“Absolutely, I do. If you don’t mind me asking, how often did you have time to sit down and study when you were living with Jorge?”

“Never at home,” he replied with a shake of his head. “If he noticed me studying, he’d start making comments about me trying to look superior to him, and if I ignored him, he’d lose his temper. Then he’d lose his temper again when he got a note from the teacher that I wasn’t doing well in school.He said I was a disgrace. I tried studying at the library, but I didn’t sleep well living with him and it was too quiet. I kept falling asleep.”

I hated that bastard more and more every day. Who bullied their kid because they were trying to study? Xander looked so sad about it, like he tried hard to prove himself to Jorge and failed every time.

“Okay, well, think about what will happen here. Will anyone interrupt your studying or your sleep?”

He shook his head no.

“And if you had trouble, do you think either one of us would judge you for that?”

That no was a little more hesitant. He wanted to believe we wouldn’t do that, but since we hadn’t been around him in a school setting yet, he wasn’t so confident. We’d have to prove it to him, which I had no problem doing.

We talked a little more about the expectations at school and what he was most nervous about. Some of the makeup rubbed off from his helmet, which distracted him some. He kept ducking his head and the teachers wouldn’t let him keep his hood up to hide. I hadn’t even noticed, so I doubted anyone else did. With a little reassurance and a promise to send him to school with some extra in case it rubbed off, he let that stressor go and by the time we were done, he felt okay going back.

“Do you think they’ll make me redo the math test?” he asked, his hands shoved into his pockets as we walked to my car.

“I dunno. Maybe. But it’s just to see what you already know, so if you don’t know the answer, move on and tell the teacher you struggled. They’re there to help you learn. If they’re assholes about it, point them in my direction. I’ll take care of them.”

I made a fist and punched it into my palm, which made him laugh. I wouldn’t actually fight anyone, I wasn’t that kind of person, but I would stick up for him if anyone caused him trouble. He shouldn’t be punished for having it rough before now.

Putting my arm around his shoulders, I hugged him against my side. “Just remember, no matter what, even if you fail every last question and need an extra year to catch up, Mattias and I will never kick you out or be mad at you. You’re safe here with us.”

He slowed to a stop, frowning at his feet. “Jorge didn’t kick me out because of school.”

I was going to comment that it didn't matter what that old bastard kicked him out for, but it seemed like Xander had something he was working himself up to say. I stayed quiet and waited, giving him the love and support he needed.

“H-He… He kicked me out because he found out I’m gay.”

Tears spilled down his cheeks, and he looked terrified to admit it. Everything came into focus now that I knew. His resistance in telling us anything about before he showed up. Him clamming up whenever conversations went a certain way. He was hiding part of himself, and if he opened up to us, he might’ve let it slip out before he was ready.

“Oh, Xander…” I wrapped him in my arms without hesitation. He stood frozen for a second before hugging me back so tightly, his fingers dug into my shirt. I didn’t care. Coming out was a major thing, especially for someone his age, when he was just starting to figure everything out. Having such a horrible reaction from the first person who found out must have been traumatizing for him.

Leaning my cheek against the top of his head, I rocked him back and forth. “It’s okay. You’re okay. You’re safe here.”

My little whispers to reassure him only made him cry harder, but he didn’t pull away. He needed to hear it. And when I felt like he was ready to listen, I pulled away enough to squat in front of him. I held his hands, letting him see it in my face that what I was saying was one hundred percent true.

“You are a sweet, caring, and kind boy. Loving the same gender doesn’t change that. I love you just as you are. And in the future, when you find someone you like, the only thing I’m going to ask is if they make you happy. Understand? All I want is for you to be happy.”

It was what he should’ve been told the first time he came out. I didn’t know how that happened, I doubted it was intentional on Xander’s part, but the response should’ve been the same. He broke down, big heavy sobs wracking his thin frame. He threw his arms around my neck, crying against my shoulder. We stayed that way for a little while, hugging each other, until Thor got concerned and started to whine, nudging Xander’s side with his nose.

He huffed out a watery laugh, letting me go so he could hug the dog, too. Thor happily licked his face, banishing his tears and making him smile.

“See? He loves you, too. No matter what. And Mattias will feel the same way.”

His smile faltered, and when he looked up at me, the terror came back. “I don’t want to tell him. N-Not yet.”

Pressing my lips together, I ran my hand affectionately over his head. “You come out to who you want when you’re ready. I told you, I’m good at keeping secrets. And when you’re ready, I’ll be there. Every step of the way.”



There wasn’t a ton of time between when I got back and when Mel had to leave. Salinger dragged it out a bit. We didn’t get a lot of face-to-face meetings, and whenever I did show up, he wouldn’t shut up. I was anxious to get back home. I got a text from Mel saying Xander was fine, and he finished the last few hours of school without issue, but I was still worried about him. When I finally got home, I found him on the couch with Thor, watching TV. Mel was in the kitchen and I did a double take when I saw her in there.

“She ordered pizza,” Xander supplied helpfully. “She’s making a salad to go with.” He made a face about the last part, but I would’ve suggested the same thing. He needed vitamins and healthy food.

Some of the tension that had settled in my shoulders since Mel called me that morning finally slipped away. I shrugged out of my jacket, hanging it by the door as I asked, “How was the rest of school? Did the afternoon go okay?”