Smiling broadly, he said, “Less talking, more action!”



They’d eventually made it to the Starks’ house for dinner. Sadie and Derek were also guests, and Sadie had let Lori know she’d be bringing their patient to the dinner party so they could complete the transplant that had been postponed. With the game tucked under Sadie’s arm, and the new heart in Lori’s dress pocket, the three Littles ran off to play.

Jared asked Gordon to join him in his study while the women chatted. Once Gordon entered the study at the back of the house, he found Derek already there. Jared moved to take a seat behind his desk.

“Why do I feel like I’ve been called to the principal’s office?” Gordon asked.

“You tell me,” Jared said, his expression one Gordon was having trouble reading.

It was Derek who began. “I believe I can clear that up. I know you extended your vacation, but I also know you’ve been thinking of where to go from here. I want you to know thatBeverly is a vital part of our Ranch and a very important person in our lives.”

Gordon had a flash of worry that he was about to be told he wouldn’t be allowed to take the woman he loved off the grounds.

Derek chuckled. “Relax, I’m not tossing down a gauntlet or asking you to duel over her. What I mean is that she has a position here for however long she’d like, and I’d like to offer you one as well.”

“You’re offering me a job?”

“Come on, now, don’t make me eat my words,” Jared said. “I’ve assured Derek that you’re a quick learner, so try to keep up with the program.”

Gordon rolled his eyes as Jared dropped the stern mask he’d put on.

“You were saying?” Gordon asked, giving his attention to his prospective employer.

“Yes, I’m offering you a job. We’re growing more every year and you have a background that would help me with the women and young men who come to seek refuge here. With your knowledge of family law and your experience in playing the role of advocate for those unable to help themselves, I’d like you to consider taking a position on our legal team. You’d have the opportunity to build a house here on the Ridge as I know Beverly’s cottage is a bit small for four.”

“It is,” Gordon agreed.

Though it wasn’t the size of the rooms that were bothersome, but the size of her double bed. While it was cozy with two, four made it almost comical. More than once he’d had to reach out to snag an ankle or hand to pull Lori back onto the mattress when she’d been particularly excited and bounced one too many times. Then there was the time he’d totally misjudged the distance when taking Blake onto his lap and his cock and they’d both slid off the end of the bed. He still didn’t know whathad been funnier, the look on Blake’s face when he realized the fall had landed him impaled on his Daddy’s dick, or the wide-eyed gazes of Bev and Lori as they hung over the edge to see if they were okay.

“I’m good,” Blake had assured them quickly as if afraid the tumble might end his chance to ride.

“You still with us?”

At Jared’s question, Gordon snapped out of the very pleasant memory and nodded. “Right here.”

Jared continued, “As I was saying, it would mean you’ll have to pass Montana’s bar exam, but I believe you might find the best mentor on the face of the planet happens to live close by.”

“You’ll have to give me his address,” Gordon responded with mock innocence and a grin before turning to Derek. “Thank you, I’d love to stay,” Gordon said sincerely. “This is where my family is, where we need to be.”

After Derek shook Gordon’s hand, Jared cracked a grin and slapped him on the back. “It’ll be just like old times.”

When Gordon informed his family as everyone gathered around the table to eat, Lori gave her Uncle Jared a long look and then glanced at her Daddy. “You better not forget to do your homework, Daddy, or Uncle Jared is gonna spank you again.”

While Beverly handed Blake a napkin to clean up the water he’d just spewed, Derek’s eyebrow quirked and Sadie’s jaw almost dropped into her mashed potatoes.

“Out of the mouths of babes,” Gordon said, shaking his head.



What had started out as a one-week vacation for Gordon to help his Little girl dive a bit deeper into the world of kink had become a maelstrom of events that turned all four of their lives inside out.

The last few weeks had both its ups and downs, testing each of them as if needing to be sure that the new life they’d found wasn’t going to end up being nothing more than a dream.