Page 43 of Under Your Care

I screamed as I orgasmed, my body shaking with electricity. I panted,out of breath, “I-I’m yours. Forever.”

On the next thrust, he released, coating my insides with his cum. I cried happy tears as I basked in the afterglow. I felt so full. Greyson leaned in and licked the teardrops from my red cheeks.

He licked his lips, savoring my tears. He murmured into my skin, “And I’m yours. Always.”

I collapsed into his chest, resting my head on his shoulder. His cock, soft and sleepy from his orgasm, stayed inside of me. Greyson made no move to pull out. He brushed a hand over the back of my head, petting me.

“Can I take a nap like this?” I asked sleepily.

“Yes, baby. Daddy needs to stay in you for a little while longer, so get cozy,” he smiled. I closed my eyes, enjoying how nice it felt to warm his cock. It wasn’t long before sleep pulled me under.

Chapter 19


A few days after the visit from Greyson’s brothers, I went out for a walk by myself. Lately, Greyson had been encouraging me to get some fresh air while he was at work. It made me feel so warm and fuzzy inside that he trusted me to return. The sky was speckled with puffy, white clouds and the cool afternoon breeze smelled of spring flowers. It was the perfect day - in my opinion - to go to the nearby zoo. I had to walk a few blocks to get there, but I didn’t mind since it was such a gorgeous day. It was a weekday afternoon, so the city’s sidewalks were pretty much bare besides the occasional mom with a stroller or bustling, coffee-holding interns for the businesses nearby.

The zoo itself had hardly any visitors, although there were a few school groups roaming around. At one point, a child no older than six ran into me. The little girl had practically bounced off of me from the speed she had been running. Who I assumed to be either her teacher or a school volunteer gave me a sheepish smile as she corralled the tiny runaway back to the rest of the group.

I strolled casually along the paved walkways, stopping at each and every exhibit. I was definitely going to ask Greyson to come here with me on a weekend. I could probably convince him to wear one of those animal earheadbands they were selling in the giftshop. I giggled quietly to myself as I pictured my big, stoic man in fuzzy tiger ears. Almost like he knew I was thinking of him, he texted me.

Daddy: How’s the zoo, darling? Wish I was there with you.

Me: I love it! I was just thinking about having a date here!

Daddy: That date better be with me, baby.

Me: No, it’ll be with that guy I saw in the walk here handing out flyers. Lol, of course it would be with you, Daddy.

Daddy: I know, sweetness. Be back home by 5pm and enjoy the animals. Love you.

Me: I love you! See you soon <3

Putting my phone back in my pocket, I continued happily walking towards the next exhibit. Otters! I sat down on the stone bench in front of their habitat, watching through the clear glass as two chased each other underneath the water. I briefly wondered if Greyson would let me bring home an otter, but then rolled my eyes at myself - of course he would. I had to bereallycareful when asking him for things. Earlier this week, I’d asked if we could put in an order for Chloe’s favorite treats since we were starting to run low. Within hours, I opened the front door to two giant-ass boxes requiring me to use all of my body weight to push them into the apartment. There had to have been at least fifty pounds of Churu treats. All different flavors, of course. At least my cat wouldn’t have to go without treats in the event of an apocalypse.

He came bearing gifts every single time he returned home. Sometimes it’d be a pastry, sometimes it’d be another lingerie set, or expensive jewelry. When I had asked him about it - explaining that he didn’t need to keep bringing me home presents like a cat catching mice - he told me that he only brought home something if he was reminded of me while looking at it. How could I argue with that?

My thoughts were suddenly brought back to the present as a heavy hand landed on my right shoulder. As I was turning my head to see who the hand was attached to, I heard a voice that made my heart stop.

“Hey, Lane.”

My head froze mid-turn. I thought that if I just didn’t move, he would disappear or I’d wake up from a nightmare and be safe in bed with Greyson. My hands shook involuntarily. I held my breath, fear rendering me useless. If he was really there, I needed to run. I desperately willed my legs and feet to move, eliciting no more than a twitch of my left foot.

“It’s rude to ignore family,” he rasped in my ear. My mouth opened but no words came out. My mind screamed at me as I shakily looked over my shoulder.No.

I choked out, “How?” I stared at the grinning face of the monster I thought was dead and buried.No.My hand jerked back to grab my phone, but a distinctive click stopped its quest.No.I flicked my gaze to his abdomen, finding the muzzle of a handgun peeking out from underneath the hooded jacket he was wearing. My stomach dropped, my teeth clenched.

“Lucky accident, actually. Your hitman mistook my friend as me. Hopefully, you didn’t spend too much money on that,” he smirked sinisterly. My vision began to fog due to the lack of oxygen in my lungs. My body wouldn’t listen to me. “You remember, Jason, right? He used toplaywith us sometimes. We were chillin’ at my place, but I ran out of cigs. Came back and heard the commotion inside. Heard your name being used. I stuck around for a bit, but ran when that psycho lit up my trailer. I’ve just been laying low. Now,it’s my turn to get the run-up on you.”

“Tate, please… don’t do this,” I choked, wanting to simultaneously gasp for air, vomit, pee myself, and run. The muzzle of his gun disappeared back under his jacket as his grip on my shoulder tightened.

“Whines the bitch that tried to kill me. Nah… you deserve everything coming.” He yanked my frozen body up from the bench. My eyes watched the sweet otters in despair as he hissed in my ear, “You’re going to walk out of here with me - acting normally. One word and I will shoot you and anyone around.”

He pressed the gun into my side - still concealed by his jacket - and began to walk us to the exit. My feet obediently walked beside him, finally working but still not following my brain’s directions.

I didn’t cry until we had reached his car and he handcuffed my feet and hands. It wasn’t the gasping sob swirling in my chest, but just a lone tear trailing down my face. I made no noise, staring blankly at my lap. Anger battled grief and fear in my head. I wasn’t angry at Tate; I was angry at myself. I needed to fight back, to scream, to escape, but I just couldn’t. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t move more than a flick of a finger. More tears began to fall, but still no noise accompanied them. I continuously berated myself in my mind, furious that I wasallowingthis to happen. It was only when Tate’s car came to a stop that a shuddering gasp escaped. He laughed when he heard it.

Tate exited the driver’s seat and walked over to open the passenger side’s door. He grabbed me by the hair and drug me out of the car to what looked to be an abandoned barn. My scalp burned, and I was pretty sure he’d ripped some of my hair out. Rocks, branches, and rotted wood tore my clothing and cut into my skin. Once inside the structure, Tate threw my bruised body into a horse stall.