A bark of laughter escaped her before she could clamp it off. It was enough to have him chuckle as well.

“That’s better. Go on and finish your lunch. And remember, you have friends here, Robyn.”

“Thanks, Master Derek. Please tell Sadie and Hayleigh I’ll call them a bit later.”

“I will.” He rose and then bent to kiss the top of her head. “Don’t make it too late or my Little girl might earn herself a spanking for asking every five minutes what the definition of later is.”

“I won’t, and really, thank you for understanding.”

“No need to thank me. It’s not only my job, it’s my pleasure.” He raised his fingertips to the brim of his cowboy hat and walked back around to the front of the house. Robyn heard the rumble of his truck starting and sighed.

“You are really a very lucky lady,” she told herself.

And don’t you forget it!

This time, Robyn smiled at the voice. “I won’t,” she promised and then finished her food, not caring that it had grown cold. If only her body would stop heating every time a face flashed in her mind.



“Well, damn,” Winston said after joining Derek in his office. “I can’t explain it, but I thought I’d had one of those magic moments your wife is constantly talking about. The second I saw that Little girl in the cafeteria, I was hooked.”

Derek sat back in his chair. “I didn’t say you should give up finding a Little, I just said that Robyn doesn’t appear to be ready. If you give up, then that’s on you.”

Winston looked from the man who’d earned his respect within the week they’d met to the view outside the window. He’d been serious about starting his life anew. Returning to Montana had been more than a desire to return to his roots. It was a chance to start completely over. He’d spent years following in his father’s footsteps, finding the math and strategy involved in moving money around as easy as most people found moving from one room to another. While his brother flourished in the world of law, it was numbers that just clicked in Winston’s brain almost without effort. It hadn’t taken long for him to open his own financial firm, and only a bit longer to make enough moneyto take care of himself for the rest of his life. The buyout of his company further ensured he’d have enough to also take care of the family he dreamed of starting.

Of course, he first needed to find that one special woman who not only wanted to live in the Big Sky state on a somewhat isolated ranch, but also embraced the lifestyle he’d been drawn to since he’d hit puberty and learned kissing girls didn’t give him cooties and was, in fact, quite enjoyable. The women he’d dated over the years had all assured him they were willing to follow him anywhere, but even if that had been true, which he seriously doubted, not a single one lit the flame that resided in his soul.

He would have moved to Montana to bring his grandpa’s ranch back to life regardless, but when he’d met Jagger, Derek, Moses and Travis and their wives, he’d felt as if he’d finally found people who were welcoming rather than suspicious of their neighbor. Well, after he’d informed them that he had no desire to share his land with the idiots on the ATVs, that was.

Learning they were all wed to Littles, with the exception of Jayne who informed him she wasn’t just a Domme, but was also a Switch, had confirmed his instincts were still good. But when Derek had taken him on a tour of Rawhide Ranch and explained that it was not only a safe haven for Littles, but a BDSM resort, he’d felt as if he’d discovered the definition of heaven on earth. He’d seen a lot of happy faces among Derek’s guests, the atmosphere relaxed and inclusive. One of those faces had stirred something deep inside him and yet he’d just been told Robyn had no interest in pursuing a relationship.

“Derek’s right,” Jagger said after taking a sip of the whiskey in his glass. “You can either throw yourself a pity party or pull up your boot straps and look at the other Littles running around.”

“What are you? The voice of experience?” Winston asked, a bite in his tone.

“Yep. I tried to convince myself that I was just fine on my own, that I didn’t need anyone looking after me.”

Winston grinned and relaxed. “Until Moira convinced you otherwise?”

“Exactly!” Jagger lifted his glass. “The thing with magic is you can either accept that it exists or try to turn a blind eye.”

Sighing, Winston nodded. “True enough. I’m not one to throw parties no one wants to attend, so I’ll give it another go if you find a Little you think might be interested, that is, though I wish I knew what I did wrong to trigger Robyn.” He turned to Derek again.

“I’m afraid only she can provide that answer. On a happier note, it just so happens there will be a Meet and Greet in a few days. That will give you a chance to meet Littles who are actively searching for a Daddy.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Winston said without enthusiasm. He wasn’t actually interested in any Little other than Robyn, but it would be rude to reject Derek’s help. He supposed he could fake it till he made it. “In the meantime, can you recommend a place to stay for a few weeks? I’m going to have a construction crew out at Gramp’s place and have no desire to listen to the constant noise caused when pulling down old walls, nor breathe in century-old dust.”

“You’re more than welcome to come stay with us, but full disclosure, three-year-old twins can put the noise of a dozen hammers pounding nails to shame.”

“Thanks for the offer, but I think I’ll pass. No offense, but?—”

“None taken,” Jagger cut him off. “I felt the same way until those screeches and giggles came out of my own family.”

“Are we still talking about the twins or Moira?” Derek asked.

“Let’s save that for another story swap,” Jagger suggested as Winston chuckled.