“That’s perfect. If you’ll grab that ace bandage, I’ll show you how to wrap it. If that’s not enough to hold it immobile, we can add a brace.”
Robyn watched as the two worked together. The nurse not only wrapped her ankle, which hurt at first but actually made her ankle feel better, but then she unwrapped it and watched while Winston repeated the steps… not once but three times. She almost giggled at the serious expression on his face but was afraid that if she so much as squeaked, he’d forget his promise about baring her bottom and she’d find that glass rod sliding up her butt.
“Do you need to potty?”
The nurse’s question snapped Robyn out of that minefield only to shove her into another.
“I can bring you a potty pan or your Daddy… excuse me, yourfriendcan carry you to the toilet.”
“No… um, no thank you. I’m fine.”
“Are you sure, you were doing some squirming,” Winston said, drawing her eyes to his.
Seeing the humor in the green depths, she narrowed hers. “I’m quite positive, thank you. I’m just feeling a bit like a Christmas gift with all this wrapping and unwrapping,” she said with sugary sweetness dripping from her tone.
Winston chuckled. “Good thing we’re done then. Want to sit up?”
Good grief. Did nothing cause this cowboy to lose his patience? “Yes, please.”
He helped her sit and then zipped up the dress she’d forgotten all about. He adjusted the collar and then tapped her nose with the end of his fingertip. “I think you’ve earned a prize.”
“Oh goodie, is this when you give me a lollipop?”
“I’m not sure what he’s going to give you, but the lolly is on me.” Nurse MacIntosh removed the top of a glass jar and held it out to her. “You did very well and I’m very excited to hear nothing but lovely compliments about your B&B. If you don’t mind, I’d love to make a reservation in a few weeks. I’d promisenot to even bring my thermometer, but Gordon and I do insist on checking our Littles’ temperatures nightly.”
Heat flooded Robyn’s entire body. “Um, that’s… that’s nice. I mean, I’d love that—love to have you stay! Thank you,” Robyn said, pretty amazed to realize she meant it. Just like she’d experienced with the couple of public spankings she had earned in her time at the Ranch, once the deed was over and paid for with a few swats, or in this case, a little embarrassment, it was like nothing had happened. “Just give me a call whenever you’re ready,” she added as Winston scooped her off the table and into his arms again.
“So about this treat”—she tugged the wrapper off the cherry-flavored lollipop and popped it into her mouth for a few sucks before pulling it out again—“what are you thinking?”
“Little bird, you don’t want to know what I’m thinking, but if you keep sucking on that candy, I’m going to have to find a place to set you down so I can adjust myself again.”
Robyn laughed and threw caution to the wind, making sure he was aware of each time her cheeks hollowed as she drew on the sucker and popped her lips every time she pulled it free. His growl had her lady bits tingling in a way she’d never experienced before. It wasn’t until they actually approached Master Derek’s office that she stopped teasing.
“I’ll behave!”
He looked down at her. “That’s a mighty interesting reaction, little bird. We are definitely going to be exploring it later. Right now, I’m just following through on a promise to let Derek know how you’re doing.”
“Oh, right,” Robyn said, remembering the conversation in the lobby.
When Erika told them Derek had someone in his office, Winston’s attempt to take a seat on the bench outside the Ranchowner’s office had Robyn yanking on his shirt as if to pull him back to standing. “You can’t sit there!”
“Why not?” he asked, managing to make it to his feet with only a slight stumble. “Afraid it’s not going to hold my weight?”
“No.” Robyn reached up to pull his head closer to hers. “That’s where naughty Littles and submissives sit when they are sent here or called to Master Derek’s office. You know, waiting to be spanked.”
Winston’s eyebrows rose as he looked back at the bench. “Hmmm, I like it.”
“Figures.” Robyn rolled her eyes. “But since I wasn’t sent or called for, we need to sit in one of those chairs.” She used her lollipop to point to a set of leather chairs.
Winston took a seat but kept her on his lap. They spent enough time waiting for Erika to let them know Derek was about to be free for Robyn to finish her lollipop and for him to take the stick and dispose of it in the trash can beside Erika’s desk after he stood.
To Robyn’s surprise, when the door opened, it wasn’t to disgorge some poor red-faced, and most likely, red-bottomed Little. Instead, it was Master Jagger. She knew he had his own ranch not far from Rawhide and often helped Master Derek out with horse doings.
“Oh, hey. We were just talking about the horses. I’ve decided that I’m interested in talking to your friend. If he’s still interested, that is.”
“I’ll give him a call later and find out. I haven’t talked to him yet as I didn’t want to raise his hopes if you weren’t ready. Can I let you know after dinner?”
“Sure, no rush,” Jagger said before turning his attention to Robyn. “Wren told Moira your grand opening went great, but obviously, she must have misspoken.” He gestured toward her bare feet and wrapped ankle.