“Let’s see how good I am at giving baths,” he said, and reached for a washcloth.
By the time they’d bathed and he’d dried and brushed out her hair, Lori was in mid-yawn when he scooped her up and carried her into the bedroom.
“You forgot my jammies,” she said.
“Little birdies don’t wear jammies,” he returned, tossing her through the air and onto the middle of his bed.
Screeching, she broke out into giggles as she bounced before coming to a stop. “You made me fly!”
“Babygirl, I plan on doing a lot more than making you fly,” Gordon said with a leer as he tugged off the towel he’d wrapped around his waist.
Lori’s eyes dropped to his cock and she smiled. Tugging down the covers, she scrambled beneath them, patting the space beside her. Looking up, she smiled. “What are you going to make me do, Daddy?”
“How about we start with seeing how many times I can make you come?”
All signs of sleepiness disappeared as she opened her arms.
It had been late when they’d gotten into bed, and much, much later by the time they’d fallen into an exhausted sleep. She’d lost count after the third time her Daddy had made her come, she only remembered the taste of herself on his lips when she’d kissed him before he began round four.
Another glance around the room still didn’t result in her finding a clock. Didn’t hotels have clocks in the rooms? She was worried they were going to be late.
“What time is it?”
“It’s exactly two minutes later than the last time you asked. Now, do your yoga thing and be a pretzel, sit still, and meditate unless you want your hair to look like Fauna did it,” Gordon said when he undid the band around a wonky pigtail for the third time.
Lori most certainly didn’t want that so she pulled her legs in to her core, folded one ankle over the other, placed her wrists on her thighs and lightly pressed her thumb and pointer fingerstogether. Looking up, she said, “I’m a lotus flower, Daddy, not a pretzel.”
“And a very adorable flower at that, but you tend to forget that neither pretzels nor flowers squirm or speak.” He bopped his fingertip against her nose.
“Oh, right.” Lowering her head, she stared straight ahead, concentrating on not moving a single muscle. She’d learned to meditate after she’d come to live with her Daddy and Auntie B. That and the therapy they’d insisted she needed were meant to help her deal with the anxieties that were never far away. She usually found peace in the practice, but today, her mind was whirling with all she wanted to do and see. Her head began to feel light and her chest started to ache…
“Little flower, you can breathe, just don’t squirm.”
With a loud exhale, she released the breath she’d been holding. “I forgot,” she said after inhaling deeply a few times.
“I do believe Fauna will be proud, don’t you?”
Lori looked at her reflection in the hand mirror her Daddy held up. Two long lengths of blonde curls were perfectly balanced on either side of her head. As a tribute to her new friend, Lori had insisted on two different colored ribbons. One was white and the other pink and matched the pink-and-white striped dress she was wearing.
“They’re perfect, thanks, Daddy!”
“You’re welcome, sweetpea.” Gordon dropped a kiss on top of her head before announcing, “You’re free to wiggle–” His words were cut off with the buzzing of a bell.
“That’s Sadie!”
Her attempt to spring up like a graceful gazelle was thwarted when her folded legs tangled together in her haste to jump off the ottoman and get to the door. She’d come within an inch of face planting on the floor before she was caught and lifted into her Daddy’s arms.
“Guess you forgot you need your legs to walk as well?”
“No I don’t, Daddy, not when I have you.” She pointed to the door. “Fly me over there, please.”
At the door, he swooped her down to the doorknob and she twisted it open to reveal their visitor was indeed Sadie. “Hi!” Lori managed before her Daddy swept her up into the air before lowering her to her feet.
“Wow, that’s the best door answering I’ve ever seen.” Sadie smiled and held out her hand. “Ready for breakfast?”