Beverly looked over from the shower where she’d just turned on the taps so the water could heat before they entered. “Of course he can, pumpkin. Let me get the water warming first so neither of you get cold.” After she adjusted the shower wand so it wouldn’t rain down on the bench, she stepped back as he approached. He looked so adorable with Hank hanging over one arm and his mat in his other hand. “You two get settled and I’ll be right back.” She waited until her Little had stretched out on his back on the blue mat. Not wanting to get Scott wet whenever he bathed, Blake had picked another friend from the huge selection the Ranch store offered. Blake had named him Hank after a character in one of his favorite movies,Finding Dory.The large, bright orange octopus’ squishy rubber body was weighty, quite pliable, and waterproof, making him the perfect bathroom companion. Hank was presently sitting on Blake’s chest as the boy arranged all eight of the creature’s tentacles. His play hadhis erection softening a bit, but she knew it would be standing at attention again soon.
Though not nearly the size guests found in their rooms at the Ranch, Beverly was glad she’d spent the money to enlarge both the tub and the shower in her cottage so their shared bathing rituals could be so smoothly conducted. She fully believed in good hygiene practices and for the two of them, that included taking special care to help Blake “feel” like a Little.
After returning the sanitized thermometer to the cabinet, she chose the shaving gel and razor she’d use to remove any pubic hair from the base of his cock, his scrotum and around the puckered hole of his rectum. She could use wax and only perform the steps every other week or so, but that wasn’t what was best for them. Every single step taken during their Saturday evenings were steps she took immense satisfaction in performing. Each and every one, from the moment Beverly called him into the bathroom until she tucked him into bed helped Blake become the Little he so loved living as.
Beverly had accepted that the life she’d planned for, dreamed of, wouldn’t be the one she’d live. It hurt, but the choice was one she’d live with willingly because her very calling was too strong to allow her to reject the choice she’d made, knowing it had been the correct one. The day she’d answered Derek Hawkins’ ad for a nurse to run the infirmary at Rawhide Ranch, she’d felt as if she’d been given a second chance. She admired the fact he’d turned his ancestors’ home into a safe haven for Littles, and a place for Big couples who enjoyed sex to be free to practice and enjoy kinks of every kind. From the moment she’d taken the hand of her first patient, a reluctant Little wearing a frilly dress, white ankle socks, and black Mary-Janes, Beverly had known she’d discovered not only that she could be happy again, but she’d found a place she could call home. Seeing these Littles be free to be themselves, to openly love their Mommiesor Daddies, Aunties and Uncles, had satisfied her in ways she’d never expected. But when she placed a Power Ranger bandage on one Little’s scraped knee and he shyly thanked her, bending forward to press a kiss to her cheek, Beverly had fallen head over heels in love with her very own Little boy.
Supplies in hand, Beverly returned to the shower and set them at the end of the bench where Blake lay. Before she joined him, she undid the tie on her robe and let it slip from her body. Peeling her panties down her legs, she stepped out of them, and naked, walked into the stall. As she’d expected, his cock began to rise again when he caught sight of his naked Mommy. The bench was wide enough for her to perch at his side, giving him a full frontal view of her breasts as she reached for the shower wand and took it from its holder.
“Ready?” she asked with a smile.
“Yes, Ma’am,” he said, his face flushing redder. She wondered if there would ever be a day when he didn’t blush with the intimate care she so loved providing for him. Beverly sure hoped not as it was just adorable to watch her beloved Little boy balance the dichotomy of the Little and Big living inside him.
She gently allowed the warm water to spray over his torso for a few long sweeps until aiming toward her targeted area. Using her fingers, she gently spread his thighs apart to allow the water and herself better access. When his skin was warm and wet, she set the wand aside and picked up the can. The sound of the gel dispensing and the sensation of her beginning to gently apply the cream around his scrotum and base of his penis had her Little boy’s eyes closing which didn’t surprise Beverly. What did, though, was watching him slip his thumb into his mouth. Blake had never sucked his thumb before. Identifying as four or five years of age, he had always said sucking on a pacifier or a thumb was for babies and he was a big boy. Watching his cheeks work told her he was feeling vulnerable.
The question was why?
She didn’t ask immediately, working through the events of the past week trying to determine if anything untoward had happened. Nothing came to mind, but Beverly knew something was bothering him. Blake wasn’t one to volunteer too much, especially when it came to emotions. He often took long walks to think. About what, she really couldn’t say as he tended to hold those subjects deep inside. Though he’d shared some things over the past year as they’d become more than simply nurse and Little, and became Mommy and babyboy, she knew there were still things he had not yet told her.
