Page 78 of Set on You

3) They are the miserable ones—Darkness is attracted to light. People who are sad and toxic can’t handle when other people are happy and successful. Don’t let them drag you down.

Comment byMarleyYogaInstructor: You’re so right. Darkness is attracted to light like moths to flames. People will do anything to drag others down into their own unhappiness. They’re jealous.

Comment byStannerjr: hahahahh ur pathetic.


THERE IS NOadequate word to describe the past few weeks with Scott.Fantastic, amazing, blissful, wonderful, remarkable.None of them properly encapsulate the kaleidoscope of feelings that reach in and take hold of my entire being when I’m with him.

The feeling is similar to that giddy, post-workout high, except it doesn’t dull the moment the running shoes come off and you resume normal life as a reclusive couch potato. The magic lingers, like simmering liquid.

It’s the evening before Grandma Flo and Martin’s wedding,the day we were supposed to wait for. And I’m so glad we didn’t. Since we found out Martin is cancer-free, Scott stays over every night he isn’t on night shift. Albus happily third-wheels. He enjoys running at full tilt on the carpet in my apartment. Apparently, he can’t run without slipping on the parquet floors at Scott’s place.

Scott also brings me boxes of clementines on the condition I peel them for him. He’s made a special Lizzo Spotify playlist for when I’m in his car. Most mornings, he brings me coffee from the little cafe around the corner from my apartment in return for healthy, meal-prepped lunches.

But despite practically worshipping Scott’s entire kindhearted and genetically gifted being, I’m still petty and competitive as hell. And so is he.

We’re doing a warm-up cardio circuit consisting of a minute and a half of exhausting high-knees. Like the egotistical alpha male he is, he doesn’t bother to hide that he’s trying to outdo me. Typical. We lock eyes in a challenge, both exerting well past the point of a relaxed warm-up.

Unfortunately for me, gravity is not on my side, despite my ultra-supportive sports bra. Unless I want my boobs to slap me in the chin, I can’t continue at this speed. “This is so unfair. My boobs are out of control. I’m gonna throw out my back,” I pant, coming to a full stop.

He leans against a nearby cable machine with a faux innocent expression. “Babe, this isn’t a competition.”

I level him with a knowing stare. “It is. You always make it one.”

“You do realize you’re the competitive one. I’m just here, going at a leisurely pace. Just enjoying the view.”

“What view?”

He shrugs, green eyes falling to my chest.

My mouth falls open. That bastard.

His grin is Disney villain–worthy. “The faster I went, the faster you’d go, and the higher they’d bounce...”

I pretend to punch him in the chest, flustered. “You’re diabolical.”

He grabs my wrist and pulls me flush to him, the heat of our bodies melding together. He gives me a chaste peck on the nose as he presses harder against me, sending a shiver to my lower belly. “I’d prefergenius.”

I bring my lips over his, letting my tongue explore him at a languid pace that is definitely not appropriate for a public gym. He lets out a heavy sigh as I pull away abruptly, just to torture him. “I need to film my workout. If you’ll excuse me.” I flash an evil wink over my shoulder before sauntering off.

When I begin to film my dumbbell arm tutorial, he keeps his distance, knowing not to interrupt me mid-filming for fear of my mighty wrath. Instead, he sends me a text.

SCOTT:Do you believe in love at first set? Or should I do another ten reps?


SCOTT:New rule: you can’t wear those leggings in front of me anymore.

He’s now watching me from the other side of the gym as he hoists himself upward, dangling effortlessly from the pull-up bar. He proceeds to show off his superhuman strength, doing somefancy ab workout involving twisting his legs up in the air every which way in a controlled manner.

CRYSTAL:No can do. Not after you tricked me into giving you a show.

SCOTT:Sorry. No regrets.

CRYSTAL:And I’ve asked you nicely not to flex your muscles in front of me either, but you don’t listen. So the leggings are staying.
