Robyn shivered as he shifted to his side and lifted the hair from her neck before he bent to kiss along the exposed skin. His warm breath had her breathing hard and when his tongue came out and licked, she moaned. When he then took the flesh between his teeth and bit gently, she arched and her entire body convulsed.
“Baby bird,” he said after releasing her and soothing the spot with another long, slow lick followed by a suckle that had her toes curling. “I do believe there is a little masochist inside you.”
Robyn didn’t even bother to deny it. Instead, she did what she’d wanted to do from the moment she’d seen him. She pressed against his chest until he was once again flat on his back. Climbing on top to straddle his hips, she reached down and began to unbutton his shirt. When he tried to help, she glared and showed him he wasn’t the only one who knew how to growl.
Rooster dropped his hands and Robyn smiled. “Good boy.”
“Little bird, you’re about to learn that I left boyhood behind a long time ago.” Before she had his shirt half undone, he’d flipped them so she was the one on her back staring up at him as he straddled her hips.
“First, Master Derek would throw me out if I didn’t take care of a few things.”
“Are you serious?”
“As a heart attack. It’s not like we gave him any advance notice that we were attracted to each other.”
“I’m pretty sure he’s aware, Rooster. I mean, he did return the keys to this very room to me.”
That seemed to give him pause for about a second. “Granted, but I want to make sure you are aware that?—”
“I’m aware!”
“Robyn, I’m serious, honey.”
She should have known he was. There hadn’t been a moment yet when he took advantage or assumed anything. He did the opposite, going above and beyond to make sure she was on board with whatever was taking place.
“I’m sorry, please, go ahead,” she said, but couldn’t help but add, “but can we do the short version now and fill in the blanks later?”
Rooster chuckled. “Fine. Do I need to find condoms?”
“No, I’m on birth control.”
“Do you have any hard limits I need to know about?”
“I-I’m really not sure. I’m not a virgin but I don’t have much experience if you’re talking about Dungeon thingies.”
He chuckled. “I think the use of the wordthingiesgives me enough information for now. Safe word?”
She bit her lip and he grinned.
“It’s something having to do with birds, isn’t it?”
Robyn giggled. “Nope. It’s Tyrannosaurus.”
“Tyrannosaurus à laJurassic Park?”
“Can you think of anything else that is totally opposite of a delicate bird?”
He grinned. “Robyn, I hate to tell you, but birds have been directly traced back to dinosaurs.”
Her mouth dropped open. “How could I not know that?”
“Probably because who looks at a T-rex and thinks about flying? Besides, I think it’s perfect, so if you’re good, I think we’re good to go. Oh, do I have your consent?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
She’d never forget the moment she said the word for the very first time. His entire body seemed to shift. His eyes darkened with a look of hunger and need. His low-throated growl caused her sex to weep and when she saw the bulge beneath the denim of his jeans actually move as if attempting to escape its confinement, she knew the true meaning of being desired more than breath itself.
His mouth descended and she lost total track of time, burning as if by a flame that flared hotter and hotter and yet failed to consume her. Somewhere in the mix, they lost their clothes. She would never know exactly how but decided it didn’t matter.