I’ve got you.
The weight lessened, as did the darkness. Colors bloomed and shadows slipped away as he dragged his eyelids open. Instead of a demon, he saw the face of his savior. The very onewho had saved him before. The woman who’d promised to save him every single time.
“Oh, Blake, thank you,” she said, her voice caught on a sob as she pressed her forehead to his. “You’re okay, baby. You’re safe. I’m here.”
“Mommy.” Uttering the word was what freed him of the nightmare. Even as the details faded, some part of his mind attempted to grab at something just out of reach. But when his Mommy kissed him softly, Blake let it go and wrapped his arms around her instead.
She didn’t push, didn’t demand he talk, simply held him to her while his heart stopped trying to pound its way out of his chest. She held him until Blake gave a deep sigh and the last muscle relaxed to allow him to lie limp in her embrace. Only then did she pull back just enough to lift a hand to cup his cheek in her palm.
“I’ve got you.”
“I know,” Blake said and moved to kiss her just as softly before falling to lie on his back. The shooting stars above him came from the lamp his Mommy had turned on beside his bed. Blake followed the silvery trails of comets across the rotating universe, his breaths slowing as his pulse rate decreased. He looked down to find the bed was a mess. Covers that had been neatly folded back when she’d tucked him in were now either tangled around his body or hanging off the bed to drag on the floor. Round pillows of the various planets which normally lay at the foot of the bed now decorated the floor like they did when he and his friends had engaged in an epic pillow fight in the Butterfly Room. The memory of the laughter of Littles and the fun they’d had had been well worth the half-dozen swats they’d each received from their teacher, Miss Price.
Drawing a deep breath and then another as if making sure he could, Blake turned to look at his savior. “I think I had a nightmare.”
Beverly gave a shaky laugh and nodded, reaching to brush his hair off his forehead. “Baby, you had one hell of a nightmare.”
“You said a bad word, Mommy. You owe a dollar to the swear jar.”
She gave a brief smile. “I’ll gladly pay any price to have you back with me.” She kissed the top of his head, then asked softly, “You want to tell me about it?”
Blake didn’t answer immediately, and when she tried to hide her sigh, he reached out and took her hand. “It’s not that I don’t want to, I never can remember much. All I know is that it was really dark, cold and… scary.” He paused a moment and shook his head. “Though this time, it felt different. I think there was someone I needed to find, but I couldn’t. Or… or… maybe it was something I needed to remember, but I-I just can’t.”
She scooted off the bed and held out her hand. “Don’t think about that now. If it’s important, it will come back. Let’s just hope whatever it is, it chooses a much nicer way to return. Now, how about you come to Mommy’s bed?”
Blake often slept in her bed, but not on those nights when it was her turn to be on call in case there was an emergency at the Ranch. She’d worry that if she had to get up in the middle of the night, she’d disturb his rest. Tonight, Blake didn’t care if he remained awake until dawn if it meant he’d be beside the woman he loved so deeply.
Kicking away the tangle of sheets and quilt, Blake freed his legs and half climbed, half fell out of bed, dragging the remainder of the covers off with him. “Sorry,” he said, bending to grab the bedding.
“Leave it.”
“Really?” He didn’t bother to hide his surprise. His Mommy was rather meticulous about things and while she allowed his personal space to be a bit messy, right now it looked like a tornado had torn through the room.
“Really. It can wait until morning. In fact…” She bent to pull his pajama pants down, drawing his underwear along as well. “Step,” she ordered, tapping his foot to signal him to step out. Once he had, she tossed them on top of the linens. His t-shirt with the entire Power Ranger crew on the front followed.
Blake hadn’t realized how sweaty he’d been until the cool air touched his nakedness. When he shivered, his Mommy cupped his face between her palms and pulled him down for a light kiss. “Everything else can wait. Right now, I want to hold you close and keep you safe.”
As the last vestiges of the dream slipped back into the night, Blake smiled and took the hand she held out. “You always do.”
The next time he opened his eyes it was to instantly squint against the bright sunlight that was pouring through the window. The space next to his was not only empty, when he reached out to run his hand over the sheets, it was to find them cool. Mommy had evidently been up a while.
While Blake loved his room and the special bed she’d let him help Master Colt design, he really loved sleeping in his Mommy’s larger bed. He took the opportunity of being alone to lift his arms above his head and point his toes toward the footboard, stretching every muscle in between.
“Babyboy, if you want Mommy to restrain you to the bed, all you have to do is ask.”
Yelping, Blake pulled himself to sit, feeling his face heating at being caught, his gaze darting to the thick steel rings embedded in the footboard, knowing there were others in the board behind his head as well. When she laughed, he blushed even hotter and tried to discreetly arrange the sheet over his hips to hide his morning wood. Of course, Mommy saw. She always saweverything.
“And here I thought I’d drained you dry last night,” she said, causing heat of a different sort to flood through him and his cock to stiffen further despite any attempt to hide it. Remembering how he’d felt with her lips around it, the tip of her tongue lapping at the slit on its crown, Blake couldn’t suppress the moan of need.
Well, she had just said all he had to do was ask, right?
“Will you touch me, Mommy?” The memory of the extra swats he’d earned last night reminded Blake touching himself would not garner the result he so desperately craved.
“You want me to touch you?” she asked, setting the tray she’d brought into the room onto the nightstand.
As she climbed onto the mattress, Blake knew how very lucky he was to see her dark hair sliding over her shoulders. When working as Nurse MacIntosh at the Ranch, she always pulled it back into a low bun at the nape of her neck before securely pinning a starched white nurse’s cap on top of her head. This morning, however, it framed her face as she crawled toward him. With every stretch of her arm, muscles flexed and Blake visualized a sleek jungle cat stalking its prey. Reaching his side, she gave him a look and a soft growl that reminded him she’d asked a question and he nodded vigorously.