While he’d been a gentleman the evening before and put her to bed in her clothing, tonight he didn’t only remove her dress, he removed every stitch she had on except for the ankle brace. She wasn’t complaining, not when he stripped as well until he stood in his birthday suit.

“You are one fine-looking cowboy,” she said softly.

“Hold that thought,” he said and then disappeared.

“Rooster, you’re naked!” she hissed before remembering they were alone on the third floor.

His reappearance had her giggling as he strutted in wearing his hat and not on his head. “I believe this belongs to you, little bird,” he said, swaying his hips which caused his hat to dance.

“What, the hat or its hook?” she managed between giggles.

“Both.” He moved his hat from his cock to her head and then slipped into bed beside her.

Her bed was nowhere near as large as the one in the suite at the Ranch, but when he pulled her close, she realized it didn’t need to be.

“Now, I seem to remember some little bird giving me sass about riding. I know you like to ride horses. Tell me, do you also like to ride cowboys?

“I do.” Robyn pushed the hat back off her face so she could see his smile as she moved to straddle his hips and then slowly, oh so very slowly, lowered herself onto his shaft.

“Giddy up,” he growled and his entry was made much easier as her sex flooded with arousal.



If any of his acquaintances from his previous life could see him now, Rooster knew they’d be wondering who had taken over the cool and calculated mathematical wizard and what had they done with his body. Instead of speed reading financial market statistics from all over the world and making split-second decisions with many millions of dollars on the line, he’d spent the past week carrying the love of his life around, learning how to bake, setting up a tea party to which he wasn’t even invited but had enjoyed the sounds of shrieks of laughter from Robyn and her Little friends, and was currently watching his little bird get ready to negotiate for the contents of a trunk she wouldn’t even be able to open.

“Are you thinking it might make a table for one of your guest rooms?”

She looked up at him in surprise. “I hadn’t even considered that, but what a great idea. I’m going to make a bargain-hunter out of you before you know it!”

“I’m not too clear on how it can be a bargain when you have no clue what you might wind up with. Little bird, you do realize you can’t even unlock that trunk?”

“That’s what skeleton keys are for,” she said, lifting onto her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. “Wish me luck, Daddy.”

“Good luck.”

As Robyn sauntered over to the vendor’s table, pretending she wasn’t totally obsessed with the trunk, Rooster felt a slap on his back. Turning, he saw Jagger who was grinning.

“Want some advice?”

“My grandfather taught me never to turn down advice from a person I admire, so, fire away.”

“Don’t waste your time trying to understand how the mind of your Little works. They are beautiful, complicated creatures. Just enjoy the fact that she’s chosen you to share her life’s journeys with.”

Rooster looked over at him. “That’s it?”

“Need there be more?”

Rooster chuckled and shook his head. “I guess that sums it up pretty well. Thanks, Jagger.”

“Don’t mention it.”

Rooster looked back to where Robyn was engaged in conversation with an older man and he frowned when he realized she was now seated on the coveted trunk and rubbing her ankle.

“Oh no she’s not,” he growled.

“I think my Daddy forgot a tiny piece of that sage advice,” Moira said, joining them and drawing Rooster’s attention back to the couple.