“Put me down!” she demanded.

“I will. No need to get your panties in a wad.” He strode across the space and set her down on the large island. When she appeared to be about to jump down, he put his hands, palms down on the island, effectively caging her in place and bent down until he was eye level. “If you don’t want to have me pull down those wadded panties and redden your bottom, I suggest you don’t even think about moving.”

If he’d thought her eyes had widened at his appearance in her kitchen doorway, he discovered they were capable of going much wider at his words. Or perhaps it was his tone. Regardless, it did the trick and she froze.

“That’s better. I’m just going to make sure you haven’t broken your ankle, okay?”

Her mouth opened then closed and opened again. “Let me see if I’ve got this straight. You’re asking permission to touch my ankle after you just threatened to bare my butt?”

“Babygirl, that wasn’t a threat, it was a promise. I’d be doing every Daddy Dom on the planet a disservice if I failed to make sure you understand that putting yourself in harm’s way is a non-negotiable spankable offense.”

Evidently having nothing more to say, she just snapped her mouth closed, but he didn’t fail to see the flicker of interest in her eyes. He far preferred it to the glare she’d subjected him to.

She reminded him of the wild stallion he’d helped corral only a few days before. Both females were formidable, but he loved a challenge.

“Since when do Littles wear heels?” he asked.

“I’m not a Little, well, not in my place of business that is,” she said and then hissed as he eased the pump off her foot.

Her wince was enough to have him turning to look around. “Don’t you have a refrigerator?”

“Don’t you think it would be rather hard to store perishables without one?” she snipped.

Okay, two could play this game.

“Hot or cold?” he asked, taking a single step forward.

“Cold of course.”

Nodding, he took a step to his right. “How about now?”


“Am I getting hotter or colder?” Though he wasn’t facing her, he could hear the surprise at the catch in her breath and could easily picture her rolling her eyes as his question made it clear that he was playing with her.


“Ahh, okay, how about now?” This time he moved a half dozen steps forward.

“Brrr, you might want to check for frostbite.”

That was more like it. She couldn’t be more adorable if she tried. Crossing his arms over his chest, he rubbed his hands vigorously up and down his sleeves as if attempting to warmhimself, Winston did a one eighty and moved forward. As if she were as skittish as that mare, he purposefully avoided any direct approach, making sure he was standing several feet to the right of the island. Once he was past her, he turned his head over his shoulder and smiled. Her head might have whipped forward but she’d definitely been watching. He remained silent until she peeked over her shoulder again.

“Now?” he asked without making a big deal of her eyes meeting his.


A few steps later, she said, “Hope you’ve got some sunscreen in your pocket.”

Winston stopped moving but wondered if she was cheating as he still didn’t see any sign of a refrigerator. He took a half step forward and heard her giggle. Another small step put him within a foot of a white cabinet door.

“You aren’t fibbing now are you?” he asked, turning his head again.

“Nope.” Black curls swayed as she shook her head. “Lying is another of those so-called non-negotiable spankable offenses.”

Hearing her mention spanking did something to his insides. He wondered if this was what the Grinch felt like when his heart started to swell.

“Nothingso-calledabout it. You can consider those two chiseled in marble. We can negotiate the others later.” He gave her a grin when her lips formed the cutest little ‘O’. Not wanting her to close down, he took another step. “Then, I guess it has to be here?” The question in his tone was obvious but when he reached out to pull the cabinet door open, he felt a cold draft and saw shelves filled with items that definitely belonged in a refrigerator. “Well isn’t that clever?” Pulling the other door open, he found what he’d been looking for. Taking a bag of frozen raspberries out, he retraced his steps. “I’m sorry, thisis going to be a little cold. Do you have a dish towel hidden somewhere?”