“Would you like to assist me, Sir?” she asked.

“I’d love to, Nurse MacIntosh,” Gordon said, kissing her cheek before accepting the cloth and bowl for a second time.

It was more like three-quarters of an hour had passed before the four walked out of the elevator on the second floor. “It’s that one,” Beverly said as they walked toward an open doorway. Not a soul questioned why they were late. Instead, Master Derek stood and gestured to the L-shaped couch that Beverly knew was not in its normal position. It had been pushed back several feet to allow room for folding chairs to be set up. In front of the those, bean-bag chairs of every color of the rainbow were currently occupied by Littles who’d become Lori’s friends.

“You and Scott sit here,” Lori directed Blake as she patted the cushion next to her. Once he had taken a seat, she tucked Fauna into the space between them and then slid her hand into his and smiled as Blake placed Scott next to the Powerpuff doll.

Their connection was uncanny and made every maternal bone in Beverly’s body sit up and take notice.

The four watched as Derek and Jared approached with cups of coffee for the Bigs, while Sadie and Erika set mugs of hot chocolate on the coffee table for the Littles. Hayleigh lost one of the cookies on the plate in her left hand, but her quick reaction of leaning forward enabled Lori to reach out and catch it instead of it hitting the floor.

“Impressive save,” Blake said.

“Five-second rule!” Lori said as she took a bite before adding it to the others on her plate.

But it was the tray Chef Connor placed on the table that had Blake saying, “Whoa,” at the same time Lori squealed, “Sprinkles!”

“She hasn’t changed much has she?” Beverly gave Gordon a huge smile.

“Name me a Little who doesn’t go bonkers over sprinkles.”

Beverly couldn’t, so they helped their Littles doctor their cocoa until she was pretty sure if they actually consumed all that whipped cream, sprinkles, chocolate shavings, and marshmallows she’d be attending to upset tummies before bedtime. But wasn’t that often the case when the Littles of Rawhide were practically given the keys to the cocoa bar?

It was the lack of giggles, chatter, and exclamations of astonishment as they tried to outdo their past creations that had Beverly look toward the other Littles in the room. Frivolity had been replaced by unfamiliar decorum as Littles sat before their Bigs, all waiting silently, faces upturned in anticipation of hearing a story.

“What’s the matter?” Gordon’s question was asked softly so as not to draw Lori or Blake’s attention away from their treats.

A feeling of unease washed over her as she looked at the man she’d loved for years and the two Littles she would willingly die for if it kept them from being hurt more than they had been already.

“Maybe this isn’t a good idea.” Her eyes flicked to their audience, before returning to Gordon’s. “They are expecting to hear a… a fairytale. What Lori and Blake… what you went through was a horror story.”

Gordon slipped his arm around her and she knew he could feel her trembling when he pulled her closer. His breath was warm against her ear as he spoke to her and her alone.

“You’re right in that the last few years are better suited for M. Night Shyamalan than Pixar.”

Beverly pulled away just enough to be able to tilt her head back to lock eyes with his. “I’ll take Lori and Blake back to the infirmary. You can tell Derek we changed our minds and then come get us…” She stopped speaking when Gordon shook his head. “Right, it’s better if I can take them to my house and you…”

“No, Bev.”

“Why not! You can’t possibly want Blake and Lori to relive all this shit when they’ve finally put it behind them!”

Instead of answering, Gordon turned her slightly to see that Blake and Lori were no longer trying to outdo each other in constructing the best hot-chocolate masterpiece. Instead, their mugs sat forgotten as they stared up at the Bigs.

“There’s your answer. They haven’t put it behind them?—”

“They have!” Beverly knew her voice was a bit strident but she was desperate not to cause any more harm to her babies.

Blake reached out and took her hand. “He’s right?—”

“He can’t be! Not when you’ve come so far. Not when I’ve tried to protect you…” Her Little boy’s eyes told the truth. Reminded her of his terror every time the nightmare gripped him. “But I-I haven’t, have I?”

“Being with you has allowed me to survive them, but you can’t make the dreams stop. No more than I can fill the hole in your heart caused by the absence of those you loved before…”

“Oh, babyboy, please, please don’t think that. You’re my heart?—”

Blake cut her off. “I know you love me, Mommy. I love you too, but I saw your face when we were in the woods. I watched you with Lori and Gordon. I may be Little, but I’m big enough to know I’m not able to fill all your heart. You need Lori and Gordon for that.”

The pain in his voice had Beverly’s heart aching and Gordon taking charge.