“You’re far redder than I expected,” Gordon said as he leaned against her body to once again speak against her ear. “When was the last time you were spanked?”

Beverly turned her head slightly to meet his gaze. “The morning you sent me away.”

Gordon’s eyes showed his surprise before the color changed to the steel-blue she loved. “I didn’t send you away, Bev. I sent you to safety.”

She nodded. “The truth doesn’t make it hurt any less.”

“I know.” He straightened, pulling her up and against his chest again, crushing his lips to hers.

This was something she’d never forgotten.

Blake’s kisses contained the sweetness of submission of a Little.

Even when he was her Big boy, there was a gentleness to him that had wormed its way into her heart and her soul.

Gordon’s kisses were rougher, harder, containing the authority of domination and the expectation of being granted her submission.

They were different and yet she loved each equally.

When he pulled back, it took her a moment to steady herself. She pressed a finger against her lips, feeling his claim as if he’d branded her.

“Do you really think we can do this? You know, all of us together?”

Gordon looked toward the curtain. “I can’t promise we can,” he said before he turned back to her. “All I can promise is that we’re going to give it one hell of a try. Is that something you feel you can do?”


“We say yes too, Daddy,”

Beverly noticed that this time Gordon didn’t bother to pretend he’d not heard the Littles or that Blake hadn’t given his own response. Perhaps her own Little was just allowing Lori to speak for the both of them. All she and Gordon could do was lead by example, letting both Littles know their Bigs had spoken the truth. She wanted this more than she’d ever wanted anything in her life.

“Unless you want our Little ones to see how their Mommy’s bottom looks after getting spanked, I suggest you pull down your dress.”

Beverly gave a gasp and reached down, then bent forward, her hands going to her knees, and her gaze dropping to her ankles before looking up at him. “What happened to my panties?”

“I do believe I already told you my preference.”

Beverly felt her face begin to burn as hotly as her bottom. “Gordon! You can’t expect me to go without my underwear.”

“I do believe we’ve already established that as well. Not only can I, unless you safeword, that is exactly what I expect.”

“But I’m… I’m at work!”

“Babe, you work at akinkresort.”

How could she have forgotten how the quirk of his eyebrow affected her. Disbelief wasn’t all that flooded through her. Arousal curled in her belly. She might have stood there for hours trying to assimilate that her Dominant was really back, but the moment she saw his arm reach up and heard the first rattle of metal rings as he began to pull the curtain open, she forgot all about her panties as she tried to pull her uniform back down to cover her bottom. Once it fell past her hips, she sighed in relief, smoothing as many wrinkles out of the fabric as she could. When she looked up, it was to see Gordon’s slight smirk and two Littles who looked as if they were about to explode.

Huffing, she reached up to straighten her cap, only to discover it had come loose. Finding it on the bed she’d been positioned over, she took a deep breath and looked at Gordon, giving him her best glare.

Gordon simply held up his hands. “Don’t blame this on me. I wasn’t the mouthy one.”

Really? Then care to explain why my lips feel bruised?

Not about to go there, she knew it was going to take some time and probably a few more smacks on her ass for her to remember she was no longer the top link in this chain. That honor belonged to him though she had no doubt he’d share the authority when it came to the Littles who were watching like hawks to see what happened.

“Alright, you two, go ahead and get it out of your system before I have to do CPR when your hearts stop from lack of oxygen.”

Lori beat Blake by no more than a few seconds, both of them releasing the laughter and the tension she knew had built inside the moment she and Gordon had disappeared behind the curtain. She gave them until she’d pinned her hat back into its proper place and washed her hands. But once she’d returned to the tray, she was fully back in her role as Rawhide’s head nurse.