I was running out of steam by the time the final minute warning called out over the speakers. Laser tag was fun, but required a ton of energy. I found a corner to hide in, giving myself a second to catch my breath. Next time I was suggesting something more low key. Like a half marathon. That’d require less energy than this.
“Caught you.”
Whipping my head up, I tried to raise my plastic weapon, but Wraith grabbed it, pushing it aside with a smirk. He pointed his at my chest, his grin playful. I swore a swarm of butterflies dumped into my belly.
“Any last words?”
“Hit me with your best shot,” I tossed out, because I really didn’t know what else to say. My mind seemed locked on our close proximity and the fact that we were alone in a dark corner. My gaze dropped to his mouth automatically and my stomach clenched when his smirk grew into a teasing grin. The sounds of the room were muffled, and I could only focus on him.
Right before he could pull the trigger, his vest went dark. Then the buzzer went off, and the lights flickered brighter, signaling the end of the game. He looked down and then turned, both of us gaping at the figurebehind him.
“Uh… I thought you were Circus?” Xander lied, a shit-eating grin on his face.
I held my breath, hoping whatever Wraith had to say wouldn’t accidentally scare the kid. But Wraith seemed conscious of himself because he only huffed out a laugh and shook his head.
He stepped back, putting more space between us, and I felt cold for just a second before I pulled myself together. Strange energy aside, nothing happened. And nothing ever would. I needed to remember that.
“Come on. Admit it. You had fun,” Mel needled me.
We ended the game after that last round because Xander was starting to look drained and was still recovering. The guys joined us for lunch at a BBQ place down the street, Rooster crowing the whole time about how his team won, thanks to his smart decision to get Xander on his side. It was true that Xander won the most shots, but it was a team effort and they only won by one point. The point that I would’ve claimed if Xander hadn’t cheated. I wasn’t pissed about it, though. He was playing and smiling, which was a first since he showed up on my doorstep. I’d take the hit if it meant he was getting better.
“It was alright,” I agreed, mostly because Xander was listening. Rooster had an arm around his shoulders, still taunting Vegas and Circus about their win, but he looked a little too tired to participate, so he just watched and listened. He was mostly done with his food, but he looked a little anxious about what was leftover on his plate, so I traded with him and finished what was left, listening to the crew and Mel discussing bringing the other kids next time. Then it became the entire crew, and I had to point out we’d scarea lot of people if a group of bikers showed up at a place like that. Despite never causing any real trouble in town, people were still wary of us.
“So what’s next?” Rooster asked eagerly, looking between me and Mel. “You got more fun shit planned? Because I want in.”
“Don’t you have work?” I asked. Rooster worked in Butch’s shop, and they were always busy. Yes, Rooster got days off, but I was pretty sure today wasn’t it.
He shrugged. “I traded off days with Deek. I wanted to play.”
“We don’t have any more group plans today,” Mel cut in. “And you won’t be coming to the next game day either. I’m introducing the crew to my bestie a few at a time. Give the other guys a chance to meet him.”
Of course, that only made Rooster pout. He leaned heavily on Xander, giving him puppy dog eyes. “You want me to come play, don’t you?”
I shoved him off before he ended up hurting Xander and scowled at him. “Stop that.”
“What?” he whined at me. “He’s my teammate! We’re friends! He’s got a say in who gets to play!”
I couldn’t stand it when Rooster started whining. He was like a little kid, but worse because he was a grown man who knew how to act better.
When Xander looked up at me, he sort of grimaced. “I, uh… I’m actually really tired. Can we go back soon?”
He looked it. We planned on going shopping after lunch, but stopping at home for a rest was probably a better idea. We could go later. I could go out on my own once I knew what sizes Xander needed, too. Or maybe I’d send Mel, since she wore more than just plain black.
“Yeah. Let me pay and we’ll go.”
“Aw, are you buying us lunch?” Circus crooned. “I love you too, man.”
I couldn’t roll my eyes harder if I tried. “I’m buying my little brother lunch. The rest of you can fend for yourselves.”
Pushing out of my seat, I headed for the hostess so I could pay for our food. I paid for Mel’s too, since she came up with the plan that broke the ice with me and Xander. When I came back, Xander was slouching lower in his seat and looked half asleep and ready to pass out.
Mel stood to go pay, but I waved her off. “I got yours. Can you move him? I don’t wantto freak him out.”