I glanced at Xander, but he wasn’t giving up shit, so I answered for us both. “I think so. I promised I’d explain myself better, and he promised to be more forthcoming. We’re working on it.”
It was subtle, but I saw him wince when I said that. The woman didn't seem to notice, but it made me frown. I had hoped we’d gotten to the point that we could be open with each other, but maybe he wasn’t there yet. I wouldn’t push him, but it did make me wonder: What wasn’t he telling me?
Iwas dead on my feet by the time I got home. Some shifts were busier than others, and this one just happened to be one of the busier ones. I think in the entire twelve-hour shift, I sat down for fifteen minutes max. My lunch was a mini bag of chips from the vending machine and a soda. Thank god I ate with Mattias and Xander right before I left.
My intention was to go straight to bed when I got back, but Xander stopped me before I could even get through the door, his expression anxious.
“Can you do the makeup thing again today?”
Summoning what little energy I had left, I smiled at him. “Sure, sweetie. Lemme just use the bathroom real quick. I’ll meet you upstairs.”
His bright smile was definitely worth the discomfort of keeping my eyes open for another fifteen minutes. I splashed some cool water on my face, forcing my brain to wake up long enough to face Xander. I didn't want him to think he couldn’t come to me when he needed something. I could suck it up and push through another fifteen minutes.
He was waiting in my room, my makeup bag already on the bed. I plopped myself down on the edge, picking through it to find what I needed.
“Are you tired?” he asked as I snagged the setting spray. Maybe the helmet wouldn’t smudge my work so much if I set it better the day before.
“I’m never too tired for you, bestie. Besides, while you’re in school learning, I’m going to be commandeering Mattias’s bed and his dog. He’s got blackout curtains in his room and they’re the best thing ever. I’ll be out cold in minutes and sleeping the day away.”
He snickered, sitting beside me so I could apply the cover-up. Another week and he wouldn’t need it. Most of the bruises were yellow and fading. Only a few spots still had dark color to them.
When I finished, I wrinkled my nose at him. “I’m super jealous of your eyelashes. Women pay hundreds of dollars for eyelashes like that.”
His eyebrows scrunched together adorably. “That’s weird.”
Chuckling, I nudged him toward the door. “People do crazy stuff to make themselves look good. I can’t tell you how many times we have seen poor reactions to those attempts in the ER. One woman was allergic to her hair dye. Her entire head swelled so much she looked a little like an alien. It was freaky.”
“Gross!” he laughed, bouncing down the last few steps. He seemed to be in a better mood after yesterday. I hoped his day would go better today.
Mattias came out of his room, his jacket already on and a frown on his face. “Have you seen my wallet?”
I shook my head. “Don’t ask me. I’m too tired to think straight.”
“I saw it upstairs in the bathroom,” Xander offered. “Want me to get it?”
“Shit. I forgot I accidentally brought it with me when I showered last night. Thanks, Xander.”
Xander beamed at his brother and dashed back up the stairs to fetch it. While he was gone, Mattias pulled me into a hug, making a low grumbly noise of contentment when I melted against him.
“Deliriously. I’m stealing your bed after you leave.”
“Do it,” he agreed. “Night shift again tonight?”
I shook my head. “Day shift tomorrow. I have the day to recover.”
He frowned at me. “Do they switch your shifts like that often?”
“Not usually. I requested the switch so I can be home with you two. I’ll still have to take some night shifts here and there, but there was an opening in the day shift and I made pretty promises to my boss to get herto switch me. I may have volunteered my firstborn to get the job, though.”
He chuckled, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “You really are delirious. Get some sleep. I’m taking you out tonight.”
“Oooh, date night. Sounds like fun.”