He managed to not only ice the rolls, but by the time the other guests emerged from their rooms, he had set the tables and filled the chafing dishes Robyn had indicated she used to serve food.

“You know, you really are pretty impressive,” Robyn said as her guests each dropped by where she’d been stationed in an easy chair by the front window to tell her how lovely their rooms were and how delicious breakfast had been before they headed out to enjoy their day.

“I just did what you told me,” he said, stacking the last of the dishes on a tray to be washed.

“No, anyone could have done that. You made a point to engage every single person and not with general comments as to the weather, but asked questions that changed them from strangers staying at a B&B to people who were actually glad to meet other travelers who share the desire to be here. Is that how you managed to be successful in the big city?”

“Business can be cutthroat, but at the end of the day, we are all human beings who only want to be seen and heard.” He leaned down and spoke close to her ear, “And I can’t wait to see far more of you and listen to more of those sweet sounds you make when I’m kissing you.”

“You’re incorrigible.”

“Nope, a little bird just told me I’m impressive.” He stood and began whistling as he took the tray into the kitchen. He wondered if Ms. Ethel was any relation to Derek Hawkins as they both not only believed in magic, they shared it with those around them.



The truck door had just closed when the front door of the house before her opened and two tiny people ran out only to stop short and look up at her.

“Is Mister Rooster your Daddy?” the little boy asked, lifting his hand to point up at Winston.

Evidently not to be outdone, the little girl lifted her finger but pointed it at Robyn’s ankle. “Do you have a boo-boo?”

“George, Gloria, it’s not nice to point.” This was said by a woman Robyn had seen a few times and she realized the twins belonged to her.

“It’s okay, Moira, they are just precious,” Robyn said before looking down at the twins. “I hurt my ankle and this nice cowboy is helping me.”

“Yeah”—George gave a nonchalant shrug—“my Daddy always says we have to be extra nice to girls.”

Winston chuckled. “Your Daddy is a very wise man.”

“Thank you,” Jagger said as he stepped out of the house to join his family. When Gloria lifted her arms, he scooped her upand even before George’s rose, he was also lifted to sit on his Daddy’s other hip.

“Or else you’ll have to sit in the corner and that’s boring,” George stated as if it was a simple fact of life.

Robyn found it hard not to laugh at the look of dislike puckering the boy’s lips. “I imagine it would be. I heard you have some horses?”

“We have lots!” George said, throwing his arms wide.

“Mr. Rooster helped Daddy and Mister Derek and Mister Moses save them,” Gloria said, her beautiful blue-green eyes round with wonder.

“He did. It’s awfully nice of your Daddy and Mommy to take care of them. I’d love to see the horses. Can you show me?”

Both twins’ strawberry-blond heads bobbed as they directed their Daddy to take them to the horsies. For a man who looked as if he could fell a man with a simple glare, Jagger was like a giant gentle bear when it came to his kids.

While Jagger carried his twins, Rooster carried her. When she insisted on being set on the top rail of the corral, he’d allowed it but stood behind her with his hands at her waist ready to yank her back to safety if needed.

Robyn had seen lots of horses while in Montana, but seeing wild mustangs was a totally new level of amazement. They were regal in their posture. When they milled around a brown mare, she smiled.

“They remind me of my friends,” she said.

“Because she has a boo-boo too?” Gloria asked as she pointed to the horse.

Robyn laughed as she realized the horse had a brace wrapped around her foreleg. “She does, but I meant all of them. See how they circle around but stay close to each other? It’s like they want to make sure they are near in case anyone needs help.” She looked over to where the kids sat on the rail beside her, Jagger’shand on each of their waists. “Just like your brother and Daddy are always ready to help you and your Mommy.”

“I’m a big girl,” Gloria said with a pout.

“I know you are. Want to know a secret?”