Robyn felt her nipples tighten as she looked from the large rug between the two chairs positioned before the fireplace and then back at Rooster. “I stand corrected. We definitely need a rug for me to lie on while my Rooster makes me crow, but I don’t need tostandon it.”

Robyn bent forward to touch her toes and then stretched her arms over her head as if loosening her stiff muscles.

When she lifted her foot, Rooster’s tone showed his disbelief as he said, “No way.”

“Yes way,” she countered and then stepped, not on the rug or even on the arm of the chair , but onto its back for the one step it took her before she took the big step up required to reach the wide, live-edge, black-walnut mantle. At the sound of Rooster’s gasp, she lifted her arms slowly like a ballerina finding her balance, or like a bird gliding across the sky with ease. She avoided the framed photos decorating it, only nudging one. Squatting slowly, she moved it back into position. “Sorry Granny.”

“Forget Granny. I think you’ve already given Gramps’ ghost a coronary.”

“If he’s anything like you, and from the smile on Granny’s face, I would bet he very much is, I’d wager he doesn’t mind no matter what view he’s getting at the moment.”

Robyn stepped down to the second chair and then all it took to reach her destination was the trunk she’d bought at the rummage sale. It had not only held a treasure trove of old books and vintage linens which she’d used at The Nest, as it was often called these days, it did indeed make a perfect table. Standing onthe trunk, she made the transfer to the top of the dresser where she performed a perfect curtsy before dropping to her knees and opening the drawer that held lingerie like the set she was currently wearing.

Looking up, she smiled. “I rest my case.”

“Well, Moira did tell me never to make assumptions… about anything. It seems you outsmarted me this time, little bird.”

Robyn knew she had but suddenly regretted donning lingerie, no matter how much her Daddy liked taking it off her. He also really loved selecting which set she’d wear beneath her clothes, having told her that each time he looked at her, no matter if she were baking, playing with her friends, or even talking with the guests at her B&B, he knew that once he had her alone, he’d get to unwrap the most beautiful gift in the world over and over and over again, every day for the rest of his life.

Standing in one smooth motion, she unfastened the clasp hidden beneath the daisy in the center of the bra cups and slipped it off. Then she pulled the ribbons on the sides of the g-string, and let it fall to her feet. Rooster’s smile and flare of his nostrils and the bulge beneath his zipper told her she’d made the right choice.

“Watch, Daddy,” she said a second before she jumped and then squealed in victory when she landed in the middle of the bed.

“Don’t ever do that again,” Rooster growled.

“Sorry, I just thought it would be fun to show you I can fly.”

“I believe there are far safer ways to fly, little bird.Ones that won’t take ten years off my life.”

“You’re right and I’m sorry. And I know you wanted to surprise me and I messed the whole thing up.”

“You didn’t mess it up, little bird. You just adjusted the timeline a bit.” With that cryptic statement, he stepped backward.

“Wait, aren’t we going riding?” she called out as she stared at the door he’d pulled closed. When no answer came, she remembered the note. By the time she twisted the knob and released it, smiling as the door began to open again, she was posed just as he’d wanted, naked and under the covers.

“Happy Anniversary, little bird,” he said, walking all the way into the room this time.

“Happy Anniversary, Daddy.” It had been six months ago to the day when she’d looked up to see the man of her dreams in the flesh.

Rooster bent down to kiss the top of her curls as he always did before he slowly, ever so slowly, began to pull the covers down. He never rushed, didn’t pull them away in one move. First, he’d removed the quilt, taking the time to fold it neatly over on itself at the foot of the bed. Then came the duvet that would follow the same path. By the time his fingers were taking hold of the top sheet, her nipples were tight little peaks resembling those they’d see outside the window once the sun rose over the mountain. Only when she was completely uncovered would he smile and say, “Prettiest present a man could ever want and the most perfect gift for a Daddy who loves his little bird.”

Robyn lifted her arms and slid them around his neck. “No matter how many times you say that, it always makes my heart happy.”

“I’m glad, little bird.”

He kissed her and she felt every cell in her body expand as if waiting in expectation in unwrapping his body so they could rub and grind against his cells. However, when she slid her hand down to his belt buckle, he chuckled.

“Sorry, I’m afraid that’s not on this morning’s agenda.”


“Unless you have a magical way of turning back time and keeping the sun from rising, we’re going to miss it if we don’t get going.”

Knowing she was the cause of the delay, she dropped her hand but only after palming the bulge so very evident beneath the denim. “I’ll make it up to you.”

Rooster laughed and kissed her, this time on her lips.

She loved the fact that he didn’t save time by simply choosing the bra and panties she’d left on the dresser’s top, but dipped into the drawer she’d left open and made his choice. She smiled when seeing it was the same set he’d chosen the day he helped her dress when she sprained her ankle.