Beverly had often spoken to both Jayne Banner and Catherine Denten who also worked on the Ranch. Jayne, better known as Nanny J to the Littles, was a switch. While Beverly had experience in submitting to men, when she’d fallen so hard for Blake who was a definite submissive, she’d needed some guidance. Jayne had offered invaluable insights into the dynamic of being the Domme vs the submissive.
Catherine and her husband, Sam, were both psychologists, offering their services for Littles and Bigs much like she did, though theirs were for the mental and emotional rather than the physical. Catherine had assured her it was normal for Littles to withhold things from the very Mommies and Daddies they trusted their bodies to so freely. With time and patience, Catherine was sure Beverly’s Little boy would come to trust her enough to share even his most innermost emotions.
“Remember, Beverly, Blake came to us barely speaking more than was absolutely necessary. He was one of our shyest Littles. But look at him now. He’s much more open and plays very well with others. Your Little boy has a huge heart and something deeply hurt it. Anyone can see Blake loves and trusts you. He just needs to trust himself in order to truly heal. Just give him the time he needs.”
It was sound advice, but as his Mommy and the woman who loved him, it was hard to remain silent when she wanted to make all those bad memories go away. All she could do was make sure Blake knew she was here and wasn’t going anywhere.
Beverly concentrated on taking care of her Little, shaving him slowly and carefully, her fingers expertly moving over his flesh, ignoring his erection and the occasional soft moan he’d give whenever she wrapped her fingers around the shaft to gently move it out of the way of the razor. Dropping a hand to cup his testicles, she gave them a little squeeze, pleased to see his cock stiffen further and to hear a longer moan being muttered. It wasn’t long before she gave a gentle pat to his thigh.
She bent to press a kiss to Blake’s cheek as it hollowed in and out around his fully seated thumb. “Okay, babyboy, I’ve got Hank, you turn over and get up on your knees please.”
Without complaint, Blake rolled, and once he was on his tummy, she patted his bottom.
“Up and spread. Mommy needs to shave your little bottom-hole.”
The blush returned full force, and his cheeks hollowed in and out at a faster rate, but he did as asked. It didn’t take long to make sure this area was as smooth as his front. After a good rinse with the wand, she ran a finger all around the wrinkled little hole, loving to watch it flutter open and closed as if undecided what he wished to happen. When she slipped just the barest tip of her finger inside and he pushed back, she knew he was very aroused. A few deeper dips in and out had her own nipples puckering tightly. She simply loved bringing Blake pleasure.
“Mommy’s going to fill the tub so it will be ready for your bath. You’re being such a good boy for Mommy. Just stay relaxed and I’ll be right back, okay?”
“Mmmm,” he mumbled, his head shifting a bit as he nodded against the mat.
Giving a final circle around the wrinkled rim, she let her fingers fall between his legs and run over his balls and along the length of his cock. So hard and yet so very soft and all hers. Smiling, she kissed his left buttock and rose, stepping out of the stall to fill the tub. They could easily shower and be done, but their bath never failed to leave them both more relaxed and reconnected after a week of work for her and school for her Little.
When she returned to the shower and laid a hand on his shoulder, his eyes opened to reveal the soft sky-blue color. When he began to answer, his cheeks flamed red at the realization he’d been sucking his thumb. As his gaze dropped from hers, his bottom lip trembling, she took his chin in her hand and tilted his head back until she could see his eyes again.
“Don’t, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. You are my Little boy and if you need to suck your thumb, there is not a thing wrong with it. Do you understand me?”
“On-only ba-babies suck their thumbs.”
“That’s not true,” she said, shaking her head. “Sometimes big Little boys and girls need the comfort.” When he looked like he wasn’t buying her words, she motioned to Hank. “There are those who think stuffies are only for babies, but I know how much you love Hank and Scott and how much they both love being cuddled by you, right?”
This time he nodded, his fingers clenching even tighter around his toy.
“That’s right. And do wecarewhat other people think?”
The fact he’d drawn out the one-syllable word told her he questioned his own answer, but she smiled and nodded. “That’s right. The only ones who matter are right here in this room.” Shepointed to herself, to him, then to Scott who was waiting on the counter where he could stay dry, and reached out to pat one of Hank’s tentacles. When Blake’s lip began to curl and his features to relax, she leaned forward until her forehead rested against his. “Want to know a secret?” she whispered.