Instead of pouting, Lori smiled. “There’s one of these games in our room. We can use that heart!”

As the two walked past him and down the stairs, discussing the logistics of procuring said heart and transporting it to the operating table, Gordon looked around the room. It was exactly as one would imagine for the vibrant Little who had befriended Lori. It seemed his Little wasn’t the only one who loved pink and purple. Lilac walls were set off with white furniture. Her bed was round with a thick bolster that curved in an arc to define what he supposed was the head of the bed. On the ceiling above the bed, there was another white circle. Large rays extended from it like sunbeams, though this sun’s center was bright pink. Gauzy curtains edged in purple velveteen hung down, making the room appear ethereal. Pops of purple and pink were everywhere, from the bookends on a desk to the giant letter “S” standing on a shelf. Games and books shared space with stuffies of every kind. It was the perfect room for a woman who truly embraced the Little living inside her body.

“Gordon? Did you get lost?”

The question broke Gordon out of his reflection and he turned to see Jared at the head of the stairs. Grinning, he shook his head. “You were right. I should have brought her here a long time ago.”

“It’s taken you that long to admit I’m right?” Jared said with mock indignation before he turned serious. “Honestly, all that matters is that you’ve brought her. After Barbara, I wasn’t sure you’d ever take another submissive. Being a Daddy suits you.”

Gordon felt a stab of pain. No matter how happy he was to be Lori’s Daddy, he deeply felt the loss of Barbara. But there was nothing he could do about the past and no reason to drag his friend into it. Instead, he slapped Jared on the back. “Being Lori’s Daddy is what kept me sane,” he said as the two men went to join the others.

“Already? We just got here!”

Gordon shook his head. “We’ve been here for hours, sweetpea. Now, thank Master Derek for dinner and perhaps he’ll invite us again.”

“You’re welcome anytime,” Derek said after Lori thanked him and she and Sadie were hugging each other as if Lori was about to take a shuttle to the moon instead of a golf cart to drive the short distance to the lodge.

“Don’t forget, I’ll come get you for breakfast,” Sadie said for at least the fifth time.

“Okay, we’ll be ready, right, Daddy?”

“Yes, Ma’am, I set the alarm on my watch the first time you asked,” Gordon promised as he got her settled on the seat she’d been reluctant to leave only a few hours earlier. He shook his head as Lori and Sadie’s hands waved frantically.

“I find it easier not to fight it. Littles are just, well, Littles,” Derek said as Gordon turned to shake his hand and extend his thanks.

“Thanks for clearing that up,” Gordon said with a wry grin.

“You’re welcome.”

Jared and Erika had already said their goodbyes after making plans to have Gordon and Lori over to their house for dinner another night.

Lori chattered all about the fun she’d had as he made the drive. She was still talking as he unlocked their door and carried her inside. When she paused to take a breath, Gordon said, “So, I’m gathering you like Sadie?”

“Of course I do, Daddy! She’s the best!” Lori said as if shocked he’d even need to ask. When he had her stripped and in a tub full of bubbles, she looked up at him and tilted her head.

“What?” he asked, pausing in the middle of unbuttoning his shirt. “You don’t want Daddy to share your bath?”

“I do,” she assured him. “I’m just thinking, if I had a sister, you wouldn’t have to worry so much about me being lonely.”

Gordon was stunned. But even as he registered his surprise, he recognized he wasn’t all that averse to the suggestion. He finished undressing. “Scootch up,” he said, gesturing for her to move so he could climb in behind her. Once he was seated, he pulled her back to sit between his legs. “I’m pretty sure Master Derek isn’t going to like the idea of us adopting Sadie.”

“Silly Daddy. Of course not, and Sadie would be as sad as I was when Auntie B left if she didn’t have her Daddy. But maybe there is another Little who needs a Daddy. Like I needed you.”

He bent to kiss the top of her head before running a finger through her curls. “No more than I needed you, sweetpea.”

Lori turned, ignoring the splash of water that sloshed over the edge of the tub while doing so. Crawling onto his lap, she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Playing with Sadie was so much fun. She said there are whole rooms full of Littles looking for a Mommy or Daddy. Maybe we can adopt a whole bunch!”

Gordon chuckled. “Littles aren’t like bananas. They don’t come in bunches.” When her face fell, he tilted it back with afingertip beneath her chin. “We found each other without even looking. Perhaps fate will step in one day and find you a Little sister.”

She seemed to give it some consideration and then nodded. “Okay, Daddy.” She scooped up a handful of bubbles and applied them to his head, his face and his chest.

“Who am I supposed to be? The Abominable Snowman?” he asked.

“No! You’re a ghost, but not a scary one. A nice one like Casper. Halloween is coming up and instead of candy, maybe we’ll get a trick.” With another handful of bubbles ready to be applied, she shook her head. “Wait, that’s wrong. Tricks are bad… Daddy, what am I trying to say?”

“Let’s see, you have a friendly ghost who is looking out for your dental health by not giving you candy. Instead, he tricks a wizard into giving up his wand and then performs a magical spell?—”

“And ‘poof’ my sister appears! You always tell the best stories!”