I was truly going to be such an amazing husband.
There were so many different ways to kill Tate that it was hard to choose. On one hand, I wanted to chop his shriveled up dick off, force him to choke on it, and slit his throat. On the other hand - acid. I haphazardly ripped the gag from his mouth before asking him, “Acid or dick, pick one.”
His eyes frantically darted around my face. He choked out, “Acid?” His answer was phrased as a question, confusion dripping from his tone.
“Hmm…” I hummed, “Dick it is then. Great choice, buddy.” I shoved the gag back in his mouth before selecting a serrated knife from my toolkit. A scalpel would have been too kind. Tate weakly screamed behind his gag, shaking in his binds.
Current Day
I carefully measured out the appropriate dose of sedative into the syringe in my hand. The twins had assured me that this dosage wouldn’t negatively affect my darling, but just keep him sleeping for a bit longer while I handled the matters at hand. I knew I needed to move quickly to ensure Lane didn’t wake even a moment before he was lying safe in my bed. It’d only cause him unnecessary stress if he woke while I was moving him, and my princess didn’t need that.
He had come so well for me, adorably passing out afterwards. My own cock was hard and aching, but it needed to wait. Once this was done, I’d be able to satisfy my every sexual need. Prior to discovering my little fawn, I’d presumed that I wasn’t a sexual person. I’d had sex with many different partners, but besides feeling the pleasure of a burning, wet hole milking my dick, I mostly felt bored with the act. I never cared about my partner’s pleasure or discomfort. Their facial expressions or moans never did anythingfor me. But, with Lane, I wanted to squeeze every possible sound and reaction out of him. And I’d be able to, as soon as I got a move on.
After injecting the sedative into Lane’s forearm, I grabbed one of the large bags I had come with and began packing. I started at his desk, gently placing each makeup item into the bag. Next were his accessories - hair bows, barrettes, jewelry. I wasn’t planning on packing up his entire apartment tonight, but I wanted to take enough to make sure Lane was comfortable and more amenable to the move.
Anything that looked either like an essential or possibly sentimental went into the bag. Anything that I wanted him to wear went into the bag. The first bag was quickly filled, so I got to work with the next. I packed pretty much everything in his bathroom - just in case. I had already bought him much more expensive toiletries, but being able to use something familiar to him might help him with settling in.
It took about twenty minutes to pack and bring the bags down to my car. The next item of business was somehow securing the cat. I had a sedative prepped for her as well, but I knew Lane would be upset if I drugged Chloe. Luckily, she walked happily into the carrier I’d prepared for her after putting a few of her favorite treats inside. She meowed some in protest once I carried her out of the apartment, but considering I had been prepared for all-out feline warfare, it was rather easy.
Finally, I gently picked Lane up in a bridal hold, and took him out his front door for the last time. I couldn’t wait to bring him to his new home.
Chapter 10
The sound of meowing dragged me out of my deep sleep. I struggled to open my eyes, my movements all feeling disjointed and slow. When I finally managed to get my eyelids fully open, I wasn’t surprised to be greeted with Chloe staring at me from her spot on my chest. Every morning she’d typically perch there, meowing and pawing at my face until I awoke and fed her breakfast.
I wasn’t usually a morning person, but still, I felt much sleepier than normal. My eyes drifted closed once more as I weakly lifted my arms to hug Chloe. She meowed in discontent and squirmed out of my hold before jumping off of the bed. I rolled to my side, pressing my face further into the pillow. I snuggled into the plush, soft bed, and began to fall back asleep. Just then, like an alarm had gone off in my head, I was jolted awake by the realization that I wasn’t in my own room.
Still feeling foggy, I confusedly took in my surroundings. I wondered if I was still asleep and dreaming, because it appeared I was in a girl’s bedroom. I sat up and ran my hand over the velvet, light pink comforter. The queen-size bed was partially obscured from the rest of the room by a white canopy. The walls matched the light pink of the comforter and were lined with shelves of teddy bears, artwork of cats, and vases of flowers.
There was a vanity sitting along the far wall, and next to it, an open door leading to a bathroom. From my spot in bed, I couldn’t see much in the bathroom besides a large bathtub.
There was a large flatscreen TV, a giant cat tree, and a big, fluffy, pink bean bag. I loved it - jealous of whomever’s room it was, but I still couldn’t remember how I got there. I racked my brain. I remembered falling asleep in my own bed after a bath. Then… flashes of handcuffs, Dr. Cohen, and moans. That had to have been a dream, right? As I remembered more and more of last night, my face flushed. If it wasn’t real, why did my asshole feel weird? Why did it feel empty and also a little sore?
There was a brief knock at the door before it swung open. I froze and carefully tracked every movement my therapist made as he walked to the edge of my bed and sat. I was so shocked that I just stared at him like a deer in headlights. Did he assault me last night, kidnap me, and then bring me to my dream bedroom to murder me?
“I-I– Uh…” I stammered, his resulting smirk causing my belly to heat.
He moved further onto the mattress until he was sitting directly beside me. His hand snaked under the blanket, not stopping until it cupped my half-hard cock. I twitched upward before I could help it.
“Sleep well, little fawn?” He purred, reaching into my silken shorts and wrapping his hand around my shaft. He began slowly jacking me off, getting faster each time I jerked my hips. His other hand found its way under my tank top to my nipples. He rubbed and pinched, moving back and forth to each one.
I moaned, “Mmm… Wait– Wait–”
His gaze darkened. “Yes, princess?” He continued his ministrations, rubbing his thumb over my slit, dipping into the precum.
“I– Please… Not there…” I whispered, my face red in embarrassment and shame.
“Not here?” He squeezed the head of my cock. He chuckled, “Wheredo you want me to touch? You need to tell me or I won’t be able to help you, honey.” His eyes sparkled with mischief.
I groaned, not wanting to ask for it. I mumbled, “M-My hole…” I covered my eyes with my forearm.
He gleefully asked, “Do you want me to stop playing with your little cock so that I can fill your pussy?”
I moaned, nodding and shifting to allow him more access down there. His fingers were soon rubbing over my rim, wetting it with lube. I bucked up as he pushed the first finger into me. His index finger curled until it was pushing against my prostate.