He wanted to think it was because she liked him, but it was actually because she wanted to protect Dani and Camila from any blowback.

That poor kid.

Camila had experienced so much trauma. He trusted Dina would take care of her, get her therapy and whatever else she needed to heal, but it would take a long time. A teenage girl didn’t just get over seeing her grandmother and father murdered or having a gun held to her head. She’d been further traumatized by the intense interrogation of the PFM inspectors.

A knock at the door drew him away from his troubled thoughts. He rose on tired legs and crossed the room, his footsteps muffled by the antique rug. He opened the door expecting to find Beto or Lola, but it was Dina waiting for him.

She stood there in leggings and an oversized sweatshirt, her left shoulder bare. The hair she normally styled in a sleek no-nonsense way fell around her shoulders in loose curls. There wasn’t a hint of makeup on her face or a single piece of jewelry anywhere.

He would always love seeing her dolled up in expensive clothes with flashy gold jewelry and strawberry-red lipstick, but there was something alluring about seeing her like this. Natural. Comfortable. Vulnerable.

“Can I come inside?” she asked, her voice soft and uncertain.

“Of course.” He stepped aside and let her walk by him before closing the door. Uncertain what she wanted, he leaned back against the door and watched her. She moved around the room without purpose, touching a chair, running her fingers over the exquisitely tiled fireplace surround. She seemed nervous, and he couldn’t figure out why.

“I’ve missed you,” he confessed suddenly. The words came rushing out and seemed to shock her as much as they did him.

She whirled around, her expression one of confusion and amusement. “I’ve been right here.”

“You’ve been within arm’s reach since we left the ruins, but you’ve been untouchable.”

“That’s a very poetic way of putting it.” She took a tentative step toward him. “You really are a romantic at heart.”

“With you,” he said, his voice rough. “You make it so easy to be honest.”

“Steve,” she whispered. “I want...” She stopped and bit her lower lip. “I want...”

“I know.” He didn’t need her to say the words. He didn’t need her to say anything. This wasn’t a time for talking. It was a time for doing.

Carefully, giving her time to reject him, he slipped his arms around her waist and gently tugged her into his embrace. She came willingly, floating across the small distance until her head rested against his chest. She wound her arms around him, locking them behind his back.

For a long time, they stood like that, just holding each other. It felt so damn good. Soothing. Invigorating. He was certain she hadn’t slept much more than he had. They were both exhausted and desperate for sleep.

But right now?

Right now, they needed something else even more.

The first kiss set off an explosion of pent-up lust. After all the denial, he couldn’t get enough of her. Cupping her face, he claimed her mouth again and again, each kiss more erotic than the last. Not wanting to be interrupted, he carefully walked her backward just enough to reach the lock on the door.

“Can’t be too careful in this house,” he said in between kisses.

“Boundaries aren’t our strong suit,” she agreed before practically climbing him like a tree. He laughed and barely managed to stay upright as she wrapped her thick thighs around his waist. He hoisted her up, grasping her ass in both hands, and stumbled toward the bed. They clumsily fell onto it, laughing and smiling as they struggled to find their balance.

“I haven’t stopped dreaming about you since you left me,” he confessed. There didn’t seem to be any point in holding back now. He had a feeling he would be walking out of this house alone. “You don’t know how many times I nearly bought a ticket down here.”

“I came up with fake reasons to travel to Dallas again,” she admitted, her face flushed. “I just didn’t know what I’d say if I managed to track you down again.”

“Take me to bed?” he suggested before tugging her oversized sweater up and over her head. “Do dirty, filthy things to me until we’re both exhausted and dehydrated?”

She gasped as he nibbled her neck, right there at the sensitive curve. “I guess that would have worked.” She gasped again. “Help me get these stupid leggings off!”

He bit back laughter at her sudden impatience and did as she asked. It didn’t take them long to undress. He reveled in the silky heat of her bare skin against his as they writhed atop the bed. She mewled needily, and he lowered his mouth to her breast, teething her peaked nipple and laving it after a soft bite.

He wanted to spend the rest of his life with this woman, discovering all the things that made her cry out with passion. He wanted to explore every last inch of her body with his hands and mouth. He wanted to mark her, own her, keep her.

She’s not ready for that.

She might not ever be, not after what she’d been through, and he had no other choice but to accept what she could give him. Even if it was only tonight.