Leaning against his chest, I tipped my chin up so I could reach his mouth. It was an awkward angle, but neither one of us seemed to care.
The first roll of my hips was a test. It was a new position, and all women knew that not everything worked for different people. It felt good, though, and I liked the way Mattias was wrapped around me. I kept moving, undulating my hips to find the best angle. It was Mattias who found it first. His hands slid to my hips, tipping them just right, and he snapped his hips once, sending tingles throughout my entire body. I sucked in a breath, surprised, but didn’t have a chance to say anything before he started moving, his thrusts slow but powerful, making my toes curl.
For a little while, I let him control things. I was lost in the pleasure of it all, and I wasn’t in any hurry for things to end. It was Mattias’s noises that spurred me into action. There was something so unbelievably hot about listening to a man like him grunt and groan with each movement, like he couldn’t help himself. Lifting a little, I dropped down right as he thrust up, meeting him halfway. His fingers flexed on my hips as he fought for control.
He picked up the pace, panting against my neck, almost like he couldn’t help himself. The idea of making him lose control spurred me on, so I kept going, matching his pace.
“Ah, fuck, Mel…” he gritted out, muffling a loud groan against my neck as I met him thrust for thrust.
I couldn’t answer him. I was almost delirious with the pleasure. I was grateful when one of his arms came around my chest, keeping me close to him, because with the way my body was coiling tightly, I knew the orgasm waiting just around the corner was going to be a big one.
His movements got rougher, more disjointed, proving to me that he was just as far gone as I was. I almost thought he’d come first with the way he was slowing down, which was a thrilling thought, but he surprised me when his free hand slid down my belly to rub circles on my clit.
I came instantly, crying out in surprise as I exploded into a million pieces. It went on and on with every thrust of his hips until I felt like I was going to pass out if it didn’t stop. Thankfully, Mattias came just after I did, and we both collapsed together.
“So…” I started after a few breathless minutes. “Who won?”
He barked out a laugh, hugging me closer to his chest. “I fucking love you.”
It still shocked me every time he said it. At least by now, I was quicker to recover, so I could answer him back. “I love you too. I think I won, though.”
Nipping my shoulder, he murmured in my ear. “I win every day you pick me, sweetheart. No contest.”
I melted. “Ugh, seriously. Why are you Ruiz brothers so intent on making me all gooey with heart eyes all the time? Did you know yesterday Xander wrote me a note thanking me for helping him come out? He said I was his favorite person. I almost cried at work. I got a lot of funny looks.”
He huffed, shaking his head as he reached between us to pinch off the condom and pull out. He rolled over to toss it while speaking over his shoulder. “I feel like I should be jealous. I’m his brother.”
“And I’m still awesome. Just accept this and move on. You’ll be the favorite of the next one.”
I realized what I’d said the minute it came out of my mouth. I wanted to take it back, having babies was definitely not the next step after moving in together, and I didn’t want to freak him out. He paused for a second and I squeezed my eyes shut, worrying I finally went far enough to send him running for the hills.
Strong, warm arms wrapped around me, forcing me to turn over to look at him. He raised his eyebrows, and I held my breath, waiting for him to call me out.
“You seriously think our kids will like me better than you? I’ve seen you with the crew kids. I can’t compete with that.”
Letting out a slow breath, I took a second to bask in his automatic acceptance that we’d be having kids before replying to him. Running my fingers through his hair, I smiled when he closed his eyes and leaned into it.
“I don’t know. I’m fun, but you make them feel safe and heard. Gracie didn’t pick you as her favorite for no reason.”
He hummed, pressing his forehead against mine. “You’re my favorite. Does that count for anything?”
There it was again, another heart-melting comment that pulled me further into his orbit. There was never any chance that we could’ve gotten through this without me falling hopelessly in love with him. I was more than a little grateful that I worked up the nerve to kiss him first. It set me on the path to my happily ever after. I couldn’t imagine being happier than I was right now.
Neither Mattiasnor Xander knew what I had planned today. The guys did, but I made them promise to keep their mouths shut until we got there. It was a bit of a drive, there wasn’t anything in town, but it was totally worth it when Xander practically launched himself between our seats to look out the front window.
“Is that what I think it is?”
“I dunno. What do you think it is?” I teased.
Mattias looked a little more apprehensive, so I put my hand on his leg and patted it lightly. “Don’t worry. I did the research. There’s a course he’ll have to take first, and equipment available for protection. He caters to all ages and his safety record is stellar. The few accidents he’s had on the course were obnoxious teens not following the rules, and he’s quick to ban that kind of behavior. It’ll be fun.”
It only helped a little, but I knew that’d be the case. That was why I asked Butch to bring his kids. They had bikes small enough for even Zoey to ride on, but I couldn’t convince Wyatt to bring her just yet. We would see how he felt after the older kids had their fun.
The crew was already waiting for us when we arrived. Xander shot like a rocket out of the car, bouncing by my door as he waited for me to get out. With a chuckle, I pushed the door open, waving at the guys, who looked just as excited as Xander.
“Xander!” Malcolm came darting over in a flash, practically vibrating with excitement. “Are you gonna ride too?”
Xander looked back at me for confirmation before bobbing his head. “Yeah. Have you gone in yet?”