“What do you mean? I left everyone in the family room and snuck out of the building and ran here.”

Gordon used the opportunity to pull his handkerchief free. When Blake attempted to take it, Gordon shook his head. “Daddy will do it.” He ignored Blake’s hesitant look and wiped the boy’s face as he started talking. “First of all, you didn’t run. I never once saw you doing more than walking in the film Chief Lawson showed me.”

Blake’s huff was muffled by the cloth Gordon pressed to his nose, but it was clear he didn’t think it mattered whether he’d walked or run. He was right, but Gordon would get to that in a moment. First, he said, “Blow.” When Blake only hesitated for an instant, Gordon knew that Beverly had been the type of Mommy who didn’t put up with the fuss Littles often made about such simple tasks as blowing their nose after a good cry.

“Good boy,” Gordon praised when the Little could breathe far more easily. “The point I’m making is that it doesn’t matter if you ran or walked, the operative word here isaway.”

“Dad… um, Gord… Mr. Sheffield?—”

The time to nip that in the bud was right now. “It’s Daddy to you, young man. I’ll accept Sir when we are having a long discussion which requires a simple yes or no answer as long as that is followed by Sir. For everything else, I’d be most honored if you’ll call me Daddy, like your little sister does.”

“You-you don’t think she’ll mind? I mean, you were her Daddy first.”

Gordon could hear the hope in the Little’s question. “Are you going to mind hearing her call your Mommy, ‘Mommy’?”

“Well, since she was actually Lori’s Mommy first?—”

“Nope, that’s another assumption you got wrong. When Beverly was Barbara and the three of us were together, Lori addressed us as Uncle G and Auntie B. She was both of our Little girl, but we hadn’t reached the point where we became her Mommy and Daddy.”

Blake’s mouth opened and closed a few times, but he didn’t say anything. But when his face flushed, Gordon had a pretty good idea of what Blake wanted to know. Unfortunately for the Little, Gordon wasn’t going to offer information before it was requested. As he waited, looking at the Little on his lap, he saw the battle raging inside Blake. Not volunteering information didn’t mean he was above dropping a few breadcrumbs for the Little to follow.

“If you have a question, all you have to do is ask,” he offered.

Blake surprised him by giving a quick smile. “Mommy always says that.”

“Your Mommy is a smart woman.” Gordon grinned as well. “Does she ever say it’s time to stop beating around the bush and spit it out?”

This time Blake didn’t smile, not exactly. Instead, he sort of grimaced and a new flash of red coated his cheeks. When he squirmed, Gordon chuckled. “I’m betting your brain just twisted that up a bit, didn’t it?”

“How do you know?” Blake’s eyes widened.

“Because I’ve used a similar phrase myself.”

“You told Lori to stop beating her… but she doesn’t have a… I mean I don’t think she does but maybe…”

Laughing, Gordon used one hand to hold it up to stop that train of thought from going further along the wrong track. “No, Lori does not have a penis to beat and I wasn’t speaking about her.”

“Oh.” If Blake turned any redder, he would resemble the feathers of the cardinal that landed on a different tree branch to join in the discussion. “You mean you’ve had other Little boys.”

“No, buddy, you are my first Little boy. But all submissives aren’t women, there are many men as well. It is those men I was talking about. I’m a Dominant and have scened with both men and women before I even knew your Mommy and sister.”

The revelation seemed to cure some of Blake’s embarrassment, well, until Gordon continued. “Tell me, is Beverly the only person you’ve submitted to?”

Blake managed to meet his eyes for a moment before he shook his head and looked away.

Not about to allow that, Gordon gripped the Little’s chin and turned his head back until their eyes met again. “There is absolutely not a single thing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. We aren’t sitting in the woods in some vanilla public park. We are sitting smack dab in the middle of a huge Ranch where every single person on it has some love of kink whether they are Dominants, submissives, or even both. Big or Little, we all share in dynamics that require honesty, openness, and clear communication which includes consent. That’s what safe words are for. I don’t yet know yours, but I will before anything sexual happens and that’s a promise you can take to the bank.”

The wide-eyed Little breathed a sigh of relief. “No, Beverly is the only Mommy I’ve ever had, but she’s not the only person I’ve submitted to. I was a member of a club in Texas. Not in my town as it wasn’t big enough to warrant one, though I discovered I wasn’t the only kinky person who lived there.”

“Were the partners you gifted your submission to all Dommes?” Gordon asked.

Blake looked down for a moment, then met Gordon’s glance again. “No, Sir. Most of them were Dominants. I-I sort of switched around, but not in the way Switches do. I never wanted to dominate someone. I-I don’t think I could, but I did submit to both men and women.”

“I see,” Gordon said. “Thank you for sharing that with me. I know it’s hard to be open about such things, but again, look at where you chose to live.”

For the first time, an easy grin lit Blake’s face. “I know. I had no clue such places really existed. When I heard about howMaster Derek often helped Littles, I-I came to the Ranch and… and never left.”

“Is that why you never tried to sneak past the guard at the gate? You didn’t ever leave the Ranch?”