Hazel eyes flashed behind the lens of a pair of tortoiseshell glasses. “Oh, I wasn’t aware you’d returned to college to earn your medical degree.”
“I didn’t, I’m just saying?—”
“That’s what I thought. Now, back to the examination. Don’t swallow any story about how fine they feel. You’ll need to make sure to look at every inch. Any questions?”
Helping was one thing. Being bossed about was something else entirely. “Just one.”
When he didn’t continue, Beverly paused in soaking her own cloth and turned to look at him. “Well? Are you going to ask it or am I supposed to read your mind?”
Gordon heard both Littles inhale and caught them looking between him and Beverly as if watching a tennis tournament. If there was one thing he knew with absolute certainty, it was that if he screwed this up, they would be swept away by a tsunami of awkwardness.
Instead of answering her, he turned to the Littles. “If you’ll excuse us a moment?”
Two blonde heads bobbed, eyes wide as Gordon plucked the cloth from Beverly’s hand, took the bowl from her and set it on the tray along with his. When she simply gaped at him, he took her arm and led her to the next bed. Giving Lori and Blake another look, he said, “Stay right where you are. Blake, please make sure your sister doesn’t wiggle off the bed.”
“Yes, Sir,” Blake said as both his and Lori’s eyes followed his hand when it lifted to pull the curtain between the beds closed.
Lori’s “Wow” was answered by Blake’s “Double wow.”
Gordon grinned at the exclamations of the Littles before turning his attention to the woman who stood with her hands on her hips. “What do you think you’re doing?” she hissed.
“Trying to save you the embarrassment of having our Little eavesdroppers watch me smack your bottom,” Gordon said without hesitation.
“I see you now wear glasses. But since there are no plugs in your ears, I’m assuming your hearing is still good.”
“My hearing is just fine, but you can’t threaten to?—”
“Spank you?”
Beverly’s cheeks began to turn pink as she sputtered, “You… you wouldn’t dare!”
“I’d think you would be a bit too young for senility to begin setting in. It may be almost five years since we’ve been together, but I rather doubt you’ve forgotten?—”
“I’m not the least bit senile, Gordon Sheffield, and you know it! I meant, you can’t!”
“Do you also have a Big responsible for you?”
“Of course not, there’s been no Dom since you.”
Leaning closer, Gordon calmly said, “In that case, do I really need to remind you that unless you safeword, not onlycanI, but I’m going to do exactly that. The only question is if I’m going to need to remove my belt as well.”
Beverly’s mouth opened and closed several times as her face flushed. She could fuss all she wanted, but Gordon knew this woman. He knew the way her pupils dilated and knew that beneath that cute little uniform of her profession, her nipples were already puckering tightly. He knew how her skin pebbled when he ran his tongue across it, and he’d never forget how lovely her ass looked when he’d bared it and applied his hand and more to her pale flesh. Hell, he even knew that at any moment her eyes would drop to glance at his waist…
The moment they did, he had to bite back a grin. The Domme in front of him was fading away as the submissive inside Beverly remembered exactly how this was going to go.
When her eyes lifted, the blush deepened at being caught staring at the buckle of his belt. “They… they’ll hear,” she whispered.
He followed her gaze as she looked toward the curtain where the light on the other side assured the silhouettes of Blake and Lori were clearly displayed against the white fabric. If he wasn’t mistaken, the two had not only moved closer together, they had turned to face the curtain and were leaning forward as if watching a scene from one of their favorite shows unfold. Well,didn’t they say the most memorable films were based on true stories?
Gordon took Beverly’s arm and turned her to face him. “Bev, think carefully. Do you see us becoming a family, all of us together?”
Beverly respected him and the question enough to give it some thought. She looked from him to the curtain, and when she lifted her face to his, her smile reflected her answer. “I not only see that, I want it with all my heart.”
“I do as well. So, yes, they will hear, and they’ll understand that while they will obey you with my unwavering support, you, Bev, will obey me. I might be Lori’s Daddy, but you need to remember I am stillyourDom.”
Gordon released her arm and stepped back. He’d made his serve and the ball was in her court. It was up to her how the match ended.