“The group who’d been running one of the largest sex-trafficking rings in the United States. The men you saw on trial had been responsible for transporting the people in the truckLori was in. That truck was but one of many. The group’s reach was immense. They’d sent their captives across the US and sold some to people in countries all over the world. It took hundreds of people working together, but almost two years to the date after the first trial, we put away those who’d been working in Texas,” Gordon answered.
Blake stared at Gordon, trying to take it all in. “You got them? The two men who went free?”
Gordon nodded. “They might have walked out of that courtroom, but they were never free. To be free, they would have to have been acquitted. Instead, the judge declaring a mistrial enabled us to retry them. By the time we did that, we were able to add additional charges and bring not only those two to trial but more than a dozen others including men in the upper echelon. They made the mistake of setting up their business in our state. In Texas, it’s a felony to engage in the trafficking or procurement of people with the intent of forcing them into sexual acts.”
His tone deepened and he came to a stop in front of the others, his eyes traveling over everyone in the room, all looking up at him as he shared things they didn’t know. “Don’t worry. The bad men all got what they deserved and they won’t hurt anybody ever again.”
Gordon paused for a moment. “I just want to add that by the time the second trial was over, I was both burned out and disgusted at the way the criminal justice system had been unable to protect those women and men. So I left the DA’s office, took some more courses, and switched my focus to advocacy and victim rights, and that's what I've been doing ever since.”
Beverly took Blake’s hand. “Just like you didn’t break your promise to Lori, Gordon never broke his to you.”
“He didn’t break his promise to me either,” Lori said softly. “When the trial was over, he came for me just like he said hewould. I had been so mad, I never even said goodbye, but he still came.”
“What about you?” Blake asked, looking at his Mommy. “Why didn’t he come for you?”
The sight of Beverly’s face flushing was visible to everyone in the room, but Gordon knew this woman on a far deeper level. He saw her body tense slightly, saw the dip of her head as if she wished to avoid both the question and the memories it most likely brought back. When she looked up, he met her gaze and watched the battle warring within her. He knew there were two paths for her to take. She could continue to hold on to the anger that had gripped her all those years ago, or she could purge herself of it and release the guilt he knew she had carried for far too long. He very much hoped she’d choose the latter because he’d been asking that same question for years.
“Why didn’t you let me come?”
As if she’d heard his unspoken question, Beverly took a breath and nodded.
“Perhaps you know of someone who got mad or felt hurt when they were smaller and who said they were going to run away from home and join the circus? They packed a few things in a bag or backpack and made sure to state very loudly they were ‘leaving now’ as they walked out the door?” She waited until Blake as well as most of those listening nodded, some giving little smiles as well, before continuing. “I suppose that was me though I was definitely not small. I was a grown woman who knew better, but inside, I was angry and hurt just like a little girl. When the FBI insisted I enter witness protection, I refused. I told them I had to stay with Gordon, to be with him no matter what happened. But Gordon… he had a different opinion and insisted I leave. I know now—hell, I knew then—that he only did so because he was terrified something would happen to me, just as we were both scared something would happen to Lori. But atthe time, I didn’t care. I thought, fine, if he can send me away that easily, then obviously he doesn’t love me all that much, so I’m better off without him. I’m going to make sure he can never find me again. That will make him sorry he sent me away!”
She shook her head. “Since I did know most of those who stomp off angrily don’t get too far down the block, or suddenly remember that their mother is making their favorite meal for supper and turn around and go home, I made sure I didn’t leave an out for myself.”
“How did you do that?”
Though the question had again come from Blake, Gordon was very interested in learning the answer.
Beverly gave a little laugh. “I arranged to send a letter to a friend who put it in another envelope and sent it to another who did the same and sent it forward. I knew I’d never know everyone who was involved or how many people handled the letter before it reached Gordon, I just knew they’d all make sure no one would ever be able to trace it back to me. I basically threw a tantrum.”
At the sound of soft “oooohs” being chorused by Littles in the room, she gave a sheepish smile. “Yes, sometimes even Bigs can forget their manners.” She gave the room another look. “I remember I actually stomped my foot when the page I was writing on tore and I had to start over. I threw my pen across the room when I was done for good measure. Some adult I was, huh?
“When we knew Lori was leaving, we talked about his going to find her if it was ever safe for him to do so, to make sure she knew how very much she was loved, but we had no idea when that might be. When I learned he was serious and was sending me away, I got angry. I didn’t even say goodbye, I just left. Grabbed my bag, turned around, and walked out the door. In the letter, I told him not to ever try to find me. Said if he didn’t need me, if I couldn’t stand beside him in good times and bad, then I-I didn’t need him either.” She shook her head. “In other words, I made damn sure he couldn’t come for me, and I went on to find my very own circus, though, someone had to be looking out for me because instead of a circus, I found the most incredible place on earth and wound up at Rawhide Ranch. By the time the second trial was over, I’d met you, Blake. The day you kissed my cheek, I knew I’d found the person who needed me as much as I needed him.” Beverly took Blake’s hand and yet it was Gordon she looked for and when he gave her a slight nod, he saw the tension drain from her.
Gordon hadn’t known how she’d gotten word to him, but when he’d read the letter, he’d known she had written it. When he spoke, it wasn’t to the room, but to the woman he’d never stopped loving. “I knew you were mad. Knew I’d hurt you, but I also knew you needed to go. If something happened to you because you stayed with me, I’d never forgive myself. I still wanted to come for you, but had no idea where you were and feared that if I tried and failed, it would be more than Lori could take.”
“I know, I was wrong?—”
“No, you were hurting, and I’m sorry for not making absolute sure you knew I loved you then, I love you now, and, Beverly, I will love and need you until the day I die.”
Gordon saw the tears in her eyes, and the relief that the release of the guilt offered. He drew her up and into his arms, kissing her softly before turning to address Blake.
“None of us ever thought that one day we’d be reunited in Montana and find the young man who’d brought us all together to begin with. Even if you can’t forgive me, Blake, please know that I will be forever grateful that you were the one who saved Lori for all of us.” Gordon turned to address the others a final time. “That is our story. A story that has a happy ending onlybecause a young police officer named Blake Brighton faced the worst evil mankind had to offer and refused to let it win.”
The room was silent for a moment before erupting into cheers. Littles leapt off their Big’s laps. Blake and Lori became the center of a kinetic storm of Littles as each one waited to express how brave they thought the two had been.
Littles and Bigs alike hugged the woman who’d nursed them for years but had a secret they’d never known. Beverly shed a few tears as Moses and his wife, Nanny J, took her into their arms, but her smile assured him they came from a place of joy.
Jared drew Gordon into his arms and hugged him hard. Neither said a word as there was nothing that needed to be said.
Derek was the last to approach him. He held his beloved Sadie on his hip while she rested her head on his shoulder. “I know that was an extremely hard story to tell, but I thank you for sharing. I only wish we all could have been there before to help support your family through all of this.”
Gordon looked to see Blake standing now with Beverly, both of them smiling as Lori laughed with abandon as people she’d just met became friends for life. “Tell me one thing.”
“If I can.”
“Did you have anything to do with Barbara winding up here? Finding happiness when I know how it broke her heart to leave us, leave Texas. I couldn’t even share the whole truth with Jared and he at least knew part of our story. But you? When I consider the odds of the four of us winding up on a kinky Ranch in Montana after all this time, well, they are pretty much nonexistent.”