“Rule still stands,” Mattias said with a pointed look. “No dating until you’ve been friends for twenty years.”

Xander rolled his eyes. I wasn’t sure how Mattias saw it, since Xander didn’t even look over his shoulder, but he got Xander in a headlock and ruffled his hair roughly. Xander squawked and squirmed, but he was laughing when he finally wriggled free. And because he wasn’t afraid of Mattias anymore, he didn’t even hesitate to leap over the back of the couch and chase after him.

I smiled, leaning my cheek on my arms draped on the back of the couch while I watched them play. They’d come a long way since Xander showed up. They weren’t just obligations to each other. They were family. And because they loved me, I was part of that. Xander dodged around the couch and hid behind my back, using me as a human shield.

Mattias stalked closer, his eyes narrowed. “She won’t protect you.”

I scoffed, pushing to my feet. “Yes, I will. We’re a team. Thor, get him!”

Thor loved joining in on the fun and barked happily, dancing at Mattias’s feet. Mattias gaped at me, pointing at Thor.

“How the hell did you get my dog to team up against me?”

I shrugged. “We’re cuddle buddies. Three against one. I like our odds.”

“Oh, you’re gonna get it,” he growled, his grin wicked. Xander and I ran together, Xander distracting him so I could dodge around him, and vice versa. Thor wasn’t much of a help, other than getting in the way while he followed us around.

When I imagined me and Mattias together, I saw quiet nights and long walks with Thor. And while we still had those sometimes, I never imagined this. It was so much better than I could’ve ever dreamed of.

“Don’t stayup all night on your phone. We’ve got an adventure to go on tomorrow.”

Xander smirked at me, already comfortable in his bed, with Thor curled up next to him. “I won’t. Good night, Mel.”

“Good night.”

I closed the door behind me and headed back downstairs. Xander was a little old for me to be tucking him in, but I did it with all my niblings and he didn’t get that kind of treatment when he was little. I’d keep doing it now until he asked me to stop. He didn’t seem inclined just yet.

Mattias was checking the locks like he did every night before bed. He never had a problem before, the neighborhood was pretty safe, and most of the house remained locked up unless he had visitors, but he said it made him feel better to double-check. I wasn’t interested in taking that comfort away from him.

“All good?”

He hummed, pulling me into his arms. “Xander?”

“All tucked in. Hopefully, that phone won’t keep him up all night.”

He didn’t look concerned, pressing a kiss against my forehead. “He’s fine. How tired are you?”

Biting back a grin, I raised my eyebrow at him. “Why? Did you have something planned?”

The only answer I got was him dipping to toss me over his shoulder. I squealed and laughed, pushing against his back to get my head up.

“Mattias! Put me down!”

He gave one of his caveman grunts as a response and marched off to his room. I had no choice but to come with him. Not that I planned on saying no. At this point, it was our room. I think on some level we both knew I wouldn’t be going back to my place.

When he dumped me onto the bed, I wrapped an arm around his neck, taking him down with me. His grin still gave me butterflies, despite having been wrapped around each other for weeks now. It wasn’t every night, my job was exhausting sometimes, and he never pushed if I was too tired to function. Those nights, he pulled me into bed and rubbed my back until I passed out. On nights like tonight, he took the opportunity to wear me out completely before letting me go to sleep. A plan I fully enjoyed and encouraged.

I was pretty sure I was addicted to his kisses. Slow and languid, fast and rough, it didn’t matter. I could spend hours kissing him and still not get enough. I wrapped my arms around his neck, keeping him close as his tongue tangled with mine.

Clothes started disappearing like magic, our lips parting only long enough to pull shirts off before he swooped back down for more. Suddenly he chuckled, which was not something a woman wanted to hear when her clothes came off.

“What’s so funny?” I demanded with a frown.

“Are you wearing my underwear?” he asked, trailing his gaze down my body to said underwear before looking up at me again with a smirk.

I scrunched my nose and bit my lip sheepishly. “Maybe. I forgot to do laundry and couldn’t find a clean pair of mine. I should’ve packed more.”

His smile flickered out and his brows drew together tightly. “Move in with me, Mel. You belong here with us.”