“Isn’t like what?” Beverly asked and then saw Lori sobbing as if her heart was breaking. “What’s happened? Lori, what’s wrong? Sadie, what is going on?”
“I don’t know! She was talking about it being her fault Blake isn’t here. That she… she stole you from him, but I know that’s not true.”
Beverly wrapped her arms around the sobbing Little, then reached out to draw Sadie to her as well when she started crying. “Hush now,” she murmured, rubbing their backs. “It’s going to be fine. This is just a little misunderstanding. When we find Blake, and I promise you we will, everything will be fine.”
“How do you know?” wailed Lori. “What if he hates me for being so stupid? I didn’t even ask him if he’d share you! What if he never comes back?”
“He will come back.” This was said firmly and in a male voice.
The three women looked to see Gordon standing in the doorway.
“Wh-when?” Lori managed.
“As soon as I go get him. Beverly, will you take Lori to our room? I don’t know how long I’ll be, but I swear to you, when you open the door, both Blake and I will be walking inside.”
Lori ran and flung herself at her Daddy who bent to pick her up. “Go with Mommy, sweetpea. Keep her company for me, okay?”
“Okay, Daddy, you just go get Blake and bring him home to us.”
“I will,” he said and kissed her cheek. He took the time to give Beverly a kiss as well and to thank Sadie for staying with them.
When Lori asked if Sadie could go to the room with them, her Daddy said, “If that is okay with both Sadie and her Daddy.”
“Daddy said I can stay as long as I’m needed,” Sadie assured him. “I’ll help take care of both of them.”
“I’m sure you will, sweetheart. Thank you.”
Lori dried her face with her sleeve and reached out for Beverly and Lori’s hands. “I’ll show you to the room, but first we need to go back upstairs.”
“Why? I’m sure if Blake were there, we’d be told,” her Mommy said.
Sadie smiled and explained, “Because in all the commotion, we forgot to get Fauna and Scott. They need to be there when Blake comes home.”
The three retraced their steps and once the stuffies were securely in Lori’s hands, they went to the room to wait.
Gordon’s heart hadn’t stopped racing until Derek had sent Jared for him. “What do you mean, they’re looking at film? What film?”
As they walked down a hallway, Jared explained the Ranch’s security system included an extensive network of cameras.
“Why didn’t they do that this morning when Blake first took off?”
“There was no need,” Derek answered as Gordon followed Jared into an office. “Your Little girl found him very quickly. Her dropping her backpack and snagging her ribbon on a branch made it easier for others to follow.”
He was right. It had almost as if something orsomeonehad been guiding his Little girl to Blake’s hiding spot. “Sorry–”
“There’s nothing to apologize for,” Derek said. At Gordon’s nod, Derek continued, “Gordon, this is Lawson Berringer. He’s our chief of security. Once we discovered Blake had gone AWOL, he started reviewing all the security footage.”
“I’d say it’s a pleasure to meet you, but?—”
“Your boy is missing,” Lawson said. “Believe me, I totally understand.” After shaking Gordon’s hand, he turned the laptop around so Gordon could see it.
“As you can see, Blake had himself a little walkabout.”
The word used and the accent in which it was said had Gordon wondering if the man was Australian. He didn’t ask that, instead he asked, “Can you show me?”