The Elder’s frown deepened, and Freya sighed.

“We need to talk,” Freya said.

Without another word, Gloria led us into the eastern building, into the elevator, and to her suite on one of the top floors. When we entered the large space, I barely contained my surprise.

The great and powerful Elder was messy.

Trinkets, ceramics, and books cluttered the coffee table, cabinets, and antique chest of drawers. Pillows and quilts overwhelmed the leather sofa and set of cozy chairs. Jars of various herbs and ingredients lined the white countertops of the kitchen, and dishes filled the stainless-steel sink.

“Was this how you imagined her home?” Cady whispered.

I snickered and shook my head, and Freya smirked.

“I know, right?” Freya replied.

When Gloria glared at us, we silenced ourselves.

“Have a seat,” Gloria said and gestured toward the living room. “I’ll brew us some tea and make some snacks. I grow tired of listening to your stomachs growl.”

After we cleared ourselves space on the couch, we rested our feet while Gloria bustled around in the kitchen. I wanted to offer to help, but her magic buzzed, and I figured I would be more of a nuisance than an aid for whatever she concocted.

With a snap of her fingers, the mess on the wooden coffee table disappeared and platters of meat, cheese, crackers, and fruit replaced it. As we dug into the food like animals, Gloriahanded each of us a cup of tea and sat in one of the chairs facing the couch.

Freya scarfed down a few more bites of food, took a deep breath, and recounted everything that had happened to the Elder. Gloria listened to all of it with unreadable coolness. Once Freya was finished, I prepared myself for an argument or a lecture on how we had already broken too many rules.

“Okay,” Gloria said. I failed to hide my surprise. “Don’t worry about telling the others. I’ll gather the coven for the spell to transform Clyde.”

We stared at her in stunned silence. Even Cadence stopped shoveling food in her mouth to gawk. Gloria studied my sister and softened. The Elder gently lifted Cady’s dropped jaw. When Gloria’s gaze returned to Freya, her gray eyes blazed with anger.

“I do not care what court or coven the High Witch belongs to.” Power thickened the Elder’s voice. “No one harms our young without consequences.”

Freya leaped off the couch and into the Elder’s arms. After a moment of shock, Gloria hugged her back with the fierceness of a mother’s love.

“You did the right thing, Coven Mother,” Gloria said. “The High Witch has overstepped her bounds, and something must be done before her power continues to grow unchecked.”

Freya pulled back, and Gloria tucked one of her curls behind her ears.

“Besides,” the Elder continued, “the wolves are the ones who showed up to help us in a time of crisis,notCordelia. She may be our Leader, but she only holds the title because we will it so. No more will we cower in fear of making a splash. It is time to take a stand. It is time to show her what it means to be a part of the Coven of Hecate.”

“Hellyes,”Cady agreed.

“Language,” I chided.

“Thank you, Elder,” Freya whispered. “Thank you for believing me.”

Gloria smiled, and Freya returned to her seat on the couch. The Elder took a slow sip of her tea, and I noted her guarded expression.

“There’s something else, isn’t there?” I asked.

Gloria smirked. “Isn’t there always?”

Her jaw stiffened with seriousness, and she focused on Freya.

“We discovered something while you were away,” Gloria said. “You know Josephine’s apartment has remained mostly untouched, but Lyra and I thought in the face of everything, it would be worth exploring. She left an astral projection behind.”

Freya was taut as a bowstring.

“And?” Freya asked. “What did it say?”