“Don’t forget marshmallows,” Wren called.
“Syrup!” Sadie shouted.
“Is it always like this?” Lori asked as her new friends enthusiastically voiced their suggestions.
“Pretty much,” Blake said with a grin. “Isn’t it great!”
“You coming,Daddy?”
Gordon saw Bev grinning like the cat who’d swallowed the canary. “Lead the way,Mommy.”
As they left behind what appeared to be the entire population of Rawhide Ranch, but obviously wasn’t according to the man who ran the place, Gordon couldn’t take his eyes off the trio walking slightly ahead of him. Letting the woman he’d known as Barbara Meadows walk away all those years ago had been one of the hardest things he’d ever done. Hearing her call his name, seeing her appear before him as Beverly MacIntosh had been shocking. But to also learn the man he’d known as Officer Brighton was her Little boy was just surreal.
“Okay, clothes off,” Beverly said the moment they’d entered what Gordon saw was an actual infirmary. “Gordon, can you help them as I get a tray ready?”
“Sure,” Gordon said, clapping his hands when the Littles just stood there. “You heard Mommy, let’s get these clothes off so she can make sure you’re okay.”
“Weareokay,” Blake quickly informed him.
“Really?” Gordon’s brow arched as he reached out and touched Blake’s arm. Pulling his fingertip away, he held it up. “So what’s this?”
The attempt had Gordon chuckle. “Lori, it seems your brother is just as sassy as you are.”
“Itcouldbe ketchup,” Lori said in Blake’s defense.
“Shall I smear it on a hotdog and serve it up for your lunch?”
“Ewwwww, no! That’s just gross!” As if realizing her defense had already proven weak, she looked up at Blake. “Sorry, but… ick!”
Blake grinned. “Yeah, that would be pretty icky. I prefer my hotdogs with mustard.”
It was silly but served to have both Littles collapse into giggles. Rolling his eyes, Gordon said, “Arms up.” Undressing giggling Littles was quite the feat, but Gordon tugged and pulled until both Littles stood in nothing but their underwear.
“Do either of you need to go potty first?” he asked. When both shook their heads, he looked down at his Little girl. “Do you need a diaper change?”
“No, Daddy, I’m notnapping, remember?”
When her eyes flicked to Blake, Gordon realized it might have been better to ask her the question more privately.
Lori turned to meet his gaze. “It’s okay, Daddy. Blake is a big boy and wears panties, so he doesn’t need changing either.”
“I don’t wear a diaper or panties! I wear underwear! See!” Blake snapped the waistband of his briefs.
“Sorry. I didn’t know boys could have cute undies too. I have panties like yours, but mine are pink and have Skye on theminstead of Marshall.” She gestured toward the Dalmatian puppy wearing a fireman’s uniform romping all over Blake’s briefs.
Gordon supposed it should have been awkward, but for some inexplicable reason it wasn’t. It was as if two separate pairs had existed, building their lives together, happy with each other yet feeling as if something was missing until today. To hear the two talk so openly together, made him smile.
“Enough about panties and undies, Mommy is ready to check you out.” He lifted Lori up to sit on the high bed, and when Blake climbed up to sit beside her, he wasn’t surprised, but felt a twinge of disappointment the Little hadn’t waited for his help.
“Well done,” Beverly said as she returned with a rolling tray.
Gordon noticed that when she pulled the cloth off to display its contents, Blake looked a bit relieved. He didn’t have time to consider why as Beverly handed him a bowl and a cloth.
“Wash whatever looks dirty. If you discover a scratch, stop scrubbing until I take a look at it and give my permission for you to continue. We don’t want any dirt left to infect a scrape but we also don’t want to make it worse. Any gouges might necessitate a call to Dr. Quincy or Dr. Carter to come?—”
“Bev, they didn’t fall off a cliff. I rather doubt they’ve been gouged.”