Luna laughed and nodded, her rainbow colored hair swaying. “I’d give you the entire welcome to Rawhide spiel and offer to tell you about the amenit?—”
Another growl had Luna’s shoulders shaking as she giggled, but she stopped talking and started typing. Within a couple of seconds, she held out a pair of keycards. “Room?—”
“We’ll find it,” Rooster said as Robyn took the cards.
“Thank you!” Robyn called out as Rooster turned and started across the lobby.
“Have fun!” Luna returned.
“Which way?” Rooster asked when he finally halted mid-way across the lobby.
Robyn looked at the cards and then giggled. “Sorry, it’s on the second floor.”
“No problem,” he said. “Stairs?”
“How about an elevator, it’s faster.”
“Works for me, just point.”
She pointed toward the right. “The one by Master Derek’s office is closer.” That was, of course, when she heard a bell and realized the lobby was about to be flooded with Littles being let free of their classes for the day. “Wait! Maybe we should use the one by the store!”
Rooster turned yet again and that was, of course, the moment Master Derek appeared from his office.
“What happened?” he called out and when Rooster just growled, Robyn totally lost it. She started giggling and when Sadie ran up and started yelling that Robyn was hysterical, it was like a production ofTheComedy of Errorswithout the benefit of any script. While Rooster shifted on his feet like a racehorsewaiting for the gate to open, Robyn continued to giggle and snort, totally unable to help the poor man out.
Or she supposed she did in a way because when she dropped the cards, one was picked up by Sadie, the other by her Daddy.
“Oh!” Sadie’s and Master Derek’s exclamation came at the exact same moment.
“So much for not raising any eyebrows,” he muttered.
“You tried,” Robyn offered between giggles.
Master Derek took the card from Sadie and then slipped them both back into Robyn’s hand. “We’re good here,” he said. “Sorry, Beverly, false alarm.”
At the sight of the nurse, Robyn turned to bury her face in Rooster’s shirt as visions of naughty naked examinations flashed across her mind. Exams she was very anxious to have performed but not by any nurse, no matter how skilled or nice the woman was.
Robyn knew there were other people around, but it would have taken an act of god to have her look up. She simply giggled and gripped Rooster’s shirt as she was jostled in his arms.
“You can come out now,” he said.
Robyn shook her head and he chuckled.
“Little bird, unless you want me to ask for someone to come unlock the door?—”
“No!” she shouted, lifting her head to see they were standing in front of the door to their room. She fumbled with the cards but managed to swipe it, grateful to hear the latch click. Grabbing the door handle, she pushed the door open and smiled when Rooster kicked it closed behind him, then leaned against it.
The way he said it set her off again and before she knew it, he was laughing along with her as he straightened and carried herto the big, beautiful king-size bed and set her down. She fell back and he followed suit.
“I’m so sorry, little bird,” he said when he finally managed to stop laughing.
“Don’t be.” Robyn turned on her side to face him. “You were so sweet trying to save my reputation at the B&B and on your ranch. But, next time we are looking for a make-out spot, maybe we should find some country road to just park and neck and maintain some dignity.”
His eyes darkened in a smoldering way that had her nipples tightening.
“I’m pretty sure that ship has sailed,” he said, “but speaking of necks…”