He gave the heavens a final glance as he went inside.
It had taken a few days, not to mention more than a few telephone conversations for Robyn to decide a person could only eat so many eggs. It was time for a grilled-cheese sandwich. Despite her determination to eat something other than breakfast, Robyn avoided the cafeteria like the plague and made her way to the café.
“Hi, Robyn, is someone joining you?” Julie asked from behind the counter.
“Nope, it’s just me tonight. May I have a grilled-cheese, fries and water? Wait, make that a chocolate milkshake.”
“You’ve got it,” Julie said with a smile.
Robyn loved the fact there was no judgment in the woman’s eyes. Robyn could admit it wasn’t the healthiest of meals, but then why did she care? It wasn’t like anyone was going to berate her for the carb overload she was going to be indulging in. She chose to sit at one of the smaller tables next to a window that looked outside. The view was one she’d never tire of. Moving to Montana had been the answer to a prayer and gaining approvalto open a B&B on the Ridge had been an answer to a dream. A dream that she’d originally shared with her twin sister, Raven.
Robyn pushed a strand of hair behind her ear as she thought of how she and her twin would spend hours talking about their dream. She had first thought they would open a place together, but Raven had shut that avenue down when moving so far away became Robyn’s choice of location.
“If you want to open a B&B in the mountains, that’s fine, but what’s wrong with the mountains here?” Raven had asked.
“I just want something new,” Robyn explained.
“Well,it can’t be the cold since Montana’s winters are every bit as bad as Vermont’s, if not worse,” Raven had said. “How about you tell me the real reason?”
That was one thing Robyn hadn’t been ready to do. She’d admit that mountains were pretty much the same and most every forest contained a whole lot of trees, but she couldn’t bring herself to admit that it was a specific Ranch that offered the freedom to be her true self that was calling to her like a siren called to sailors.
“I love all of you, but if I don’t get away from here I feel like I’m going to explode.” It was close enough to the truth not to have her insides swirling by telling a lie.
Raven gave her a long look and then smiled. “Fine, if that’s the way you want to play it, I won’t push. You know Mom and Dad are going to think their little bird just wants to test her wings.”
Robyn had groaned. “Don’t you ever get tired of the same old jokes? I swear our parents had to be higher than a kite when they saddled all of us with the names of birds.”
Robyn had said this before and knew their sisters Dove and Sparrow agreed. She still remembered her twin’s laugh as Raven lifted her arms and flapped them as if trying to take flight.
“It’s nice to hear you laugh.”
Shocked out of her memories, Robyn looked up, her muscles tensing.
“Hey, it’s just me.” Hayleigh gave her a concerned look as she slid into the chair opposite Robyn’s.
“Sorry, I thought… you just startled me,” Robyn said, not about to admit her reaction surprised even herself.
“You’re not worried about tomorrow, are you?” Hayleigh asked, concern evident in her voice.
Brown eyes rolled as Hayleigh’s lips curled into a smile. “Seriously? You’ve got to share what has you so deep in thought that a simple compliment has you jumping out of your skin and totally forgetting that tomorrow is your big day.”
Shoving down what she would like to share, Robyn managed a smile. “Of course not, I was just thinking about my sister. Have I told you she’s planning on opening her own B&B but in New Hampshire?”
Hayleigh nodded, reaching out to snag a fry the moment Julie set the basket containing Robyn’s dinner on the table.
“Hey! That’s mine!” Robyn slapped at Hayleigh’s hand.
“That’s better.” Hayleigh stuck the fry in her mouth and rolled her eyes in pleasure. “Julie, I’ll have the same.”
“I thought you always ate in the cafeteria,” Robyn said.
“Nope. I eat there a lot, but Daddy and I usually eat dinner at home. But since he’s busy with food for the Meet and Greet, I’m on my own,” Hayleigh offered before leaning forward a bit. “But let’s keep this little treat between us, okay?”