“Sure, I’ve put together a series showing Blake’s path.”

Gordon watched, his breath catching as he first caught sight of the Little. The boy’s eyes looked haunted as he stood just outside the rear door of the building. When he started walking, the camera caught a bit of the playground equipment and Gordon recognized it as the same area Blake had run to only a few hours ago.

“Is he going back to the bush?”

Lawson gave him a puzzled look before Derek clarified that earlier that day, Blake had been found in a clump of bushes not too far away from the lake.

“Oh, no, that area is in the opposite direction,” Lawson said, clicking to the next frame. “As you can see, Blake is walking toward the apartments.”

“You have an apartment complex here in addition to the lodge?” Gordon asked, the news a bit surprising.

“They aren’t for guests,” Derek said. “Some of our employees have their own apartments there. Some live in the lodge and others, like Lawson, live up on Rawhide Ridge. Oh, and we also have students living in the dorms at the university.”

“The university,” Gordon repeated softly. This place was far more complex than he’d believed. None of that mattered really, not unless one of those places were hiding his boy from him.

Lawson clicked from one frame to the next, each showing Blake’s progress. As he watched, Gordon learned there was also an actual sapphire mine on the Ranch property. When he sawthe mountain behind the building that housed the gift shop and mine entrance, he briefly closed his eyes. “Please tell me my boy did not climb that mountain.”

Derek placed his hand on Gordon’s shoulder. “Your boy did not.”

It was hearing Derek use the words “your boy” that had Gordon realizing that was exactly how he felt about the young man. And with that realization came a wave of intensity that almost caused his knees to buckle.

He had a Little boy.

One he’d met years ago but had never really known until today.

A man who was a Little at heart.

A Little who had captured Beverly’s heart.

They had Lori and now they had Blake.

A Little boy who was missing.

A Little who was going to learn a much-needed lesson that running was never the solution to any problem.

He stood straighter. “Could you fast forward and tell me exactly where I can find my boy so I can go get him?”

Lawson pushed his finger against the button and Gordon watched images of Blake in fast forward. It looked as if the Little had turned off the path to the mine and instead had walked back into the woods. The last picture showed the very gates Gordon had driven through yesterday morning.

“How secure are those gates?” he asked, waving his finger at the screen.

“Let’s just say it would take a tank to dent them,” Lawson offered.

“And your guard? Can Blake sweet talk his way past him?”

“Not if he wants to keep his job,” Derek declared. “Besides, it’s going to take Blake a while to walk through that part of the Ranch. The trees are pretty dense.” He broke off to glance at hiswatch. “In fact, if you leave now, I’m pretty sure you can be there waiting for his arrival.”

“And if he doesn’t continue along that path? Your cameras aren’t picking him up any more.”

“They will the moment he exits the woods, no matter which direction he takes. If his course changes, I’ll contact you,” Lawson said, holding out a walkie-talkie. “There’s a golf cart waiting outside.”

Gordon took the radio and turned to nod at Derek. “Thank you.”

“Thank me after you get your boy.”

“I will,” Gordon said. “Jared, I instructed the girls to go wait in our room. Sadie’s with them, but could you go make sure they’re okay?”

“Erika is already there as well,” Jared said. “I’m going with you.” Before Gordon could protest, he added, “If you decide you and your boy need a bit of time alone, I’ll bring the cart back here.”