I had to stop my knee from bouncing, giving away my anxiety.
“Yeah. I need to get a copy of his birth certificate and figure out his shot records before he can start, but I’m working on it.”
His eyes narrowed, and he frowned at me. “Is everything okay? If you’re having second thoughts–”
“No. Nothing like that.”
He raised an eyebrow, waiting for an explanation. I still didn’t know what the hell to say. A part of me wanted to just pretend nothing happened, but I couldn’t do that to Mel. And I wasn’t going to sneak around. Forcing the words past my throat, I told him the truth.
“I kissed Mel.”
His mouth fell open in shock. I kept going.
“I asked if she wanted to start something with me. She said yes. I–”
“What the fuck, Wraith? You kissed my sister?”
I expected him to get pissed, so it didn’t take me by surprise. I’d be pissed too if it was me. Kinda thought he’d be level-headed enough to hear me out, though.
“Listen, I–”
He shoved away from his desk, glaring at me. “No, I won’t fucking listen. Are you serious right now?”
“Yes. Wyatt–”
“Don’t! Don’t you fucking start with that shit,” he snarled. “You’re not my friend right now. You’re the asshole sneaking around behind my back. I can’t fucking believe you.”
My brows snapped together, and I scowled at him. “No one was sneaking around. I–”
He wouldn’t let me get a full sentence out to explain myself. Every time I tried, he cut me off.
“Why should I believe you? You’ve been hiding shit from me more and more often lately. First your arrest, then the suits who showed up to rescueyou, now this?” He shook his head like he was in disbelief. “No. I won’t allow it. You need to stay the hell away from my sister.”
That wasn’t fair. I couldn’t tell him about the arrest or the people who picked me up. I was working. I established from the start that I didn’t share my work life with my crew. It was better that way. The fewer people who knew I was affiliated with the FBI, the better. I was supposed to keep it to myself, for my own safety and the safety of the guys I worked with.
I didn’t tell him that. I thought after this many years, he trusted me. Turns out I was wrong.
Indignation swelled, and I shoved to my feet, leveling him with a glare. If he wanted to trash my reputation and our friendship, then fine. That was his problem. But I wasn’t going to let him get between me and Mel. I waited my whole life to have a chance with her. She was offering it now. I wasn’t going to just ignore that.
“I didn’t come here to ask for your permission. I came here as a courtesy. I didn’t want her sneaking around behind your back. Unlike some people.”
“Fuck you, Mattias,” he roared. “I wasn’t sneaking around. I was fucking busy.”
“So am I. But I still made the time to tell you. Do whatever the fuck you want with that information.”
I wasn’t interested in listening to him belittle me anymore. I stormed out of his office, ignoring the glare his partner gave me as I stalked past. They could both be pissy together for all I cared.
A message came in on my phone from Mel as I was getting on my bike. I considered ignoring it, I was too pissed to be a gentleman right now, but I thought better of it. I wasn’t going to take out my mood on her, even by ignoring her. I fished out my phone, checking her message, and sighed with relief. She took Xander to Skylar’s for dinner. Good. That gave me a few hours to get my head on straight.
Wraith never texted me back. I wasn’t sure if that was a bad sign or just Wraith being Wraith. I expected him to show up at the house after he was done, too, but he never came. Where the hell was he?
I groaned, leaning my head against Skylar’s shoulder. “Men are dumb.”
“True,” Skylar said, smirking at Rooster’s offended look. We were sitting in the living room, letting Zoey pretend to be a doctor while waiting for Maggie to finish dinner. I offered to help, but I was reminded that I was a hazard in the kitchen and sent to entertain the kiddos.
Xander sat on the floor with his back against the TV stand. He’d started off as a patient but eventually became a chair for Ellie, who seemed to adore him. He was a little uncertain around the toddler, but he warmed up eventually, taking all the toys she handed him with a smile.