Freya promised.

You can’t die because I won’t survive it.

Freya looked at me one last time and studied my features as if she wished to memorize them. The moment stretched, but I couldn’t find my words. I couldn’t get my thoughts to flow or mouth to move as I stared at her beautiful face.