“That’s the thing about miracles,” Derek said. “Let’s just say I’m a very firm believer that those who are truly meant to be together will find a way to make it work.” He exchanged a smile with his angel before laying a hand on Gordon’s shoulder. “I also believe that this is not the end of the book. Many more chaptersare yet to be written by the four of you. Years from now when the final page is read, and the book closed, I have a feeling you’ll find the journey was far more incredible than any one of you can imagine.”

Derek stepped away to speak to Beverly and then each Little. Gordon didn’t try to listen to what he said to the others. He simply thought over what the man had said to him and knew he was right. There was more left to write and he was very anxious to begin.



He felt like he’d run a marathon, climbed the highest mountain, fallen off a cliff, looked into the maw of the devil and the face of an angel with emerald eyes all at the same time. He’d never in a million years considered he might have been wrong. He’d carried his anger for years. Not only anger against the defendants, but for the man he’d thought had failed in putting them away. Learning how wrong he’d been was an immense relief but one that also made him feel guilty for accusing Gordon, who’d spent years and years making sure those men and others were brought to justice. He had to be the biggest fool ever born. Looking at where Gordon stood with Lori and his Mommy, he was determined not to ignore the truth—not when it was staring him right in the face. He deserved the weight that had lifted for the briefest moment to come crashing back down on him.

It was easy enough to move closer to the door, forcing a smile whenever someone spoke to him. He accepted hugs and praise with a simple nod while keeping his eye on his goal. When an opportunity presented itself, he slipped out the door. Turningto draw it closed again, he stifled the cry threatening to alert anyone to his escape. At the subtle click of the latch engaging, he released the doorknob and swiped a hand across his cheek.

It was then he realized he’d left Scott behind. He was still on the couch with Fauna. He closed his eyes briefly. It was for the best. Perhaps knowing Lori had Scott would let Blake feel as if he had a tiny part of her left in his life though he knew he’d never belong to her family. It hurt his heart to think she might come to hate him, but he knew she’d find solace in her newly returned Auntie’s—no, her Mommy’s—arms.

The thought of his Mommy almost made him reach for the doorknob again. She’d given him so much. Had loved him when he thought himself unlovable. Had comforted him when he’d cried out in fear and anguish and held him when he’d cried out in joy and bliss. She was the most incredible woman he’d ever known and he knew she’d miss him at first, but she’d also forgive him as she always had.

“Bye, Mommy,” he whispered, touching the door a final time before turning away. This time he wasn’t running when he descended the stairs. Didn’t scream when he crossed the white-marble floor of the hallway that had always made him feel safe. He didn’t slam the door open to race outside. Blake gave one last look toward the Butterfly Room and thought of the friends inside even now. He would miss Everly and her stuffy, Peggy. The yellow chick in her princess dress often played with Scott when their Littles were engaged in coloring or building towers from Legos for the stuffies to live in. He’d made a lot of friends while here, but knew they’d be fine without him. Perhaps one of those Littles could become the sister Lori had wished for. They’d be lucky if they were chosen.

He pulled the door closed behind him, and just as he had when he’d sold his car after reaching Nevada and deciding driving wasn’t working to clear his mind, he started walking.



She’d never felt happier in her entire life. It was over. There was no longer a need to think about the past. Her Auntie B—no, that had been Barbara.Laurenhad had an Auntie.Lori, though, Lori had something better, she had a Mommy and a brother! She looked around the room but didn’t see him. Perhaps he’d gone to use the bathroom.

“I’m so glad…”

Lori waited for Sadie to continue but instead, the Little threw her arms around Lori and hugged her, pulling her into the happy dance they’d shared in her room the night before. Had it really been only last night?

“I’m glad too,” Lori said, returning the hug, accepting the unspoken words as being those of a true friend.

Like magnets to steel, their circle grew larger as other Littles joined them until all her friends were twirling around and around. When dizziness began to overtake joy, or perhaps it was nausea reminding them that eating too many cookies and drinking too much cocoa after the intense story they’d sharedwasn’t such a good idea, the twirling gradually slowed and then came to a complete stop.

Lori pressed her hand to her tummy. “Whew, no more dancing, okay?”

“Okay,” her friends chorused.

It was the sound of their combined voices that reminded Lori someone was missing. Despite her dizziness, she looked around the room again. “Where’s Blake?”

“He’s over there,” Haven said, pointing to the last place she’d seen him. “Oh, I guess he moved?”

They all looked around and when it was clear that Blake was nowhere to be seen, Lori went to tug on her Daddy’s hand.

“What is it, sweetpea?”

“I can’t find Blake.”

Her Daddy turning to glance around the room drew her Mommy’s attention.

“What is it? Oh my, Li’l Bit, you’re looking a little green around the gills. Do you need to go to the bathroom?” Beverly asked.

“No, oh, yes. I mean, we have to go see if Blake is in the bathroom!”

“Pumpkin, if he is, I’m sure he’ll be right back.”

“No! It’s taking too long! We have to go now! Daddy?—”

“Lori, there is no need to shout. I’m sure he’s?—”